MEDC Codebook

The MEDC codebook contains a comprehensive listing of variables available to researchers with approved projects. During the research application process, you will select groups of variables as identified in the Category column. It is also available as a CSV Download.

Topic Category Variable Description
Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PHYS1GR

Physics 1: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams GOVCOMGR

Comparative Government and Politics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams FRENLTGR

French Literature: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PHYSMGR

Physics C: Mechanics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams BIOLGR

Biology: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PHYSBGR

Physics B: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CPSTNSGR

AP Capstone Seminar: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams MUSICTGR

Music Theory: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ITALGR

Italian Language and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PHYS2GR

Physics 2: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CPSTNRGR

AP Capstone Research: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams HUMGEOGR

Human Geography: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams WDHISTGR

World History: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams GERLAGR

German Language and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ENGLITGR

English Literature and Composition: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ARTHISGR

Art History: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ECONMIGR

Microeconomics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ENGLANGR

English Language and Composition: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CHEMGR

Chemistry: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams STATGR

Statistics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams COMSCBGR

Computer Science B: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams JAPANGR

Japanese Language and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams COMSCAGR

Computer Science A: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ART3DGR

Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams SPANLTGR

Spanish Literature and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PSYCHGR

Psychology: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ENVSCIGR

Environmental Science: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CALCBCGR

Calculus BC: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ARTSTDGR

Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams USHISTGR

United States History: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams EURHISGR

European History: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams GOVUSGR

United States Government and Politics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams PHYSEMGR

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams LATINVGR

Latin Vergil: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams SPANLAGR

Spanish Language: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams COMSCPGR

Computer Science Principles: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ECONMAGR

Macroeconomics: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CALCABGR

Calculus AB: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams ARTST2GR

Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams FRNLANGR

French Language and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams CHINESGR

Chinese Language and Culture: Exam Score

Assessment Advanced Placement Exams LATINCGR

Latin: Exam Score


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the EEM, which identifies the building in which the student learned the testing material.

Assessment All RIC

The unique student identifier denoting a single student throughout their educational career in Michigan. Research Identification Code.

Assessment All TEST_CYCLE_ID

The number identifier that represents the test, season and year combination of the assessment.


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district the student was tested at and which is responsible for providing education to the reported student.


The five-digit code as assigned to the building the student was tested at in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Otherwise known as Building.

Assessment All SCHOOL_YEAR

School Year of the data collection.

Assessment All GRADE

The grade level of the student enrolled.

Assessment All TEST_CYCLE_NAME

The name that represents the test, season and year combination of the assessment.

Assessment All ASSESSMENT

The assessment the student participated in.

Assessment All TESTED_GRADE

The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.

Assessment All BARCODE

The barcode of the test given.


Flag denoting whether the student was homeschooled at the time of test.


Flag denoting whether the student was attending a private school at the time of test.


Flag denoting if this portion of the assessment was valid.

Assessment All SUBJECT

The subject of the assessment.

Assessment Alternative Assessments WRI_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Alternative Assessments IS_SCHOOL_TESTED_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the school during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Alternative Assessments IS_DISTRICT_TESTED_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the district during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Alternative Assessments ELA_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Alternative Assessments IS_STATE_TESTED_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the state during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Alternative Assessments SCI_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Alternative Assessments MTH_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Alternative Assessments RDG_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Alternative Assessments SOC_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE

1) MI-Access Functional Independence (FI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the High Range of Complexity. 2) MI-Access Supported Independence (SI) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Medium Range of Complexity. 3) MI-Access Participation (P) – For students who have, or function as if they have, a significant cognitive impairment, and whose instruction is most closely aligned to the Essential Elements* and within the Low Range of Complexity.* Essential Elements are specific statements of Knowledge and Skills linked to the grade-level standards.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_PL_RANGE

A distinction which further differentiates whether the student was Low, Mid or High within their designated performance level for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_SS

The scaled score for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_SS

The scaled score for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_RSCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_PL_CHANGE

Performance level change is used to compare student performance from year to year for the reading portion of the assessment . Transition categories are: Significant Decline, Decline, Maintaining, Improvement, or Significant Improvement. Abbreviations are not used in this field, rather the actual descriptions are used.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_SGP_LEVEL_DESC

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_PL

The performance level for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_RSCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_AGP_YRS_PROJ

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_PL_RANGE

A distinction which further differentiates whether the student was Low, Mid or High within their designated performance level for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_SS

The scaled score for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_SGP_LEVEL_DESC

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_PL

The performance level for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_SS

The scaled score for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_PL

The performance level for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_PL

The performance level for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_SGP_LEVEL_DESC

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_AGP_YRS_PROJ

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_AGP_YRS_PROJ

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_SGP_LEVEL_DESC

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_SS

The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_PL

The performance level for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_PL_CHANGE

Performance level change is used to compare student performance from year to year for the mathematics portion of the assessment . Transition categories are: Significant Decline, Decline, Maintaining, Improvement, or Significant Improvement. Abbreviations are not used in this field, rather the actual descriptions are used.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_RSCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_AGP_YRS_PROJ

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_SS

The scaled score for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_PL

The performance level for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_SS_SE

The scaled score standard error for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_RSCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_THETA_SE

The Theta standard error for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score WRI_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SCI_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score ELA_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SOC_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score RDG_OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the reading portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score MTH_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score RSCH_Z_SCORE

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score OVERALL_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_RDG_WRI_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the reading writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_MATH_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_RSCH_Z_SCORE_MATH

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_RSCH_Z_SCORE_ELA

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_MATH_OVERALL_AGP

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Assessment Assessment Score SAT_RDG_WRI_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Assessment English Language Learner SPEAKING_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the speaking portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LITERACY_PL

The performance level for the literacy portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner OVERALL_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the entire assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner OVERALL_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the entire assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner ORAL_SS

The scaled score for the oral portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner COMPREHENSION_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the comprehension portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner SPEAKING_SS

The scaled score for the speaking portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LISTENING_PL

The performance level for the listening portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LITERACY_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the literacy portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner COMPREHENSION_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the comprehension portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner SPEAKING_PL

The performance level for the speaking portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner OVERALL_SS

The scaled score for the entire assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner ORAL_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the oral portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner COMPREHENSION_PL

The performance level for the comprehension portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner SPEAKING_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the speaking portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner COMPREHENSION_SS

The scaled score for the comprehension portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LISTENING_PL_NAME

The performance level name for the listening portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LITERACY_SS

The scaled score for the literacy portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LISTENING_SS

The scaled score for the listening portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner ORAL_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the oral portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LISTENING_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the listening portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner ORAL_PL

The performance level for the oral portion of the assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner OVERALL_PL

The performance level for the entire assessment.

Assessment English Language Learner LITERACY_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the literacy portion of the assessment.

Assessment SAT and ACT SAT_ELA_SCORE

The official SAT score for the English language arts portion.


The official SAT score for the mathematics portion.


The level score for the locating information portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.

Assessment SAT and ACT SAT_ELA_VALID

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the English language arts portion of the assessment.


Indicates whether college/career ready benchmark was met on the Mathematics test.

Assessment SAT and ACT SAT_ELA_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.


The student growth percentile (SGP) abbreviation for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Assessment SAT and ACT SAT_MATH_SGP

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.


A flag denoting whether the ACT scores for a student are considered viable to report to colleges.


The ACT score for the English_writing portion of the assessment.


The ACT score for the science portion of the assessment.


The ACT score for the English portion of the assessment.


The level score for the mathematics portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.


The ACT score for the writing portion of the assessment.


The ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC®) is an assessment-based credential issued at four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Other levels show information about the test, not necessarily credential levels. The NCRC measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations.


The official overall SAT score.


The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the mathematics portion of the assessment.


The ACT score for the math portion of the assessment.


The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the English language arts portion of the assessment.


Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the reading portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)


The scaled score for the reading portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.


The scaled score for the locating information portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.


The level score for the reading portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.


The ACT score for the reading portion of the assessment.


The student growth percentile (SGP) abbreviation for the mathematics portion of the assessment.


Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the mathematics portion of the assessment.


Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the English language arts and mathematics portions of the assessment.


The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.


Indicates whether college/career ready benchmark was met on ELA test


Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the locating information portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)


The composite score ranges from 1 (low) to 36 (high). The Composite score is the average of your four test scores, rounded to the nearest whole number.


Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the mathematics portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Assessment Standard Assessment STATE_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the state during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Standard Assessment SCHOOL_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the school during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Standard Assessment ELA_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the English language arts portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Assessment Standard Assessment MTH_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the mathematics portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Assessment Standard Assessment DISTRICT_FAY

Is the student considered a full academic year (FAY) participant for the district during this year (Y= Yes; N=No; U=Unknown).

Assessment Standard Assessment SOC_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the social studies portion of the assessment.

Assessment Standard Assessment RDG_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the reading portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Assessment Standard Assessment SCI_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the science portion of the assessment.

Assessment Standard Assessment WRI_IS_PROFICIENT

Flag denoting whether the student was proficient on the writing portion of the assessment.

