The financial data files contain data commonly reported for MI school districts including expenditure, revenue, and balance data. Data are sourced from the State of Michigan’s Financial Information Database (FID). Data from the 2004-2022 school years are available. Future year's school year data will be added on.

K-12 Finance Balance

Record Level: District by year by fund by account (Major Class) 
Record Count: 34,000-42,000 fund/account records per year 
Years Covered: 2004-2022 
Population Coverage: District balances at the level of individual funds and accounts 

The district finance balance dataset contains information on the balances in specific district allocation accounts. Each allocation observation is unique within district and year on one of Fund, Suffix, or Major Class, although each Fund, Suffix, and Major Class are seen multiple times within a district and year. Working with the file will generally require some collapse of the file. The INDICATOR variable separates allocations into Balances, Liabilities, and Assets. The AMOUNT variable lists the monetary value associated with the given allocation. 

We have data for between 31,000 and 41,000 balances per year for the range of the dataset, rising slowly over time. We have a total of over 678,000 total balance records.

K-12 Finance Expenditures

Record Level: District by year by object code by expenditure function by fund. From 2017 onward also by by building. 
Record Count: 180,000-688,000 fund/account records per year 
Years Covered: 2004-2022 
Population Coverage: K12 District expenditures 

The district finance expenditures dataset has information describing district spending and what specific district allocation account or grant its coming from. The district expenditure dataset includes BUILDING_CODE and BUILDING_NAME information from 2017 onward, allowing researchers to track expenditures from 4125 buildings. However only roughly two thirds of the over 2.8 million expenditures in these years has building information, with the other third being only at the district level. 

The three digit object code (with a fourth digit "0" added on) is split out into three variables for researcher ease in grouping AMOUNT values they are interested in. These three variables are the HEADER_OBJECT_CODE, SUBHEADER_OBJECT_CODE, and OBJECT_CODE. For example, if the object code is 1870, the HEADER_OBJECT_CODE will be "1000" and the associated HEADER_OBJECT_DESC will indicate "Salaries". The SUBHEADER_OBJECT_CODE is 1800 and SUBHEADER_OBJECT_DESC will indicate "Salary, Temporary". The OBJECT_CODE will be 1870 and the OBJECT_CODE_DESC will indicate "Salary, Temporary, Teaching". 

We have data for over 5.5 million different expenditures. From 2004 to 2016 there are between 180,000 and 242,000 expenditures. Starting in 2017 the numbers rise, at over 366,000 in 2017 and as high as 688,000 in 2022.

K-12 Finance Revenue

Record Level: District by year by fund by suffix code by account (Major Class) 
Record Count: 28,000-32,000 fund/account records per year 
Years Covered: 2004-2022 
Population Coverage: District revenues at the level of individual funds, functions, and accounts 

The district finance revenue dataset holds information on sources of income for districts with specific amounts and descriptive categories they fall under. The revenue data is structured similarly to the balance data, with observations split into fund, function, and major class data. We have data for between 28,000 and 32,000 revenue records per year, with a total of 569,502 records total.


Showing 201 - 300 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_RSCH_Z_SCORE Description: 

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_THETA_SE Description: 

The Theta standard error for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_OVERALL_AGP Description: 

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_NAME Description: 

The performance level name for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_PL_CHANGE Description: 

Performance level change is used to compare student performance from year to year for the reading portion of the assessment . Transition categories are: Significant Decline, Decline, Maintaining, Improvement, or Significant Improvement. Abbreviations are not used in this field, rather the actual descriptions are used.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: WRI_SS Description: 

The scaled score for the writing portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: WRI_SS_SE Description: 

The scaled score standard error for the writing portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_SS Description: 

The scaled score for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_RANGE Description: 

A distinction which further differentiates whether the student was Low, Mid or High within their designated performance level for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_PL_NAME Description: 

The performance level name for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SGP Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_PL_NAME Description: 

The performance level name for the reading portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_THETA_SE Description: 

The Theta standard error for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_PL_NAME Description: 

The performance level name for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_SS_SE Description: 

The scaled score standard error for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_RSCH_Z_SCORE Description: 

A standardized score assigned to each student that describes each students relationship to the mean of all students with a score.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_OVERALL_AGP Description: 

The adequate growth percentile (AGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_CHANGE Description: 

Performance level change is used to compare student performance from year to year for the mathematics portion of the assessment . Transition categories are: Significant Decline, Decline, Maintaining, Improvement, or Significant Improvement. Abbreviations are not used in this field, rather the actual descriptions are used.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_PL Description: 

The performance level for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SS_SE Description: 

The scaled score standard error for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_SGP Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SS Description: 

The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the reading portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_THETA_SE Description: 

The Theta standard error for the reading portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_AGP_YRS_PROJ Description: 

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_AGP_YRS_PROJ Description: 

The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_SGP Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SOC_PL Description: 

The performance level for the social studies portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_SS Description: 

The scaled score for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: SCI_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_PL Description: 

The performance level for the reading portion of the assessment.

Category: Assessment Subscore Variable: SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The description of the reporting level.

Category: Assessment Subscore Variable: SUBSCORE_PCT_CORRECT Description: 

The number of questions answered correctly divided by the total questions for this reporting level.

Category: Assessment Subscore Variable: SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_TYPE Description: 

The reporting level type. Used as a means of organizing content standards and expectations. Varies by subject.

Category: Assessment Subscore Variable: SUBSCORE_SCALED_SCORE Description: 

The scaled score value for this reporting level.

