
Record Level: Student by year by collection by program 
Record Count: approx. 13,500 students per collection per year 
Years Covered: School Year 2013 - Present 
Population Coverage: Student participants in state-funded Early On services

The Early On and Early Childhood Special Education researcher file contain longitudinal student-level program data reported in the MSDS General collection. Available data reflect information about Early On program participation and services received under Early On. Early On data is obtained in 3 separate collections: fall, spring and year. Data is available for a student during each year in which they were enrolled in an Early On program.

In the case of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services, the universe for this data is children who receive referrals for ECSE and for whom parents consent to be evaluated. This includes all cases even if the child is found to be ineligible for ECSE. For Early On, on other hand, the universe is children who are found eligible for services upon evaluation. For Early On, therefore, the results of initial evaluation are only reported for eligible children – eligible for Early On and/or Michigan Mandatory Special Education.

If you are new to these programs, please review our Early On & Special Education Services Primer.

Program Eligibility

Available data include information on the area of developmental delay of the established condition identified on the IFSP based on which eligibility is determined, and the school and district codes.

Program Enrollment

The service code variable provides the code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. The Service codes and program codes address the question, “What is being done to address the child’s situation?” and “What services or programs are included in the IFSP or IEP to address the child’s identified needs?”. Note that, the IFSP in Early On or MMSE, and the IEP in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programe are the documents that specify why the child is eligible and what services will be provided.

Program participation is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. In general, disability codes address the question, “Why does this child need special services?” or “Based on what criteria was the child found eligible?”. Note that, in the State’s longitudinal data system, Early On ECSE have different names for the fields and different codes and definitions for both Eligibility and Service.

Importantly, the student's program enrollment is not required to match his/her impairment. For example, a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program. Information on the primary agency and the setting in which the services are provided is also available (i.e. school, home, etc.) as are the start of date of the IFSP, start date of service, type of service provided, exit date and the reason for exit are also available.

The implementation of these programs in Michigan is somewhat unique. The Federal IDEA regulations have Part C ages birth-3 and Part B (which includes ECSE) as ages 3-21. Michigan Mandatory Special Education was established prior to the federal law, and provides for services ages birth through 26. To fit both of these together in Michigan, a child may only receive funded services in one of Early On or ECSE at any point in time. Students may receive both Early On and MMSE services, and almost always MMSE students (who have a higher need) will receive Early On services. The only reason they wouldn’t is if parents opt out of Early On to just receive the MMSE services. However, Early On does not only provide services to MMSE eligible services, and Early On does not provide MMSE services. At age 3, the Early On child eligible for MMSE must move to ECSE to receive those services. Between the ages of 30 and 36 months, the family and the service area can decide to move a child from MMSE to ECSE for additional services. The ECSE IEP must be held on or after the Early On Exit Date; otherwise the “special education” services are considered to be MMSE services until the child exits from Early On.

Early On Assessments

Data on three types of assessments are available: Initial IFSP, Early on / MMSE and Early Childhood Special Education.

Initial IFSP

The following information related to the IFSP is available:

  • Name of the type of agency that notified the responsible agency the child may potentially be eligible for Early On and/or Early Childhood Special Education services (e.g. physician’s office, childcare worker, family member, etc.)
  • The date the lead agency or Education Information System (EIS) provider receives the referral of the child from the responsible agency
  • The result of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) eligibility determination.
  • Whether the IFSP was completed within the required timeline

Early On and MMSE

Child outcomes assessments are required to be completed when the child enters Early On services, annually while the child is receiving services, and upon exit from Early On.

For assessments related to Early On the following information is available: date of the assessment (ASSESSMENT_DATE), the name of the comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the child's assessment (DATA_SOURCE_NAME and ASSESSMENT_TYPE_NAME), and parent input about the child outcomes rating (PARENT_INPUT_NAME).

The following information related to the assessment outcomes is available:

  • Child's assessment rating for positive social relationships (SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIPS_NAME).
  • Child’s assessment for acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (variable: KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_NAME).
  • Child's assessment rating on the ability to take appropriate actions to meet his/her needs (variable: ACTION_NAME).