Assessment Testing Accommodations BRAILLE


Assessment Testing Accommodations BRAILLE_TEST_OR_WRITER


Assessment Testing Accommodations REPEAT_TEST_ITEM


Assessment Testing Accommodations READ_ALOUD_LSTNG_RSPNSE_OPN


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_OTHER_ACCOM


Assessment Testing Accommodations AUDIO_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations OTHER_ACCOM_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_READER_ENGLISH


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_DIRECTIONS_NATIVE


Assessment Testing Accommodations BRAILLE_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations REVERSE_CONTRAST


Assessment Testing Accommodations OTHER_APPROVED_ACCOMMODATION


Assessment Testing Accommodations MODIFIED_PRESENTATION_FORMAT


Assessment Testing Accommodations STANDARD


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEST_READ


Assessment Testing Accommodations LARGE_PRINT_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations COLOR_CHOOSER


Assessment Testing Accommodations L1_GLOSSARY


Assessment Testing Accommodations VIDEO_ENGLISH


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEST_READ_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations LARGE_PRINT


Assessment Testing Accommodations AMPLIFICATION_SYSTEM


Assessment Testing Accommodations LARGE_PRINT_BOOKLET


Assessment Testing Accommodations MODIFIED_TEST_DIRECTIONS


Assessment Testing Accommodations SCRIBE_ELA_WRITING


Assessment Testing Accommodations VIDEO


Assessment Testing Accommodations OTHER_ACCOM_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations NOISE_BUFFERS


Assessment Testing Accommodations AUDIO_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_ENGLISH


Assessment Testing Accommodations VISUAL_AIDS


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_OTHER_ACCOM_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations VIDEO_ARABIC


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_DIR_AUDIO


Assessment Testing Accommodations STD_RSPND_BRAILLE


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEST_CONTENT_PROVIDED


Assessment Testing Accommodations CD_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations MODIFIED_RESPONSE_FORMAT


Assessment Testing Accommodations NON_SPANISH_TRANSLATION


Assessment Testing Accommodations REPEAT_ITEM_AUDIO


Assessment Testing Accommodations COMPUTER_ASSISTED


Assessment Testing Accommodations MASKING


Assessment Testing Accommodations SPANISH_TRANSLATION


Assessment Testing Accommodations MULTIDAY


Assessment Testing Accommodations BRAILLE_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_READER_ENG_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations REPEAT_LSTNG_TEST_RSPNSE_OTN


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_READER_ENG_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations ALTERNATE_RESPONSE


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_OTHER_ACCOM_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH


Assessment Testing Accommodations INTERPRETER_SIGN_TST_DIR


Assessment Testing Accommodations EXTEND_SPKG_TST_RSPNSE_TIME


Assessment Testing Accommodations SPEECH_TO_TEXT


Assessment Testing Accommodations CLOSED_CAPTIONING


Assessment Testing Accommodations EXTEND_TESTING_SESSION


Assessment Testing Accommodations OTHER_ACCOM


Assessment Testing Accommodations READER


Assessment Testing Accommodations CONTRASTING_TEXT


Assessment Testing Accommodations OSA_MULTIPLICATION_TABLE

Online Supports and Accommodations (OSA) MULTIPLICATION TABLE

Assessment Testing Accommodations STD_RSPND_ORALLY


Assessment Testing Accommodations CALCULATOR


Assessment Testing Accommodations SCRIBE


Assessment Testing Accommodations ENGLISH_GLOSSARY


Assessment Testing Accommodations WORD_PROCESSOR


Assessment Testing Accommodations STD_RSPND_RECORD_DEVICE


Assessment Testing Accommodations ENGLISH_DICTIONARY


Assessment Testing Accommodations READ_ALOUD_ELA_PASSGES

READ ALOUD - English Language Arts (ELA) PASSAGES

Assessment Testing Accommodations TEST_READ_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations EXTEND_TESTING_TIME


Assessment Testing Accommodations AUDIO


Assessment Testing Accommodations AUDIO_AMP_DEVICE


Assessment Testing Accommodations WORD_PRCESSOR_RSPND_TST_ITEM


Assessment Testing Accommodations STD_ASST_TECH_RSPND_TST_ITEM


Assessment Testing Accommodations LARGE_PRINT_PART_A


Assessment Testing Accommodations MAGNIFCATN_OR_LOW_VISION_AID


Assessment Testing Accommodations MANUAL_CNTL_START_AUDIO_PLAY


Assessment Testing Accommodations VIDEO_SPANISH


Assessment Testing Accommodations CD_PART_B


Assessment Testing Accommodations SETTING_FORMAT


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_NATIVE


Assessment Testing Accommodations THESAURUS


Assessment Testing Accommodations CD


Assessment Testing Accommodations MODIFIED_TIMING_SCHEDULING


Assessment Testing Accommodations ABACUS


Assessment Testing Accommodations READ_ALOUD_TEST_ITEM


Assessment Testing Accommodations DIRECTION_PROVIDED

DIRECTIONS PROVIDED IN American Sign Language (ASL) Or Signed Exact English (SEE) (HUMAN SIGNER)

Assessment Testing Accommodations BILINGUAL_DICTIONARY


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEST_IN_NONSCHL_SETTG


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_DIR_CD


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEXT_TO_SPEECH


Assessment Testing Accommodations TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PASSAGES


Assessment Testing Accommodations SEPERATE_SETTING


Assessment Testing Accommodations LEP_TEST_READER_NATIVE


Assessment Assessment Subscore SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_DESC

The description of the reporting level.

Assessment Assessment Subscore SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_ID

The reporting level identifier value used by MDE.

Assessment Assessment Subscore SUBSCORE_SCALED_SCORE

The scaled score value for this reporting level.

Assessment Assessment Subscore SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_TYPE

The reporting level type. Used as a means of organizing content standards and expectations. Varies by subject.

Assessment Assessment Subscore SUBSCORE_PCT_CORRECT

The number of questions answered correctly divided by the total questions for this reporting level.

Early Childhood All RIC

The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.

Early Childhood All SCHOOL_YEAR

Description of the school year that the data represents.


The state-assigned five- or nine-digit code from EEM of the entity responsiblefor the certification (if applicable) of the collection. Generally, this is theentity receiving funding. It may or may not be the entity that is directlyproviding education services to the student. This field identifies the building entity submitting the record. Note not all children submitted will have a building code, it is optional for community based programs.

Early Childhood All TABLE_ID

Unique key generated to relate records from Main to Programs tables. Note this key was generated for the relationship of these tables and cannot be used with K12 data.

Early Childhood All COLLECTION

Description of the reporting period (school year, fall, spring) that the data represents.


The name, as recorded in EEM, which identifies the district entity submitting the record.


The name assigned to the submitting school building in the official Educational Entity Master.


The state-assigned five- or nine-digit code from EEM of the entity responsiblefor the certification (if applicable) of the collection. Generally, this is theentity receiving funding. It may or may not be the entity that is directlyproviding education services to the student. This field identifies the district entity submitting the record.

Early Childhood All SCHOOL_NAME

The name as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master application. (based in EEM).

Early Childhood All SCHOOL_CODE

The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master application (based in EEM).


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student. It is the district to which any applicable funds (state or federal) will be sent. Otherwise known as the District Code.

Early Childhood All BUILDING_CODE

The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master. Otherwise known as Building Code.


The state-assigned name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student. It is the district to which any applicable funds (state or federal) will be sent. Otherwise known as the District Name.

Early Childhood All BUILDING_NAME

The name as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master. Otherwise known as Building Name.

Early Childhood Demographics RACE

The code representing the most recent reported racial and ethnicity group of the student.

Early Childhood Demographics GENDER

The most recent reported gender of the student.

Early Childhood Demographics RAW_RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE

The ethnicity or race of the student.

Early Childhood Demographics NATIVE_LANGUAGE_CODE

The code of the child's native or first language. The student's primary or native language indicated on the home language survey

Early Childhood Demographics RESIDENT_COUNTY_NAME

The name of the Michigan county in which the student’s primary address is located.

Early Childhood Demographics HOMELESS_STATUS

The status name for the primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless.

Early Childhood Demographics HOMELESS_CODE

The code for the primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless.

Early Childhood Demographics NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME

The name of the child's native or first language. The student's primary or native language indicated on the home language survey

Early Childhood Demographics IS_POVERTY

Flag indicating if the student is economically disadvantaged, based on Migrant, Homeless, Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility and Direct Certification status.

Early Childhood Demographics MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW

The date (month and year only) on which the student was born as it appears on a birth certificate or other legal document presented at the time of enrollment.

Early Childhood Demographics MULTIPLE_BIRTH_ORDER

Indicates that the student is part of a multiple birth where siblings share allunique identifying characteristics. Multiple Birth Order is not intended toidentify every case of twins, triplets, etc., in the state. It is only intended toprovide some distinguishing data element for cases where twins (triplets,etc.) of the same gender have the same or a similar first name. Each studentfrom such a multiple birth is to have a unique number.

Early Childhood Demographics IS_FOSTER_CHILD

Flag indicating if the child has an active record in the recipient table from DHHS, then this field is set to Y. For Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, a flag set to “Y” may indicate either in-home or out-of-home placement of the child.

Early Childhood Demographics IS_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH

Flag indicating if the student is an unaccompanied youth who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and who fits the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless.

Early Childhood Demographics RESIDENT_DISTRICT_NAME

The name for the Local Education Agency (LEA) district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.

Early Childhood Demographics RESIDENT_COUNTY_CODE

The two-digit code assigned to the Michigan county in which the student’s primary address is located.

Early Childhood Demographics RAW_GENDER

Indicates if the student is male or female. Code 'M' indicates the student is male. Code 'F' indicates the student is female.

Early Childhood Demographics ZIP_CODE

The five- or nine-digit ZIP code of the location where the student lives at the time of reporting or the last known code of residence.

Early Childhood Demographics RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE

The five-digit code for the Local Education Agency (LEA) district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.


The Federal Poverty Level (FPL) quintile to which a child belongs based on the records maintained by the program represented by a given record.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_NAME

The primary reason name for the child leaving the reported early childhood program or service.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_CODE

The code for the early childhood program or service provided to the child.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE

The state-assigned entity code identifying the entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME

The category name to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance PROGRAM_START_DATE

The date (month, day and year) the child first participated in a program or received services through the reported early childhood program. Note where Program Start Date = Program End date typically indicates a correction in submission and these records are normally filtered out.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_CODE

The code for the primary schedule followed by the child for this program or service.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_NAME

The name of the early childhood program or service provided to the child.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_CODE

The primary reason code for the child leaving the reported early childhood program or service.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_NAME

The name of the primary schedule followed by the child for this program or service.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance QUALIFYING_FACTORS

Added in 2017-2018 Year Data: A list of qualifying factors considered at the time child eligibility was determined for a Great Start Readiness Program. Qualifying factors are those which automatically prioritize a child for enrollment in GSRP.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME2

The state-assigned entity name identifying the second fiscal entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE2

Refer to definition of Fiscal_Entity_Code. Fiscal_Entity_Code2 identifies thesecond entity receiving funding for blended programs.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance PROVIDER_LICENSE_NUMBER

The license number assigned to the location a child receives early childhood services. License numbers are alphanumeric codes that are unique to each provider, as assigned by Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Tribal programs not licensed by the state may use a 14-digit code assigned by the Early Childhood Investment Corporation (ECIC) instead.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_CODE

The category code to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME

The state-assigned entity name identifying the entity receiving funding directly from the state to provide programs and/or services to the student/child reported.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance PROGRAM_END_DATE

The date (month, day and year) the child last participated in a program or received services through the reported early childhood program. Note where Program Start Date = Program End date typically indicates a correction in submission and these records are normally filtered out.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance DELIVERY_METHOD_NAME

The name of the type of location where the child attends the reported program or receives early childhood services.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance ADDITIONAL_ELIGIBILITY_FACTORS

Added in 2017-2018 Year Data: Additional factors used to determine a child’s eligibility for a Great Start Readiness Program.

Early Childhood Enrollment and Attendance DELIVERY_METHOD_CODE

The code for the type of location where the child attends the reported program or receives early childhood services. This includes School Based, Home Based, and Community Based.