Category: Assessment Subscore Variable: SUBSCORE_RPT_LEVEL_ID Description: 

The reporting level identifier value used by MDE.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_06 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach sixth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: IS_HIGHLY_QUALIFIED Description: 

This field reports whether or not a staff meets the requirements for being highly qualified. It is a required field only for teachers assigned to a core academic subject area and specific instructional paraprofessionals/aides as defined by NCLB and the MI Department of Education.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_05 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach fifth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_09 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach ninth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNMENT_CODE Description: 

The code that indicates the position held by the employee.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_10 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach tenth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_ISD_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is assigned to.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_K Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach Kindergarten.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_11 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach eleventh grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_02 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach second grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: EFFECTIVENESS_DESC Description: 

Description used to categorize Educator Effectiveness ranking. This is a locally determined label assigned as a result of annual educator evaluations.

Category: Assignments Variable: FTE Description: 

The amount of time required to perform an assignment stated as a proportion of a full-time position and computed by dividing the amount of time employed by the time normally required for a full-time position.

Category: Assignments Variable: FID_FUNCTION_CODE_DESC Description: 

The accounting/function description for the employee as determined for accounting purposes by the school district.

Category: Assignments Variable: SUMMARY_GROUP_NAME Description: 

The name for a grouping of assignment codes. The data from this grouping are similar to the data published on CEPI's website.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_01 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach first grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: FEDERAL_GRANT_PARTICIPATION Description: 

This field identifies teachers funded by Title I or Title II Part A who teach core academic subjects in a targeted-assistance program.

Category: Assignments Variable: FID_FUNCTION_CODE Description: 

The accounting/function code for the employee as determined for accounting purposes by the school district.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_RK Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach Retentive Kindergarten.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_04 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach fourth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_08 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach eighth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: EDUCATIONAL_SETTING_DESC Description: 

The description for the educational setting (e.g., Bilingual Education/ELL or Special Education for various age groups, etc.)

Category: Assignments Variable: IS_MDE_TEACHER Description: 

Flag identifying teachers according to the MDE definition.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNMENT_DESCRIPTION Description: 

The description of the position held by the employee.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_03 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach third grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_07 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach seventh grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: ASSIGNED_GRADE_12 Description: 

Flag designating that the staff member was assigned to teach twelfth grade.

Category: Assignments Variable: IS_PRINCIPAL Description: 

Flag identifying principals according to the REP manual.

Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_START_YEAR_AWARDED Description: 

The numeric start year of the school year during which the award was conferred. Example: 2016

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CATEGORY Description: 

The highest-level category description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the 2-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Category: Awards Variable: IS_STARR_AWARD Description: 

Designates if the award record came from the STARR collection.

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CODE Description: 

The code indicating the discipline or field of study for which the award was conferred. As submitted by the IHE, sourced from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL_CATEGORY Description: 

The reporting category of the level of achievement the student has received upon graduation/completion.

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DESCRIPTION Description: 

The descriptive title for the academic award, as submitted by the IHE.

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_DESCRIPTION Description: 

The description of the discipline or field of study of the student's program, as defined in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DATE Description: 

The year, month and day in which the academic award was conferred.

Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR_AWARDED Description: 

The academic school year during which the award was conferred. Example: 2016-2017

Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL Description: 

The level of achievement the student has received upon graduation/completion.

Category: Census Block Variable: CENSUS_BLOCK Description: 

The state code, county code, census tract and census block numbers merged into one field as described in the Notes section on the previous tab.

Category: Census Block Variable: COLLECTION Description: 

General collection (Fall, Spring, Year) or SRM identifier.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_SECTION_NUMBER Description: 

The number assigned to differentiate among distinct occurrences ofcourses that have the same Course Subject Abbreviation and Course Number butare considered to be different courses.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_STARR_RECORD Description: 

Designates if the session record came from the STARR collection.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_TYPE_CODE Description: 

The two-digit code for the course type that represents the level and rigor of the instruction provided throughout the reported course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_TITLE Description: 

The title assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_3 Description: 

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. Third of up to 3 possible.

Category: Course Taking Variable: ACADEMIC_SCHOOL_YEAR Description: 

The school year in which the data was reported by the district.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_FUNDING_CODE Description: 

The code for any programs that provide funding to the student course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COMPLETION_STATUS_CODE Description: 

The standardized code representing a student's final status for the course being reported.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_VIRTUAL_DELIVERY Description: 

Flag that indicates whether the student is receiving instruction via a virtual delivery method. This could be virtual learning, online learning or computer courses; distance learning; or self-scheduled virtual learning.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COLLEGE_CREDIT Description: 

The number of college credit hours earned in a dual/concurrent enrollment course that is eligible for Section 64b Incentive funding.

Category: Course Taking Variable: NUMERIC_GRADE Description: 

The final numeric grade awarded for participation in the course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_TITLE Description: 

The name or title of the course, as defined by the IHE.

Category: Course Taking Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED Description: 

Total of STARR Credits Earned for the course, or NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned for the session.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial science course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_READING Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial reading course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: LETTER_GRADE Description: 

The alphabetical grade earned in the course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_SUBJECT Description: 

The alphabetic abbreviation of the academic department or discipline offering the course, as defined by the IHE.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_ESL Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial English as a Second Language (ESL) course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: GRADE_SCALE_CODE Description: 

The grading scale used by the institution for the enrolled course, according to Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) standards.

Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_2 Description: 

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. Second of up to 3 possible.