In addition to annual and exit assessments, a flag for whether the child showed any new skill or behaviors related to the above three outcomes given the last assessment is also available.

Early Childhood Special Education 
While most of the dataset covers Early On, the ECSE assessment variables are are also present. They include ASSESSMENT_TOOL_NAME/CODE, and the "OUTCOME" suite of variables. The following dates are available: (1) date the child was assessed for entry into the ECSE program and, (2) the date the child was assessed upon their exit from ECSE in the ENTRY_ASSESSMENT_DATE and EXIT_ASSESSMENT_DATE variables, respectively.

Children are assessed on three areas:

  • Social Emotional Skills: To what extent the child shows age-appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations (variable: OUTCOME_1A_CODE).
  • Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills: To what extent the child shows age appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations (variable: OUTCOME_2A_CODE).
  • Taking Appropriate Action to meet Needs: To what extent the child shows age appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations (variable: OUTCOME_3A_CODE).

Information on how the child performs on each of these is available. In addition, a flag indicating whether the child has acquired new skills since their last assessment is also available for each of the three areas.


Showing 601 - 700 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ADDITIONAL_ELIGIBILITY_FACTORS Description: 

Added in 2017-2018 Year Data: Additional factors used to determine a child’s eligibility for a Great Start Readiness Program.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_METHOD_NAME Description: 

The name of the type of location where the child attends the reported program or receives early childhood services.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_END_DATE Description: 

The date (month, day and year) the child last participated in a program or received services through the reported early childhood program. Note where Program Start Date = Program End date typically indicates a correction in submission and these records are normally filtered out.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME Description: 

The state-assigned entity name identifying the entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_CODE Description: 

The category code to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROVIDER_LICENSE_NUMBER Description: 

The license number assigned to the location a child receives early childhood services. License numbers are alphanumeric codes that are unique to each provider, as assigned by Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Tribal programs not licensed by the state may use a 14-digit code assigned by the Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC) instead.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE2 Description: 

Refer to definition of Fiscal_Entity_Code. Fiscal_Entity_Code2 identifies thesecond entity receiving funding for blended programs.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME2 Description: 

The state-assigned entity name identifying the second fiscal entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: QUALIFYING_FACTORS Description: 

Added in 2017-2018 Year Data: A list of qualifying factors considered at the time child eligibility was determined for a Great Start Readiness Program. Qualifying factors are those which automatically prioritize a child for enrollment in GSRP.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_NAME Description: 

The name of the primary schedule followed by the child for this program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_CODE Description: 

The primary reason code for the child leaving the reported early childhood program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_NAME Description: 

The name of the early childhood program or service provided to the child.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_ENTRY_DATE Description: 

The year, month and day of the first enrollment at the institution.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_CONTROL Description: 

Designates whether an IHE is publicly or privately controlled.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_READING_SESSION Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial reading courses were taken during the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_RESIDENCY_STATUS Description: 

A student’s residency status for tuition purposes.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING_SESSION Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial writing courses were taken during the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_INSTATE_OUTSTATE Description: 

Designates whether an IHE is in Michigan or not in Michigan.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED_SESSION Description: 

Sum Total of STARR Credits Attempted and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, during a session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SESSION Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether remedial courses of any type were taken during the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_GPA_TERM Description: 

The grade point average (GPA) for the respective academic session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_GPA_CUM Description: 

The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for all courses taken at the IHE by the end of the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: STUDENT_LEVEL_CODE Description: 

The level of education the student is working toward during the academic session. (NO LONGER COLLECTED as of 2017-18).