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_HOMELESS_PROGRAM

Flag indicating if the homeless code field has a value greater than 0.

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_ELIGIBLE_FREE_LUNCH

Flag indicating if the student is eligible for free lunch based on being Migrant, Homeless, Direct Cert or Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility (SNE).

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECT_CERT

Flag indicating if the student has an active record in the Direct Certification database provided by DHHS.

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_MIGRANT_ELIGIBLE

Flag indicating if the student was eligible for Migrant services.

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_IMMIGRANT_PROGRAM

Flag indicating if the student participated in an Immigrant program.

Early Childhood Program Participation IS_REDUCED_LUNCH_ELIGIBLE

Flag indicating if the student is eligible for reduced lunch based on Direct Certification through DHHS or Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility (SNE). If the student qualifies for Free Lunch, then the Reduced Lunch Eligible flag will be 'N' regardless of reduced lunch-specific eligibility factors.

Early Childhood Special Education LEA_NOTIFICATION

Part C Indicator 8 B: Notification to the LEA where the toddler resides must occur at least 90 days prior to the toddler's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_8

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_5

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_3

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education INITIAL_IFSP_DATE

The date of the child's initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_3

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education PRIM_SERVICE_SETTING_NAME

The name of the environment in which the majority of the services are being provided to the child.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_4

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_2

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education PART_C_EXIT_REASON_CODE

The reason (Code)given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_5

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education CURRENT_IFSP_DATE

The date of the child's most recent Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). --This data element is consistent with the field Plan Date in MICIS.

Early Childhood Special Education IFSP_TIMELINESS_NAME

The name that indicates if the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) was completed within the required timeline.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_6

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_9

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education REFERRAL_AGENCY

The name of the type of agency that notified the responsible agency the child may potentially be eligible for Part C services.

Early Childhood Special Education TRANSITION_IFSP_TIMELINESS_NAME

Part C Indicator 8 A: Indicate if the transition plan in the IFSP was completed within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Early Childhood Special Education REFERRAL_DATE

The date the lead agency or Education Information System (EIS) provider receives the referral of the child.

Early Childhood Special Education IFSP_TIMELINESS_CODE

The code that indicates if the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) was completed within the required timeline.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_1

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_AS_OF_DATE

The date a new record was entered for a student.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_1

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education PART_C_EXIT_DATE

The date on which the child ceased receiving Part C services. --This data element is consistent with the field Status Date in MICIS.

Early Childhood Special Education PRIM_SERVICE_SETTING_CODE

The code for the environment in which the majority of the services are being provided to the child.

Early Childhood Special Education TRANSITION_CONF_TIMELINESS_NAME

Part C Indicator 8 C: Indicate if the transition IFSP conference was held within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_2

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_5

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_3

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_2

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_10

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_4

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_6

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_4

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_NAME

The name of the Part C Indicator 1: Indicate the service start status for the services identified on the child's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Early Childhood Special Education SEA_NOTIFICATION

Part C Indicator 8 B: Notification to the SEA must occur at least 90 days prior to the toddler's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Early Childhood Special Education START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_CODE

The code for the Part C Indicator 1: Indicate the service start status for the services identified on the child's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_9

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_1

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_7

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_10

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_8

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_NAME

The name that indicates the results of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) eligibility determination.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_7

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_1

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_4

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education TRANSITION_CONF_TIMELINESS_CODE

Part C Indicator 8 C code: Indicate if the transition IFSP conference was held within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Early Childhood Special Education PART_C_EXIT_REASON_NAME

The reason given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.

Early Childhood Special Education TRANSITION_IFSP_TIMELINESS_CODE

Part C Indicator 8 A code: Indicate if the transition plan in the IFSP was completed within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Early Childhood Special Education SERVICE_COORDINATING_AGENCY

The name of the type of agency that is providing service coordination for this child through Part C.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_3

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_2

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_5

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_CODE

The code that indicates the results of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) eligibility determination.

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_8

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_6

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_8

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_6

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_CODE_7

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Special Education EO_SERVICE_NAME_7

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ASSESSMENT_DATE

The date on which the assessment occurred.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment PARENT_INPUT_DATE

The date on which the parent/guardian input regarding the child outcomes rating was collected.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment EXIT_ASSESSMENT_DATE

The date (month, day and year) of the first day when the child was assessed upon his/her exit from early childhood special education.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_CODE

The code for the child's assessment rating for acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ASSESSMENT_TOOL_CODE

The code for the method of determining the child's level of functioning within the three areas assessed: -The initiation of special education service -When they exit from early childhood special education -When they begin kindergarten or within thirty (30) days of their sixth birthday.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment OUTCOME_3A_CODE

The code for Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs: To what extent the child shows age appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ACTION_CODE

The code for the child's assessment rating on the ability to take appropriate actions to meet his/her needs. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment OTHER_SOURCE_COMMENTS

The description of the type of assessment tool used when it is not one of those in the list of values provided in the Data Source characteristic.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment IS_OUTCOME_1B

Flag that indicates of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to positive social and emotional skills (including positive social relationships) since his/her last assessment.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment PARENT_INPUT_CODE

The code that indicates the parent input about the child outcomes rating.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment OUTCOME_2A_CODE

The code for Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills: To what extent the child shows age appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment NEW_KNOWLEDGE_SKILL

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, providers must indicate if the child has shown any new skill or behavior related to acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIPS_CODE

The code for the child's assessment rating for positive social relationships. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ACTION_NAME

The name of the child's assessment rating on the ability to take appropriate actions to meet his/her needs. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ASSESSMENT_TYPE_NAME

The name of the Part C child outcomes assessment which is required to be completed when the child enters Part C Services, annually while the child is receiving services, and upon exit from Part C.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_NAME

The name of the child's assessment rating for acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment DATA_SOURCE_NAME

The name for the comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the child's assessment.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment DATA_SOURCE_CODE

The code for the comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the child's assessment.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ASSESSMENT_TOOL_NAME

The name for the method of determining the child's level of functioning within the three areas assessed: -The initiation of special education service -When they exit from early childhood special education -When they begin kindergarten or within thirty (30) days of their sixth birthday.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment OUTCOME_1A_CODE

The code for the positive social-emotional skills (including social relations): To what extent the child shows age-appropriate functioning, across a variety of settings and situations is reported.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ENTRY_ASSESSMENT_DATE

The month, day and year of the first day when the child was assessed for entry into the early childhood special education program.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment IS_OUTCOME_2B

Flag that indicates the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since his/her last assessment.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment OTHER_TOOL_COMMENTS

The description of the type of assessment tool used, when it is not one of those in the list of values provided in the Assessment Tool characteristic.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIPS_NAME

The name of the child's assessment rating for positive social relationships. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment IS_OUTCOME_3B

Flag that indicates the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since his/her last assessment.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment NEW_ACTION

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, providers must indicate if the child has shown any new skill or behaviors related to taking action to meet his/her needs. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment ASSESSMENT_TYPE_CODE

The code for the Part C child outcomes assessment which is required to be completed when the child enters Part C Services, annually while the child is receiving services, and upon exit from Part C.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment PARENT_INPUT_NAME

The name of the parent input about the child outcomes rating.

Early Childhood Developmental Assessment NEW_SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIP

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, providers must indicate if the child has shown any new skill or behaviors related to positive social relationships. Similar to the Michigan Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF cheat sheet).


The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

K12 Student All SCHOOL_CODE

The entity code assigned to the School or Facility (Building) held accountable for the student's graduation status.


The official district name denoting the district of the entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

K12 Student All SCHOOL_NAME

The official name assigned to the School or Facility (Building) type of entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

K12 Student All SCHOOL_YEAR

The start and end years of the schoolyear that the student attended / received services during the collection used for this record.


The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.


Description of the reporting period (school year, fall, spring) that the data represents.


The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district of the entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

K12 Student All RIC

The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.

K12 Student All START_YEAR

The calendar year in which the school year began.


The academic school year in which the course was completed by the student.


Code associated with the first MSDS Collection in which the student was assigned to a graduation cohort.


Code associated with the collection in which the student was last reported by any district.


First MSDS Collection in which the student was assigned to a graduation cohort.


The collection in which the student was last reported by any district.


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student. Note: This field has a value ONLY for data from General collection or SRM.


The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Note: This field has a value ONLY for data from General collection or SRM, but may be NULL for pre-K special ed.

K12 Student All ISD_NAME

Intermediate school district name (EEM).


Identifies the source of values in the Collection field. That is whether the data was collected during General Collection, Early Childhood, or Student Record Maintenance (SRM) collection.


The state-assigned five- or nine-digit code from EEM of the entity responsible for the certification (if applicable) of the collection. Generally, this is the entity receiving funding. It may or may not be the entity that is directly providing education services to the student. This field identifies the district entity submitting the record. Note: This field has a value ONLY for data from the EC collection.

K12 Student All ISD_CODE

Two digit code representing the intermediate school district, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

K12 Student Census Block COLLECTION

General collection (Fall, Spring, Year) or SRM identifier.

K12 Student Census Block CENSUS_BLOCK

The state code, county code, census tract and census block numbers merged into one field as described in the Notes section on the previous tab.

K12 Student Course Taking LOCAL_COURSE_SECTION_ID

This characteristic is used by educating entities when the Local Course ID alone cannot uniquely identify a given course.

K12 Student Course Taking VIRTUAL_METHOD_NAME

The type of virtual instruction the student is receiving. This could be virtual learning, online learning or computer courses; distance learning; or self-scheduled virtual learning.

K12 Student Course Taking LOCAL_COURSE_ID

The code assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.

K12 Student Course Taking LOCAL_CREDITS_GRANTED

The Carnegie unit of credits granted to a student for completing the course or section of the course being reported. A course meeting every day for one period of the school day over the span of a school year offers one Carnegie unit. Thus, a Carnegie unit is a measure of seat time rather than a measure of attainment of the course objectives. Credit for a given course can vary from school district to school district.

K12 Student Course Taking SUBJECT_COURSE_CODE

The NCES SCED code is a 5-digit code comprised of the 2-digit subject area code and the 3-digit course identifier code of the course in which the student participated at some point during the school year.

K12 Student Course Taking RPIC_1

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. First of up to 3 possible.


The NCES designation identifying the course as either primary (Prior to Secondary) or secondary level.

K12 Student Course Taking LOCAL_COURSE_GRADE

The grade assigned by the educating entities to identify the level of achievement for a particular student course.

K12 Student Course Taking COURSE_TYPE_CODE

The two-digit code for the course type that represents the level and rigor of the instruction provided throughout the reported course.