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_INSTATE_CUM Description: 

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all Michigan institutions the student has attended.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_4YR_CUM Description: 

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all 4 year institutions the student has attended.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_TOTAL_CREDITS Description: 

Total (cumulative) credits earned at an IHE according to STARR data only.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE_SESSION Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial science courses were taken during the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: STUDENT_HOME_STATE Description: 

The name of the student's legal home permanent state or province.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_LEAVE_OF_ABSENCE Description: 

Indicator of whether ALL courses in a specific session had an enrollment status of ‘Leave of Absence’.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_ESL_SESSION Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial English as a Second Language (ESL) courses were taken during the session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLMENT_LEVEL Description: 

The student's enrollment level (undergraduate or graduate) at the IHE.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_PRIVATE_CUM Description: 

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all private institutions the student has attended.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FULL_TIME_30 Description: 

An indicator of whether or not a student is a full time student using 30 attempted credits per academic school year as the metric.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_CC_SEEKING_TRNSFR_TO_4YR Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student is enrolled at a community college with the intention of transferring to a 4-year institution only.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_OUTSTATE_CUM Description: 

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all out of state institutions the student has attended.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FOR_PROFIT_IHE Description: 

Y/N field that designates whether an IHE operates on a for-profit basis.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_PELL_STATUS Description: 

A value that indicates whether or not the student was eligible for or received a Pell Grant for the academic session.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_HIGH_SCHOOL_STUDENT Description: 

An indication of high school student status; options are: Not High School Student, Dual Enrolled, Concurrent Enrollment, Early Middle College, and Other High School Student

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_CTE_STATUS Description: 

A value that indicates a student's status of enrollment and completion in occupational programs as identified by CIP Code, occupational specialty courses, or general occupational courses or apprenticeship-related instruction.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FALL_TOTAL_FTE Description: 

GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS_NAME Description: 

Descriptive name which correlates to student's exit status.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: COUNT_DAYS_IN_BUILDING Description: 

The number of fall and spring collection in which a student was submitted in the MSDS in the building as continuing, regardless of FTE.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_NON_RESIDENT Description: 

Indicates the student was attending the school as a non-resident during at least one of the collection periods in the school year.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS_CODE Description: 

Code which correlates to the student's exit status.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FALL_PRIMARY Description: 

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the fall time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled as a public school student (residency code)--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one record, most often the record from the PEPE (see Technical Notes). Missing values indicate the student was not reported in this entity in the Fall.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FIRST_PRIMARY Description: 

Indicates the record from the first primary school seen for the student for the school year (IS_FALL_PRIMARY over IS_SPRING_PRIMARY over IS_EOY_PRIMARY).

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS Description: 

The student's current enrollment status description with the operating district or primary reason the student is no longer enrolled in the school district.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_IEP_PLACED_ANOTHER_DISTRICT Description: 

Indicates when the student, as stipulated in his/her current IEP, participates in a center program, a cooperative-agreement program designed specifically for special education students or a cross-district special education program.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DAYS_POSSIBLE Description: 

The total number of days that education services were available to the student. This is a cumulative number, from the first day the student could have attended (i.e. the first day of the school year, the date of new enrollment, or the beginning of a program [e.g., summer school]) through the last day of attendance (last day of school year, enrollment or program). For additional information about enrollment refer to the characteristic Enrollment Date in the Enrollment component.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: LEP_REENTRY_DATE Description: 

The date (month, day, and year) that the student was became re-engaged in either a Limited English Proficient (LEP) or an English as a Second Language (ESL) program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLMENT_DATE Description: 

The Enrollment Date from the CohortHistory record.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_DATE Description: 

The month, day and year of the first day after the date a student last participated in special education programs or services because of the reason reported in Special Education Exit Reason.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SCHOOL_LOCALE Description: 

A measure of a school's geographic status on an urban continuum that ranges from "large city" to "rural" as determined by NCES.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_START_DATE Description: 

The date (month, day and year) the child first participated in a program or received services through the reported early childhood program. Note where Program Start Date = Program End date typically indicates a correction in submission and these records are normally filtered out.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_REASON Description: 

The reason the student is no longer participating in special education programs or services.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_SPRING_PRIMARY Description: 

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the spring time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled for that time period as a public school student (residency code)--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one, most often the record from the PEPE (see Technical Notes). Missing values indicate the student was not reported in this entity in the Spring.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: LEP_EXIT_DATE Description: 

The date (month, day, and year) that the student was no longer engaged in either an LEP or an ESL program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENTITY_TYPE Description: 

Labels the entity by type (e.g., ISD School, LEA Unique Education Provider, Nonpublic School, College/University, etc.)

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_MOST_PRIMARY Description: 

Indicates the primary record according to which school was the student's primary school for the most collection periods (fall, spring, end of year). If no school was the primary school for 2 or more periods, then this flag is assigned to the first primary school of the school year.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_DATE Description: 

The Exit Date from the CohortHistory record.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_EOY_PRIMARY Description: 

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the end-of-year time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled for that time period as a public school student (residency code) OR was a graduating student--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one, most often the record with the most recent As Of Date.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DAYS_ATTENDED Description: 

The total number of days that the student actually attended or received educational services.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_SCHOOL_OF_CHOICE Description: 

Indicates the student was attending the school as a non-resident and using the Section 105 Schools of Choice option during at least one of the collection periods in the school year.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPRING_TOTAL_FTE Description: 

GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FALL_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE Description: 

Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPRING_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE Description: 

Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_NAME Description: 

The primary reason name for the child leaving the reported early childhood program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_CODE Description: 

The code for the early childhood program or service provided to the child.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned entity code identifying the entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME Description: 

The category name to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_CODE Description: 

The code for the primary schedule followed by the child for this program or service.

Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: COUNT_DAYS_IN_DISTRICT Description: 

The number of fall and spring collections in which a student was submitted in the MSDS in the district as continuing, regardless of FTE.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: COURT_ORDERED_FACILITY Description: 

Facilities that solely serve neglected and/or delinquent children and youth as defined by Title I, Part D.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: DROPOUT Description: 

Indicates if the student was a Dropout for graduation cohort purposes.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: EXEMPT Description: 

Indicates if the student is Exempt for graduation rate purposes.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: IS_SCHOOL_NONPUBLIC Description: 

Indicates if the graduating school is non-public.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: FIVE_YEAR Description: 

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 5 years.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: SIX_YEAR Description: 

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 6 years.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: FOUR_YEAR Description: 

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 4 years.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: IS_EMC_PROGRAM Description: 

Indicates that the student is enrolled in a Early Middle College program.

Category: Graduation Records Variable: OFFTRACK Description: 

Indicates if the student's expected graduation date or graduation date is later than their cohort year.

Category: K12 Building Variable: COUNTY_NAME Description: 

The name of the county.

Category: K12 Building Variable: COUNTY_CODE Description: 

The official state-assigned two-digit code denoting the county location of the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CONTRACTOR_STATUS Description: 

The profit status of the management organization associated with the PSA. For-profit management organizations are called EMOs and non-profit management organizations are called CMOs. These organizations provide managerial services to a district.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CONTACT_PHONE Description: 

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Phone number

Category: K12 Building Variable: CYBER_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction for a cyber school virtual school setting.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CAREER_TECH_ED Description: 

Flag denoting a school that focuses primarily on providing secondary students with an occupationally relevant or career-related curriculum, including formal preparation for vocational, technical or professional occupations.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_12_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Twelfth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CONTACT_LAST_NAME Description: 

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Last Name

Category: K12 Building Variable: CONTACT_FIRST_NAME Description: 

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals First Name

Category: K12 Building Variable: CONTACT_EMAIL Description: 

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Email

Category: K12 Building Variable: COMM_ELIG_OPTION Description: 

Flag denoting if this entity has the Community Eligibility Provision. The Community Eligibility Provision provides schools in high-poverty areas a means of sharing with USDA the cost of providing free breakfast and lunch to all students without applications.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHARTERING_ORG_NAME Description: 

Name of the charter authorizer for the PSA district.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHARTERING_ORG_CODE Description: 

Code of the charter authorizer for the PSA district.

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHARTER_AUTHORIZER_TYPE Description: 

The entity type for the chartering authorizer (i.e. district, ISD, and higher education institution).

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHART_ORG_PHYS_ZIP Description: 

Chartering org physical address ZIP

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHART_ORG_PHYS_CITY Description: 

Chartering org physical address City

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHART_ORG_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO Description: 

Chartering org physical address line two

Category: K12 Building Variable: CHART_ORG_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE Description: 

Chartering org physical address line one

Category: K12 Building Variable: PART_TIME_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction for a part time virtual school setting. Retired as of the Fall 2017 EEM collection.