K12 Student Course Taking LOCAL_COURSE_TITLE

The title assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.

K12 Student Course Taking RPIC_2

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. Second of up to 3 possible.

K12 Student Course Taking RPIC_3

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. Third of up to 3 possible.

K12 Student Course Taking ACADEMIC_SCHOOL_YEAR

The school year in which the data was reported by the district.

K12 Student Course Taking COURSE_FUNDING_CODE

The code for any programs that provide funding to the student course.

K12 Student Course Taking COMPLETION_STATUS_CODE

The standardized code representing a student's final status for the course being reported.

K12 Student Course Taking IS_VIRTUAL_DELIVERY

Flag that indicates whether the student is receiving instruction via a virtual delivery method. This could be virtual learning, online learning or computer courses; distance learning; or self-scheduled virtual learning.

K12 Student Course Taking COLLEGE_CREDIT

The number of college credit hours earned in a dual/concurrent enrollment course that is eligible for Section 64b Incentive funding.

K12 Student Demographics IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT

Indicates whether conflicting gender values have ever been reported for the student.

K12 Student Demographics ZIP_CODE

Zip code associated with the street address of the individual submitted.

K12 Student Demographics RESIDENCY_STATUS_CODE

The code that indicates the student’s residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.


Indicates whether conflicting racial/ethnic category values have ever been reported for the student.

K12 Student Demographics ETHNICITY_CODE_RAW

A unique six-position field using any combination of "0" through "6" in the proper position. Because this is a multipleoccurrence field, the indicator of the code is located by position in the format. The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented with a "1" and the second choice is a "2", etc.

K12 Student Demographics IS_GRADUATED_SY

Indicates student graduated in this school year (SCHOOL_YEAR). This value defaults to No and is set to Yes when there is a graduation record for a given school year.

K12 Student Demographics RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE_RAW

A unique six-position field using any combination of "0" through "6" in the proper position. Because this is a multipleoccurrence field, the indicator of the code is located by position in the format. The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented with a "1" and the second choice is a "2", etc.

K12 Student Demographics MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_STABLE

The latest MSDS-recorded date of birth (month and year only for research data) for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.

K12 Student Demographics IS_MILITARY_CONNECTED

Flag indicating a student has a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty or serves on fulltime National Guard duty.


Flag to identify students who have been determined to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals via locally gathered and approved family applications under the National School Lunch program, are in households receiving food (SNAP) or cash (TANF) assistance, are homeless, are migrant, or are in foster care. When any of these conditions are present, a student is considered Economically Disadvantaged.

K12 Student Demographics IS_COHORT_YEAR_CONFLICT

Indicates whether the student's graduation cohort year assignment has ever changed. Early Middle College participation or re-evaluation of a student's status may have resulted in the changes. Missing values are common and indicate the student is not advanced enough to be assigned a cohort year yet.


Flag indicating the student had a reading deficiency continuing at end-of-year assessment.

K12 Student Demographics STABLE_GRAD_YEAR

The latest recorded graduation year for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset. Missing values are common and indicate student is not due to graduate yet or did not graduate.

K12 Student Demographics GRADE_SY

The student's primary grade/setting as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.)

K12 Student Demographics RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE

The five-digit code for the Local Education Agency (LEA) geographic district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.

K12 Student Demographics STABLE_GENDER

The latest MSDS-recorded gender for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.

K12 Student Demographics GRADUATION_COHORT_YEAR

The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes. Assigned to a student upon being reported in 9th grade for the first time. Usually four years after student is seen in 9th grade unless the student is enrolled at an Early/Middle College. Missing values are common and indicate a student is not advanced enough to be assigned a cohort year yet.

K12 Student Demographics GENDER_RAW

Indicates if the student is male or female. Code 'M' indicates the student is male. Code 'F' indicates the student is female.

K12 Student Demographics GRADE_RAW

The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.


Flag indicating the student had a reading deficiency identified at the beginning of year (or after enrollment).

K12 Student Demographics PRIMARY_LEP_LANGUAGE_SY

The student's native language selected by CEPI for federal reporting when multiple districts/schools report the student. See LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_1, etc. for other languages.


The student's primary disability as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (Primary disability identified on the student's IEP as defined by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE).

K12 Student Demographics PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_CODE_RAW

The name of the location or facility type where the student participates in special education programs or services. Codes are categorized by student age.

K12 Student Demographics STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC

The latest MSDS-recorded racial/ethnic category for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.


Indicates whether conflicting date of birth values have ever been reported for the student.


The primary disability code identified on the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) as defined by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE).

K12 Student Demographics MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW

The date (month and year only for research data) on which the student was born as it appears on a birth certificate or other legal document presented at the time of enrollment.

K12 Student Demographics PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_SY

The student's primary educational setting for special education as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (The location or facility type where the student participates in special education programs or services.)

K12 Student Demographics ETHNICITY_RACE

The ethnicity or race of the student.

K12 Student Demographics GENDER

The reported gender of the student.

K12 Student Demographics RESIDENCY_CODE

The code for the student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.

K12 Student Demographics LEP

Indicates if the student has limited English proficiency.

K12 Student Demographics COHORT_STATUS_CODE

The code of the category assigned to a high school student based on grade and exit status. Used for grad/drop calculations.

K12 Student Demographics COHORT_STATUS_NAME

The name of the category assigned to a high school student based on grade and exit status. Used for grad/drop calculations.

K12 Student Demographics RESIDENCY_NAME

The student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.

K12 Student Demographics COHORT_YEAR

The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes. Assigned to a student upon being reported in 9th grade for the first time. Usually four years after student is seen in 9th grade unless the student is enrolled at an Early/Middle College.

K12 Student Demographics GRADE

The grade of the student.


Indicates if the student is economically disadvantaged.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_3

The name of the third incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_CODE_3

The code that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the third disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_3

The third reported code for the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_CODE_2

The code that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the second disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_2

The second reported name of the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records LENGTH_OF_ACTION_1

The number of days assigned for the first reported consequence in half-day increments.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_NAME_1

The name that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the first disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records START_OF_ACTION_3

The date on which the student began the third reported consequence.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_CODE_4

The code that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the fourth disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_CODE_1

The code that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the first disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_3

The third reported name of the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records START_OF_ACTION_2

The date on which the student began the second reported consequence.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_2

The code of the second incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_NAME_2

The name that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the second disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records LENGTH_OF_ACTION_3

The number of days assigned for the third reported consequence in half-day increments.

K12 Student Discipline Records LENGTH_OF_ACTION_2

The number of days assigned for the second reported consequence in half-day increments.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_3

The code of the third incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_2

The second reported code for the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_2

The name of the second incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records IS_SERIOUS_BODILY_INJURY

Flag that indicates when the Incident Type involved physical violence with injury.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_4

The name of the fourth incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_1

The first reported code for the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records START_OF_ACTION_1

The date on which the student began the first reported consequence.

K12 Student Discipline Records DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_1

The first reported name of the disciplinary action taken as a consequence of the incident.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_1

The name of the first incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_4

The code of the fourth incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_DATE

The day the incident that led to the disciplinary action occurred.

K12 Student Discipline Records IS_SEXUAL_ASSAULT

Flag that indicates when an incident of physical violence involved oral, anal, or vaginal penetration forcibly or against the person's will or where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_NAME_4

The name that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the fourth disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student Discipline Records INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_1

The code of the first incident associated with the reason that led to the disciplinary action.

K12 Student Discipline Records FOLLOW_UP_NAME_3

The name that indicates the type of follow-up and/or educational services provided to the student after the start of the third disciplinary action(s) reported.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_2

The code for the student's primary or home language if a home language survey indicates that the language of the home is not English or the student's primary language is not English.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_4

The code for the student's primary or home language if a home language survey indicates that the language of the home is not English or the student's primary language is not English.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_3

The code for the English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_2

The code for the English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_1

The code for the student's primary or home language if a home language survey indicates that the language of the home is not English or the student's primary language is not English.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_5

The code for the English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_5

The code for the student's primary or home language if a home language survey indicates that the language of the home is not English or the student's primary language is not English.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_4

The code for the English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_1

The code for the English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled.

K12 Student English Learner and Immigrant LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_3

The code for the student's primary or home language if a home language survey indicates that the language of the home is not English or the student's primary language is not English.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance SPRING_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE

Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance FALL_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE

Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance SPRING_TOTAL_FTE

GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_SCHOOL_OF_CHOICE

Indicates the student was attending the school as a non-resident and using the Section 105 Schools of Choice option during at least one of the collection periods in the school year.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance DAYS_ATTENDED

The total number of days that the student actually attended or received educational services.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_EOY_PRIMARY

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the end-of-year time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled for that time period as a public school student (residency code) OR was a graduating student--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one, most often the record with the most recent As Of Date.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance EXIT_DATE

The Exit Date from the CohortHistory record.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_MOST_PRIMARY

Indicates the primary record according to which school was the student's primary school for the most collection periods (fall, spring, end of year). If no school was the primary school for 2 or more periods, then this flag is assigned to the first primary school of the school year.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance ENTITY_TYPE

Labels the entity by type (e.g., ISD School, LEA Unique Education Provider, Nonpublic School, College/University, etc.)

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance LEP_EXIT_DATE

The date (month, day, and year) that the student was no longer engaged in either an LEP or an ESL program or service.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_SPRING_PRIMARY

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the spring time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled for that time period as a public school student (residency code)--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one, most often the record from the PEPE (see Technical Notes). Missing values indicate the student was not reported in this entity in the Spring.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_REASON

The reason the student is no longer participating in special education programs or services.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance FALL_TOTAL_FTE

GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance SCHOOL_LOCALE

A measure of a school's geographic status on an urban continuum that ranges from "large city" to "rural" as determined by NCES.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_DATE

The month, day and year of the first day after the date a student last participated in special education programs or services because of the reason reported in Special Education Exit Reason.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance ENROLLMENT_DATE

The Enrollment Date from the CohortHistory record.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance LEP_REENTRY_DATE

The date (month, day, and year) that the student was became re-engaged in either a Limited English Proficient (LEP) or an English as a Second Language (ESL) program or service.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance DAYS_POSSIBLE

The total number of days that education services were available to the student. This is a cumulative number, from the first day the student could have attended (i.e. the first day of the school year, the date of new enrollment, or the beginning of a program [e.g., summer school]) through the last day of attendance (last day of school year, enrollment or program). For additional information about enrollment refer to the characteristic Enrollment Date in the Enrollment component.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_IEP_PLACED_ANOTHER_DISTRICT

Indicates when the student, as stipulated in his/her current IEP, participates in a center program, a cooperative-agreement program designed specifically for special education students or a cross-district special education program.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance EXIT_STATUS

The student's current enrollment status description with the operating district or primary reason the student is no longer enrolled in the school district.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_FIRST_PRIMARY

Indicates the record from the first primary school seen for the student for the school year (IS_FALL_PRIMARY over IS_SPRING_PRIMARY over IS_EOY_PRIMARY).

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_FALL_PRIMARY

Indicates the primary school record for the student for the fall time period. Eligible records are those in which the student was actively enrolled as a public school student (residency code)--a deduplication process is then used to set this flag to Y for only one record, most often the record from the PEPE (see Technical Notes). Missing values indicate the student was not reported in this entity in the Fall.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance EXIT_STATUS_CODE

Code which correlates to the student's exit status.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance IS_NON_RESIDENT

Indicates the student was attending the school as a non-resident during at least one of the collection periods in the school year.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance COUNT_DAYS_IN_BUILDING

The number of fall and spring collection in which a student was submitted in the MSDS in the building as continuing, regardless of FTE.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance EXIT_STATUS_NAME

Descriptive name which correlates to student's exit status.

K12 Student Enrollment and Attendance COUNT_DAYS_IN_DISTRICT

The number of fall and spring collections in which a student was submitted in the MSDS in the district as continuing, regardless of FTE.

K12 Student Graduation Records COURT_ORDERED_FACILITY

Facilities that solely serve neglected and/or delinquent children and youth as defined by Title I, Part D.

K12 Student Graduation Records OFFTRACK

Indicates if the student's expected graduation date or graduation date is later than their cohort year.

K12 Student Graduation Records IS_EMC_PROGRAM

Indicates that the student is enrolled in a Early Middle College program.

K12 Student Graduation Records FOUR_YEAR

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 4 years.

K12 Student Graduation Records SIX_YEAR

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 6 years.

K12 Student Graduation Records FIVE_YEAR

Indicator for students who earned a regular high school diploma in 5 years.

K12 Student Graduation Records IS_SCHOOL_NONPUBLIC

Indicates if the graduating school is non-public.

K12 Student Graduation Records EXEMPT

Indicates if the student is Exempt for graduation rate purposes.

K12 Student Graduation Records DROPOUT

Indicates if the student was a Dropout for graduation cohort purposes.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_7

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_3

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_4

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_3

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_4

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_5

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_6

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_5

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_1

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_1

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_2

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_3

The code to identify the reason a modification was made to the student’s curriculum.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_2

The code to identify the type of additional instruction time related activities delivered to the student.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_1

The code to identify the reason a modification was made to the student’s curriculum.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_6

The code for the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification.

K12 Student Personal Curriculum Modification PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_2

The code to identify the reason a modification was made to the student’s curriculum.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_IMMIGRANT_PROGRAM

Indicates the student has immigrated to the United States from another country and is aged 3 through 21 years, was not born in any state in America and has not attended one or more schools in any one or more states for more than three full academic years. NOTE: The United States Department of Education (USED) includes foreign exchange students as eligible for Title III immigrant programs.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_AT_RISK_PROGRAM

Flag indicating a student is eligible for at-risk (section 31a) funding.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_SEAT_TIME_WAIVER

Indicates this student is receiving his/her instruction for three or more courses through a virtual education program.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_MIGRANT_ELIGIBLE

Flag indicating if the student was eligible for Migrant services.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_ENGLISH_LEARNER

Flag that indicates if the student was eligible to receive Limited English Proficient (LEP) services.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_TITLE_I_TAS_PROGRAM

Student participated in a targeted assistance school (TAS) program.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT_PROG

Indicates student is an international student participating in a foreign exchange program.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_HOMELESS_PROG

Flag indicating that the homeless code field has a value greater than 0 for the student.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_SECTION_504_PROGRAM

Indicates this student is considered disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_DEVELOPMENTAL_KINDERGARTEN

Indicates this student participated in a Developmental Kindergarten program (a defined two-year Kindergarten program that precedes entry into first grade).

K12 Student Program Participation IS_OUT_OF_STATE_RES_PROGRAM

Indicates the student attends the district from a state or a province other than Michigan.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION

Indicates this student is currently participating in an alternative education program (including seat-time waiver programs).

K12 Student Program Participation IS_EARLY_MID_COLLEGE_PART_PROG

Indicates the student is enrolled in an early/middle college program. This program could reside at a public high school, community college or a state public university. Students may attend as early as ninth grade.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_SPECIAL_EDUCATION

Flag indicating the student is eligible for Special Ed services.

K12 Student Program Participation IS_21ST_CENT_COMM_LC_PROG

Indicates this student participated in at least 30 sessions of an after-school or summer program funded through a 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grant.Program Code retired in 2017/2018

K12 Student Program Participation ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION

Indicates this student is currently participating in an alternative education program (including seat-time waiver programs).

K12 Student Program Participation MIGRANT

Indicates if the student is a migrant student.

K12 Student Program Participation HOMELESS

Indicates if the student is homeless.

K12 Student Program Participation SPECIAL_ED

Indicates that the student is in a special education program.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_3

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_10

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_1

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_7

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_4

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_9

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_3

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education PARENTAL_CONSENT_DATE

The date on which the entity received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form. It is the beginning of the timeline for completion of the initial Individual Education Plan (IEP).

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_6

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_2

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_5

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education INITIAL_IEP_RESULT

The outcome code of the initial Individual Education Plan (IEP) determining if the student is eligible or ineligible for special education programs and services.

K12 Student Special Education INITIAL_IEP_COMPLETION_DATE

The completion of an Individual Education Program (IEP) is the date on the notice of the offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_1

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education IEP_DATE

The date of the notice/offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) associated with the student's most recent Individual Education Program (IEP).

K12 Student Special Education INITIAL_IEP_TIMELIENESS

The timeliness status code for the evaluation of Individual Education Plan (IEP) eligibility.

K12 Student Special Education SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_1

Code used to describe additional disability characteristics as identified on the vision or audiological report.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_4

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_2

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_8

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

K12 Student Special Education SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_2

Code used to describe additional disability characteristics as identified on the vision or audiological report.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_6

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_8

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_3

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_7

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_4

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_1

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_3

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_7

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_6

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_5

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_2

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_2

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_5

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_1

The code for the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

K12 Student Title I and Target Assistance Programs TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_4

The code for the Title I support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

Staff All RPIC

A unique Personnel Identification Code (PIC) which is modified for the researcher's database (i.e., Research Personnel Identification Code = RPIC) to keep the anonymity of the staff.


Description of School Year which the data represents.


Name of Collection during which the data in a given record were reported.


A unique identification code assigned to educators when they enter their information in MOECS for the first time, to keep the anonymity of the staff.


The actual opening date of the school or when it begins to do business.


Description of Entity Type which indicates whether the school/entity that the staff is assigned to, is private, charter, public, state-run, etc.


The name as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM).


The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district that the educator is employed by.


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is employed by.


The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is assigned to.


the actual closing date of the entity or the date the entity ceased to do business.


The official district name denoting the district that the educator is employed by.


The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district that the educator is assigned to.


The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is employed by.


The official district name denoting the district that the educator is assigned to.


The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Otherwise known as Building Code. Building codes 00000 identify the administrative units.

Staff All ISD_NAME

Operational Intermediate School District Name

Staff All ISD_CODE

Operational Intermediate School District Code


The calendar year in which the school year began.


Operational District Code (i.e., the Employing District)


Operational District Name

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_06

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach sixth grade.


This field reports whether or not a staff meets the requirements for being highly qualified. It is a required field only for teachers assigned to a core academic subject area and specific instructional paraprofessionals/aides as defined by NCLB and the MI Department of Education.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_05

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach fifth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_09

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach ninth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNMENT_CODE

The code that indicates the position held by the employee.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_ISD_CODE

The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is assigned to.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_K

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach Kindergarten.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_11

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach eleventh grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_02

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach second grade.

Staff Assignments FTE

The amount of time required to perform an assignment stated as a proportion of a full-time position and computed by dividing the amount of time employed by the time normally required for a full-time position.


Description used to categorize Educator Effectiveness ranking. This is a locally determined label assigned as a result of annual educator evaluations.

Staff Assignments IS_PRINCIPAL

Flag identifying principals according to the REP manual.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_12

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach twelfth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_07

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach seventh grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_10

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach tenth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_03

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach third grade.


The description of the position held by the employee.

Staff Assignments IS_MDE_TEACHER

Flag identifying teachers according to the MDE definition.


The description for the educational setting (e.g., Bilingual Education/ELL or Special Education for various age groups, etc.)

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_08

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach eighth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_04

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach fourth grade.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_RK

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach Retentive Kindergarten.

Staff Assignments FID_FUNCTION_CODE

The accounting/function code for the employee as determined for accounting purposes by the school district.


This field identifies teachers funded by Title I or Title II Part A who teach core academic subjects in a targeted-assistance program.

Staff Assignments ASSIGNED_GRADE_01

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach first grade.

Staff Assignments SUMMARY_GROUP_NAME

The name for a grouping of assignment codes. The data from this grouping are similar to the data published on CEPI's website.


The accounting/function description for the employee as determined for accounting purposes by the school district.

Staff Demographics RACE_ETHNICITY

Reported ethnicity at the time the MTTC test(s) were taken. The options vary some relative to other data sets.

Staff Demographics BIRTH_YEAR

Reported year of birth

Staff Demographics GENDER

Reported gender


The date of termination/retirement/resignation of the staff member.


A description of the employment status of the staff member including separation reasons and new teacher status.

Staff Employment ANNUAL_SALARY

The full-time base annual salary for employees in given assignments in order to meet the needs of Title I Part A of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). For others, providing this data is optional.


A code of the status of the assignment as either filled by permanent employees, approved substitutes, or outside contractors.


A description of the status of the assignment as either filled by permanent employees, approved substitutes, or outside contractors.

Staff Employment HIRE_DATE

The initial date of hire (date employed) for the staff member within the district.


Flag to specify if the personnel position is funded (Y or N).


This is the highest degree earned by a staff member.

Staff Endorsements PERMIT_STATUS

Permit status description (e.g., Valid, Expired, etc.).

Staff Endorsements PERMIT_TYPE

Name of Permit type (There are four different types of permits). Permits are utilized in situations where a school is unable to fill a position with an appropriately certified and/or endorsed educator.

Staff Endorsements PROGRAM_TYPE_CODE

Populated when the educator completes their application for certification through MOECS.

Staff Endorsements PROGRAM_TYPE_NAME

Populated when the educator completes their application for certification through MOECS. This field identifies whether the staff is certified to teach elementary, secondary, or occupational classes.


Authorization status description (e.g., Valid, Expired, etc.).


Name of Authorization type (There are four different types of authorizations). Authorizations are utilized in situations where a school is unable to fill a position with an appropriately certified and/or endorsed educator.


Date certificate will/has expired


Date certificate was issued


Date certificate reinstated


The first endorsed authorization of the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The second endorsed authorization of the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The third endorsed authorization of the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The fourth endorsed authorization of the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The fifth endorsed authorization of the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The first endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).


The tenth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The eleventh endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The second endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The third endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The fourth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The fifth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The sixth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The seventh endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The eighth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The ninth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_1

The first endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_10

The tenth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_11

The eleventh endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_2

The second endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_3

The third endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_4

The fourth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_5

The fifth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_6

The sixth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_7

The seventh endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_8

The eighth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_9

The ninth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_1

The first endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_10

The tenth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_11

The eleventh endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_2

The second endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_3

The third endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_4

The fourth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_5

The fifth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_6

The sixth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_7

The seventh endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_8

The eighth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_9

The ninth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_1

The first endorsed permit of the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_2

The second endorsed permit of the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_3

The third endorsed permit of the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_4

The fourth endorsed permit of the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_5

The fifth endorsed permit of the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements INSTITUTION_NAME

Official entity name for where Higher Education was received by staff.

Staff Endorsements INSTITUTION_STATE

State's name where Higher Education degree was received by staff.

Staff Endorsements LICENSE_CATEGORY

Name of the Certificate License Category (e.g., Teaching, School Counselor, etc.).

Staff Endorsements LICENSE_STATUS

Certificate status description (i.e., Valid, Expired, Invalid, Nullified, Revoked, Suspended, and Withdrawn).

Staff Endorsements LICENSE_TYPE

Name of the Certificate License Type (e.g., Provisional Teaching Certificate or School Counselor License) which is populated when the educator completes their application for certification through MOECS.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_5

The fifth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_7

The seventh permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_13

The thirteenth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_11

The eleventh permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_7

The seventh permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_GRADE_LEVEL_12

The twelfth endorsement grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_13

The thirteenth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_CODE_12

The twelfth endorsement code for the staff member sorted alphabetically (e.g., subject area endorsements).

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_13

The thirteenth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_8

The eighth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_6

The sixth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_3

The third permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_9

The ninth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_4

The fourth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_8

The eighth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The thirteenth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.


The twelfth endorsement certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_2

The second permit grade level for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_12

The twelfth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_9

The ninth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_12

The twelfth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_13

The thirteenth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_10

The tenth permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_6

The sixth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_10

The tenth permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_11

The eleventh permit certificate for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Endorsements ENDORSE_PERMIT_CODE_1

The first permit code for the staff member sorted alphabetically.

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification TEST_CODE

MTTC Test Code

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification GRADE_LEVEL_DESC
Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification PASS_FAIL

P (Pass), F (Failed)

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification TESTING_DATE

Date the MTTC test was taken

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification FIELD_NAME

Field name corresponding to the test code

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification SCALED_SCORE

Scaled Score

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification MTTC_INSTITUTION_NAME_3

Institution 3 that the examinees had their scores sent to (MI Examinees only)

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification GRADE_LEVEL_CODE

A (Elementary), B (Secondary)

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification MTTC_INSTITUTION_NAME_2

Institution 2 that the examinees had their scores sent to (MI Examinees only)

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification STATE

State for out of state examinees only

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification MTTC_INSTITUTION_NAME_1

Institution 1 that the examinees had their scores sent to (MI Examinees only)

Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification MAJOR_OR_MINOR_DESC
Staff Michigan Test for Teacher Certification MAJOR_OR_MINOR_CODE

A (Major), B (Minor)

Staff Professional Development PROF_DEV_CATEGORY

The District Provided Professional Development (DPPD & those for the new teachers) training categories. For other types of training N/A is entered.

Staff Professional Development PROF_DEV_TYPE

The type of training the staff have received. There are three types of training: State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) are organized professional development activities that teachers use for progression. District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) could also be used by educators to renew their certificate or progression.College Credits are also used for professional development and certificate renewal/progression. Please note that in order to distinguish DPPD information entered by the educators from the DPPD offered to new teachers by the districts, a fourth PD type is created here, called DPPD-New Teacher Training.

Staff Professional Development ENTITY_CODE

Code of the facility that the staff received training. The IPEDS are extracted from EEM and NCES IPEDS datasets by joining the MOECS data with those two datasets on the entity name. So, if the college name was abbreviated or misspelled, N/A is entered.

Staff Professional Development PD_TRAINING_COURSE_NUMBER

The college credit course number. For other training types, "N/A" is entered.

Staff Professional Development ENTITY_NAME

Name of the college, district, or other facilities that the staff received training (as entered by the educator) or offered the training (as entered in REP by the districts).

Staff Professional Development HOURS_ENGAGED

Number of hours of training. Semester credit hours are converted to hours here using this formula: one semester credit hour = 25 education-related professional learning hours. Similarly, # of days of PD from REP is converted to hours by multiplying #of days by 6.

Staff Professional Development PD_TRAINING_NAME

Name of the training received by the staff

Infrastructure All SCHOOL_YEAR

The school year that the data represents.

Infrastructure All START_YEAR

The numeric start year of the school year during which the data was collected. Example: 2016

Infrastructure All CLOSE_DATE

The actual closing date of the entity. Blank if Entity is open or data is unavailable.

Infrastructure All COLLECTION

Collection Period of the observation. Example: EOY 2017

Infrastructure All LATITUDE

The latitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.

Infrastructure All LONGITUDE

The longitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.

Infrastructure All OPEN_DATE

The actual opening date of the entity or when it begins to do business.


The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).


The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.


The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).


The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Infrastructure K12 Building OTHER_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times when school is not in session and funded through sources other than the school/district and not fee-based.

Infrastructure K12 Building OUT_OF_SCHOOL_TIME_PGM_SVS

Flag denoting that this entity has programs offered/paid for by school or district during the time regular school is not in session for K-12 students.

Infrastructure K12 Building PART_TIME_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction for a part time virtual school setting. Retired as of the Fall 2017 EEM collection.

Infrastructure K12 Building PRE_KINDERGARTEN

Flag denoting if the entity provides Pre-K. Pre-kindergarten is a national technical term for a state, local or privately funded preschool program for children one or two years before kindergarten entry.

Infrastructure K12 Building PROSPERITY_REGION_CODE

The code corresponding to the region the county belongs within for the purposes of the Regional Prosperity Initiative.

Infrastructure K12 Building PROSPERITY_REGION_NAME

The name of the region to which the county belongs.

Infrastructure K12 Building RCCI_OR_YOUTH_HOME

Flag denoting if the entity is a residential child care institution or youth home. A child-care facility which provides 24-hour care. These are residences for neglected or delinquent children

Infrastructure K12 Building SAT_TEST_CENTER

Flag to specify if the entity is authorized to offer the SAT test.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_BASED_HEALTH_CENTER

Flag denoting that this entity has a school-based health center. School-Based Health Centers are comprehensive primary health care clinics operating on school property for children and youth.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_CODE

The five-digit code assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_NAME

The official name assigned to a School or Facility (Building) type of entity in the Educational Entity Master (EEM)..

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE

The first line of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO

The second line of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_CITY

The city of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_STATE

The state of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_ONE

The zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_TWO

The +4 zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building SCHOOLS_OF_CHOICE_OFFERED

Flag denoting that this entity participates in schools of choice. The schools of choice provisions in Section 105 and 105c of the State School Aid Act are designed to allow local school districts to enroll nonresident students and count them in membership without having to obtain approval from the district of residence.

Infrastructure K12 Building SPECIAL_EDUCATION

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education programs. Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique educational needs of the student with a disability and to develop the student’s maximum potential.

Infrastructure K12 Building SPECIAL_EDUCATION_CENTER_PGM

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education center programs. “Center program” refers to a program operated by a district or intermediate district for special education pupils from several districts in programs for pupils.


Supplemental virtual; the school offers virtual courses but virtual instruction is not the primary means of instruction.

Infrastructure K12 Building TUITION_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times school is not in session for which a fee is charged.

Infrastructure K12 Building TWENTY_FIRST_CENTURY_COMM_CNT

Flag denoting this entity is used as a 21st century community learning center. The purpose is to create community learning centers for those times when school is not in session that provide K-12 students with activities designed to complement their regular academic program, as well as additional enrichment opportunities.

Infrastructure K12 Building ACTIVELY_EDUCATING

A District-level flag identifies entities that are actively engaged in educating students.

Infrastructure K12 Building ADULT_EDUCATION

Flag denoting entities that provide instruction to adult students working towards a GED or education advancement.

Infrastructure K12 Building ALT_ED_SERVICE_TYPE

The type of alternative education provided, if applicable.

Infrastructure K12 Building ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION

Flag denoting schools and unique education providers that provide alternative education programs for suspended and/or expelled students.

Infrastructure K12 Building CAREER_TECH_ED

Flag denoting a school that focuses primarily on providing secondary students with an occupationally relevant or career-related curriculum, including formal preparation for vocational, technical or professional occupations.

Infrastructure K12 Building CHART_ORG_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE

Chartering org physical address line one

Infrastructure K12 Building CHART_ORG_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO

Chartering org physical address line two

Infrastructure K12 Building CHART_ORG_PHYS_CITY

Chartering org physical address City

Infrastructure K12 Building CHART_ORG_PHYS_ZIP

Chartering org physical address ZIP

Infrastructure K12 Building CHARTER_AUTHORIZER_TYPE

The entity type for the chartering authorizer (i.e. district, ISD, and higher education institution).

Infrastructure K12 Building CHARTERING_ORG_CODE

Code of the charter authorizer for the PSA district.

Infrastructure K12 Building CHARTERING_ORG_NAME

Name of the charter authorizer for the PSA district.

Infrastructure K12 Building COMM_ELIG_OPTION

Flag denoting if this entity has the Community Eligibility Provision. The Community Eligibility Provision provides schools in high-poverty areas a means of sharing with USDA the cost of providing free breakfast and lunch to all students without applications.

Infrastructure K12 Building CONTACT_EMAIL

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Email

Infrastructure K12 Building CONTACT_FIRST_NAME

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals First Name

Infrastructure K12 Building CONTACT_LAST_NAME

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Last Name

Infrastructure K12 Building CONTACT_PHONE

This aligns with the current school principal information-Principals Phone number

Infrastructure K12 Building CONTRACTOR_STATUS

The profit status of the management organization associated with the PSA. For-profit management organizations are called EMOs and non-profit management organizations are called CMOs. These organizations provide managerial services to a district.

Infrastructure K12 Building COUNTY_CODE

The official state-assigned two-digit code denoting the county location of the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building COUNTY_NAME

The name of the county.

Infrastructure K12 Building CYBER_SCHOOL

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction for a cyber school virtual school setting.

Infrastructure K12 Building DELINQUENT_INSTITUTION

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Delinquent Institution setting. A public or private residential facility that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been adjudicated as delinquent or in need of supervision.

Infrastructure K12 Building DISTRICT_CODE

The state-assigned five-digit number assigned in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student.

Infrastructure K12 Building DISTRICT_NAME

Denotes the official or legal name of the district entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building EARLY_MIDDLE_COLLEGE

Flag to specify an EMC (Early Middle College). Also called “Early college high school” or “middle college”, this refers to a public high school designed to allow pupils to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree or up to two years of transferable college credits.


An Educational Service Provider or management organization are entities that can be contracted by a PSA district. Educational Service Providers are 'for-profit' or 'non-profit' firms that provide whole-school operation services to public school agencies. A management organization is any group or organization that provides human resources, administrative or managerial support.

Infrastructure K12 Building EEM_SNAPSHOT_DAY

The date in which EEM snapshot was created. These static 'Snapshots' of data are what is loaded to the MSLDS.

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_ENTITY

Flag to specify an EMC entity that exclusively contains early-middle college courses and students.

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_ARTS

Flag to specify if this EMC has an ART focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_AUTO

Flag to specify if this EMC has an AUTO focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_BUSINESS

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Business focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_CIS

Flag to specify if this EMC has a CIS focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_CTE

Flag to specify if this EMC has a CTE focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_HEALTH

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Health focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_IT

Flag to specify if this EMC has an IT focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_NT

Flag to specify if this EMC has a NT focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_STEM

Flag to specify if this EMC has a STEM focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_VOCATIONAL

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Vocational focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_FOCUS_WELDING

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Welding focus

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION

Flag to specify if this entity has been certified by the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) to provide students who successfully complete the early/middle college program with a MEMCA technical certificate.

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION_DATE

The date the early/middle college program or school received certification from the Michigan Early Middle College Association.

Infrastructure K12 Building EMC_PROGRAM

Flag to specify an early-middle college program provided within an entity which offers non-college options.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_CODE

Entity Code of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_NAME

Entity Name of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_STATUS

This description denotes the open/closed status of the entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_TYPE

Entity types is a combination of entity type category name and group name.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_TYPE_CATEGORY

Identifies whether the entity is considered State, ISD, LEA, PSA, or Nonpublic.

Infrastructure K12 Building ENTITY_TYPE_GROUP

Identifies whether the entity is a school, district, unique education provider, or non-instructional ancillary facility.

Infrastructure K12 Building FACE_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL

Virtual with face to face options; the school focuses on a systematic program of virtual instruction but includes some physical meetings among students or with teachers.

Infrastructure K12 Building FAITH_BASED_INSTITUTION

Flag denoting a faith based institution. A faith based institution has a religious aspect or focus.

Infrastructure K12 Building FAMILY_RESOURCE_CENTER

Flag denoting a family resource center. Department of Human Services workers deliver services on-site at school.

Infrastructure K12 Building FULL_TIME_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL

Full Virtual; the school has no physical building where students meet with each other or with teachers, all instruction is virtual.

Infrastructure K12 Building GENERAL_EDUCATION

Flag denoting this school provides general education in grades K-12. A public elementary/secondary school that does NOT focus primarily on vocational, special or alternative education, although it may provide these programs in addition to a regular curriculum.

Infrastructure K12 Building GEO_DISTRICT_CODE

The Local Education Agency (LEA) District Code in which the entity is located.

Infrastructure K12 Building GEO_DISTRICT_NAME

The Local Education Agency (LEA) District Name in which the entity is located.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_01_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of First grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_01_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of First grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_02_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Second grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_02_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Second grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_03_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Third grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_03_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Third grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_04_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Fourth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_04_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Fourth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_05_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Fifth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_05_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Fifth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_06_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Sixth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_06_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Sixth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_07_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Seventh grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_07_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Seventh grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_08_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Eighth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_08_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Eighth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_09_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Ninth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_09_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Ninth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_10_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Tenth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_10_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Tenth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_11_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_11_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_12_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Twelfth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_12_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Twelfth grade students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_KG_ACTUAL

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Kindergarten students.

Infrastructure K12 Building GR_KG_AUTH

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Kindergarten students.

Infrastructure K12 Building IS_PUBLIC

Indicates whether the entity is a public or private institution

Infrastructure K12 Building ISD_CODE

The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Infrastructure K12 Building ISD_NAME

Denotes the official or legal name of the ISD entity.


Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Juvenile Detention Facility setting. A detention facility for juvenile delinquents who have been placed there by court order.

Infrastructure K12 Building LICENSED_BOARDING_SCHOOL

Flag to specify if this entity is a licensed boarding school. “Boarding school” means a place accepting for board, care, and instruction 5 or more children under 16 years of age.

Infrastructure K12 Building LOCALE

A measure of a school’s location relative to populous areas as determined by NCES.

Infrastructure K12 Building LOCKED_DOWN_SCHOOL

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a locked down school setting. This entity restricts student movement.

Infrastructure K12 Building MAGNET_ID

The Magnet ID code associated with the magnet type.

Infrastructure K12 Building MAGNET_TYPE

This characteristic denotes whether or not a school is a magnet school and which type of magnet association applies.

Infrastructure K12 Building NCES_CODE

This NCES code is assigned by the U.S. Department of Education to identify the Entity at the federal level.

Infrastructure K12 Building NEGLECTED_INSTITUTION

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Neglected Institution setting. A neglected institution is a public or private residential facility, other than a foster home, that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to the institution, or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable State law, due to abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians.

Infrastructure K12 Building NON_SCH_CHILD_NUTRITION_SPN

Flag denoting an entity that participates in the USDA-sponsored Child Nutrition Programs (CACFP, SCSM, SFSP, TEFAP and CSFP) where formal instruction is not mandated.

Infrastructure K12 Building HIGHER_ED_NAME

Entity Name of the Higher ED.

Infrastructure K12 Building FISCAL_YEAR

This is the school fiscal year that begins on July 1 and goes thru June 30th (e.g. 2012 refers to the school fiscal year from July 1, 2011 thu June 30 , 2012).

Infrastructure K12 Building MAJOR_CLASS_CODE_DESC

The major class description is the basic account description in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, this denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class description denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Infrastructure K12 Building OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_TYPE

Labels the entity by type. (PSA District, LEA District, and ISD)

Infrastructure K12 Building SUFFIX_DESC

In the revenue data, the suffix description further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Infrastructure K12 Building AMOUNT

The revenue amount for the related breakdown.

Infrastructure K12 Building TRANSACTION_TYPE

Revenue entry type.

Infrastructure K12 Building SUFFIX_CODE

In the revenue data, the suffix code further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Infrastructure K12 Building MAJOR_CLASS_CODE

The major class code is the basic account identifier in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, the major class code denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class code denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Infrastructure K12 Building INDICATOR_CODE

Indicates whether the amount in balance as an Asset (A), Balance (B), or Liabiliy (L).

Infrastructure K12 Building FUND_CODE

The alphanumeric code representing a sum of money or other resource set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building FUND_DESC

The description for a fund that represents a sum of money or other resources that is set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Infrastructure K12 Building FUNCTION_CODE

The basic account identifier for expenditures. This code represents the actiivty for which a service or material is acquired.

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CAT

Expenditures by function category

Infrastructure K12 Building OBJECT_CODE

The code used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay. This code is to the 3rd digit detail level.

Infrastructure K12 Building HEADER_OBJECT_DESC

The description of the first digit of the object code.

Infrastructure K12 Building HEADER_OBJECT_CODE

4-digit broad expenditure categories for object codes

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPND_HEADER_CODE

3 digit expenditure category code.

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CODE

Expenditures General Fund Summary Function Code.

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPND_CAT

Expenditure category descritpions related to header codes.

Infrastructure K12 Building BUILDING_CODE

The state-assigned five-digit building number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Infrastructure K12 Building SUBHEADER_OBECT_DESC

The description of the first two digits of the object code.

Infrastructure K12 Building STATE_GRANT_CODE

The unique identifier code for each state level grant.

Infrastructure K12 Building OBJECT_DESC

This description is used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay.

Infrastructure K12 Building SUBHEADER_OBJECT_CODE

The first two digits of the object code.

Infrastructure K12 Building BUILDING_NAME

The building name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPND_HEADER_DESC

3 digit expenditure category code description.

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPND_SUBHEADER_CODE

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail code

Infrastructure K12 Building OBJECT_CODE_TYPE

Overall object code categories.

Infrastructure K12 Building STATE_GRANT_DESC

The description for each state level grant.

Infrastructure K12 Building FUNCTION_DESC

The basic account description for expenditures. This code represents the activity for which a service or material is acquired.

Infrastructure K12 Building EXPND_SUBHEADER_DESC

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail description

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building HIGHER_ED_CODE

The unique identifier of the IHE entity in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building SNAPSHOT_DAY

The date in which the snapshot was created. These static 'Snapshots' of data are what is loaded to the MSLDS

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_PHYS_CITY

The city of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_PHYS_STATE

The state of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO

The second line of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_CONTROL

Designates whether an IHE is publicly or privately controlled.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IS_OPEN

A Y or N flag stating the Open Status of most Michigan Institutions.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IPEDS_CODE

IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) IHE identification code.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_NAME

The official or legal name of the institution.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_LEVEL

Designates whether an IHE is a 2-year or 4-year institution.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_ONE

The zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Infrastructure Postsecondary Building IHE_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE

The first line of the physical address for the entity.


The numeric start year of the school year during which the student is enrolled. Example: 2016

Postsecondary All RIC

The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.

Postsecondary All YEAR_SESSION

A combination of the school year enrolled and the session name. Example: 2011-2012 Fall


The date identifying the start of the academic session as submitted by the college.

Postsecondary All IHE_NAME

Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Official Name.


The school year during which the student is enrolled. Example: 2016-2017

Postsecondary All SESSION_BEGIN_DATE

The date identifying the start of the academic session as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Prior to the availability of session begin and end dates in 2016-17, this field was derived from the submitted Session Designator, which was the session start month and year.

Postsecondary All IPEDS_CODE

IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) IHE identification code.

Postsecondary All SESSION_NAME

The academic term for which the data are being reported, as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Example: Fall

Postsecondary All SESSION_END_DATE

The date identifying the end of the academic session as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Prior to the availability of the session begin and end dates in 2016-17, NSC records used the enrollment end date as reported to NSC.


The date identifying the end of the academic session as submitted by the college.

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_CIP_CODE

The code indicating the discipline or field of study for which the award was conferred. As submitted by the IHE, sourced from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_LEVEL_CATEGORY

The reporting category of the level of achievement the student has received upon graduation/completion.

Postsecondary Awards SCHOOL_YEAR_AWARDED

The academic school year during which the award was conferred. Example: 2016-2017

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_DESCRIPTION

The descriptive title for the academic award, as submitted by the IHE.

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_CIP_DESCRIPTION

The description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_LEVEL

The level of achievement the student has received upon graduation/completion.

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_DATE

The year, month and day in which the academic award was conferred.

Postsecondary Awards IS_STARR_AWARD

Designates if the award record came from the STARR collection.

Postsecondary Awards AWARD_CIP_CATEGORY

The highest-level category description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the 2-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).


The numeric start year of the school year during which the award was conferred. Example: 2016

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial writing course.

Postsecondary Course Taking STARR_CREDITS_EARNED

The total value of credit hours successfully completed or earned for the course, as reported in STARR.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_STARR_RECORD

Designates if the session record came from the STARR collection.

Postsecondary Course Taking STARR_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED

The total value of credit hours attempted for the course, as reported in STARR.

Postsecondary Course Taking COURSE_SECTION_NUMBER

The number assigned to differentiate among distinct occurrences ofcourses that have the same Course Subject Abbreviation and Course Number butare considered to be different courses.

Postsecondary Course Taking COURSE_CIP_CODE

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code used by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the area of study for the course.

Postsecondary Course Taking COURSE_NUMBER

The official reference number/code portion of a course identifier, as defined by the IHE.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL_MATH

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial math course.

Postsecondary Course Taking GRADE_STATUS

The student's disposition for the enrolled course. Examples: PassFailPass, Incomplete, HonorsGrade, Withdrew.

Postsecondary Course Taking CONTACT_HOURS

The seat time in front of the instructor.

Postsecondary Course Taking MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED

Total of STARR Credits Attempted for the course, or NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned for the session.

Postsecondary Course Taking GRADE_SCALE_CODE

The grading scale used by the institution for the enrolled course, according to Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) standards.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL_ESL

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial English as a Second Language (ESL) course.

Postsecondary Course Taking COURSE_SUBJECT

The alphabetic abbreviation of the academic department or discipline offering the course, as defined by the IHE.

Postsecondary Course Taking LETTER_GRADE

The alphabetical grade earned in the course.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL_READING

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial reading course.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial science course.

Postsecondary Course Taking MOD_CREDITS_EARNED

Total of STARR Credits Earned for the course, or NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned for the session.

Postsecondary Course Taking COURSE_TITLE

The name or title of the course, as defined by the IHE.

Postsecondary Course Taking IS_REMEDIAL

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial course.

Postsecondary Course Taking NUMERIC_GRADE

The final numeric grade awarded for participation in the course.

Postsecondary Demographics COHORT_EXCLUSION

Indicator for those persons who may be removed (deleted) from a cohort (or subcohort). Allowed enumerations are:DeathTotal and Permanent DisabilityService in the Armed ForcesService with a foreign aid service of the federal governmentService on official church missions

Postsecondary Demographics GENDER_RAW

The student's gender as submitted by the IHE for the academic session.

Postsecondary Demographics MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW

The student's date of birth as submitted by the IHE (month and year only for research data) for the academic session.

Postsecondary Demographics RACE_ETHNICITY_RAW

The student's race/ethnicity as submitted by the IHE for the academic session.

Postsecondary Demographics STABLE_GENDER

The latest reported gender for a student across all IHEs. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data. CEPI does not receive gender data from NSC, so all values reflected here are sourced from STARR.

Postsecondary Demographics STABLE_MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH

The latest reported date of birth (month and year only for research data) for the student for all time. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data, then a present value over a missing value.

Postsecondary Demographics STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC

The latest reported race/ethnicity for a student across all IHEs. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data; then a known value over an unknown. In the event there is still a conflict, then the most likely of the reported values is chosen. CEPI does not receive race/ethnicity data from NSC, so all values reflected here are sourced from STARR.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_STABLE_DATE_BIRTH_CONFLICT

Indicates whether conflicting date of birth values have ever been reported for the student.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT

Indicates whether conflicting gender values have ever been reported for the student.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC_CONFLICT

Indicates whether conflicting racial/ethnic values have ever been reported for the student.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_SINGLE_PARENT

Indicator of whether or not a student is either an unmarried pregnant female, or a student of any gender who is unmarried or separated and has one or more minor children. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_ECO_DIS

Indicator of whether or not a student has economic or academic disadvantages requiring special services or assistance. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_FOSTER

“Age Out” - the time frame after which a foster care child is eligible for state services. Eligibility for state services varies depending on the state in which the child resides. Transitioning out of the child welfare system may occur as early as 18 or as late as age 23.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_HOMELESS

Individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence (within the meaning of section 103(a)(1))

Postsecondary Demographics IS_INDIV_W_DISABILITY

Indicator of whether or not a student is an individual with a disability according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Demographics IHE_AGE_AS_OF_SEP_30

The student's age as of September 30th of the enrollment year.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_SPECIAL_POP_UNKNOWN

Indicator of whether or not the Perkins IV specific Special Population is unknown for the current session.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_OUT_OF_WORKFORCE

A. An individual who is a displaced homemaker, as defined in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102)B. An individual who; (i)(I) has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; or (II) is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under such title; and (ii) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_NON_TRADITIONAL

Indicator of whether or not a student's gender comprises fewer than 25 percent of individuals employed in the occupation or field of work the student is studying. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_DISPLACED_HOMEMAKER

Indicator of whether or not a student who has worked primarily in the home or for family, without compensation and has diminished marketable skills. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Demographics IS_LEP

Indicator of whether or not a student has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or understanding English. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_SESSION

Sum Total of STARR credits earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, during a session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_2YR_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all 2 year institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_TRANSFER_NOGRADE

Indicator of whether or not ALL courses in a specific session had a grade status of ‘TransferNoGrade’.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance DEGREE_SEEKING

Indicates whether the student is a degree-seeking student or a non-degree-seeking student at the IHE.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance ENROLLED_IN_AWARD_LEVEL

The level of education the student is working toward during the academic session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_MATH_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial math courses were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_LEVEL

Designates whether an IHE is a 2-year or 4-year institution.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_STARR_SESSION

Designates if the session record came from the STARR collection.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance SESSION_TYPE

The type of academic session as reported by the IHE for STARR records, and as calculated by CEPI for NSC records. Examples: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Quinmester, MiniTerm, SummerSession.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance ENROLLMENT_TYPE

An indicator of the enrollment type of a student at the beginning of the respective academic session. (Examples: FirstTime, Continuing, TransferIn)

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_FULL_TIME_24

An indicator of whether or not a student is a full time student using 24 attempted credits per academic school year as the metric.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_MILITARY_STATUS

The student’s military status at the time of enrollment.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_UNDER_OVER_AGE_25

The student's age status (under 25 or over 25) as of September 30th of the enrollment year.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_PUBLIC_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all public institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial science courses were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_CTE_STATUS

A value that indicates a student's status of enrollment and completion in occupational programs as identified by CIP Code, occupational specialty courses, or general occupational courses or apprenticeship-related instruction.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_HIGH_SCHOOL_STUDENT

An indication of high school student status; options are: Not High School Student, Dual Enrolled, Concurrent Enrollment, Early Middle College, and Other High School Student

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_PELL_STATUS

A value that indicates whether or not the student was eligible for or received a Pell Grant for the academic session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_FOR_PROFIT_IHE

Y/N field that designates whether an IHE operates on a for-profit basis.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_OUTSTATE_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all out of state institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_CC_SEEKING_TRNSFR_TO_4YR

Indicator of whether or not a student is enrolled at a community college with the intention of transferring to a 4-year institution only.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_FULL_TIME_30

An indicator of whether or not a student is a full time student using 30 attempted credits per academic school year as the metric.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_PRIVATE_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all private institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance ENROLLMENT_LEVEL

The student's enrollment level (undergraduate or graduate) at the IHE.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_ESL_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial English as a Second Language (ESL) courses were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_LEAVE_OF_ABSENCE

Indicator of whether ALL courses in a specific session had an enrollment status of ‘Leave of Absence’.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance STUDENT_HOME_STATE

The name of the student's legal home permanent state or province.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_ENTRY_DATE

The year, month and day of the first enrollment at the institution.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_TOTAL_CREDITS

Total (cumulative) credits earned at an IHE according to STARR data only.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_4YR_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all 4 year institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_INSTATE_CUM

Cumulative total to date of STARR Credits Earned and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, at all Michigan institutions the student has attended.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance STUDENT_LEVEL_CODE

The level of education the student is working toward during the academic session. (NO LONGER COLLECTED as of 2017-18).

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_GPA_CUM

The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for all courses taken at the IHE by the end of the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_GPA_TERM

The grade point average (GPA) for the respective academic session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether remedial courses of any type were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED_SESSION

Sum Total of STARR Credits Attempted and NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned, during a session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_INSTATE_OUTSTATE

Designates whether an IHE is in Michigan or not in Michigan.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial writing courses were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_RESIDENCY_STATUS

A student’s residency status for tuition purposes.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IS_REMEDIAL_READING_SESSION

Y/N indicator of whether any remedial reading courses were taken during the session.

Postsecondary Enrollment and Attendance IHE_CONTROL

Designates whether an IHE is publicly or privately controlled.

Postsecondary Program Participation PROGRAM_CIP_CATEGORY

The high-level category description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the 2-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Postsecondary Program Participation PROGRAM_TYPE

The type of academic program the student is working toward at the IHE during the session. Examples: Major, Minor, SecondMajor, Concentration.

Postsecondary Program Participation PROGRAM_NAME

The institution's internal name of the program, major, minor or field of study the student is working toward at the IHE during the session.

Postsecondary Program Participation PROGRAM_CIP_CODE

The code indicating a discipline or field of study for the academic program the student is working toward. As submitted by the IHE, sourced from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Postsecondary Program Participation IS_STARR_PROGRAM

Designates if the session record came from the STARR collection.

Postsecondary Program Participation PROGRAM_CIP_DESCRIPTION

The description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

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