The K-12 staffing data, also known as the Registry for Educational Personnel, contain individual-level records on all education personnel for the academic years 2004-05 through 2019-20. While these data include information on employees from any educational entity in Michigan, the level of information recorded is not uniform for all employees. Private schools, for example, are able but not required to participate in the data collection. Additionally, for some positions (i.e. non-instructional) only a limited number of fields are required to be reported, regardless of the type of entity. These data are contained in nine datasets, which we categorize into the following three broad topical areas: Assignment, Employment, and Demographics; Education and Certifications; and Mobility. Note that some of these datasets could be used by researchers as a standalone product, but others should not due to differences in how and when districts record terminations and leaves of absence.

The Staff Demographics, Assignment, and Employment datasets comprise a significant portion of K-12 staffing data available through the Michigan Education Data Center. They contain information on who is employed, where they are employed, and for what function each semester. Researchers should exercise caution in using any of these datasets separately as there is some variability in how information is reported, and note that information on non-instructional employees is more limited. For example, districts may adopt different policies for recording staff members who are employed for partial semesters or for vacant positions. As a result, there may be some staffers included in the data that do not actually work in a given semester (e.g. substitute teachers).



Record Level: Employee-level 
Record Count: 1,021,070 observations 
Years Covered: 2004-Present 
Population Coverage: Part-time and full-time employees of educational entities in Michigan

The demographics file is a time-invariant file for all staff members included in REP, uniquely identified by the researcher personal identification code (RPIC). Note that while there should in theory be one observation per staff member, there are 2,341 RPICS with at least one duplicate observations. These duplicates are due to the fact that date of birth and gender are stored in the State’s personnel master file, while race/ethnicity is stored at the district level. Thus, if a staff member is employed by multiple districts and the districts have conflicting values for race/ethnicity, the staff member and their associated RPIC will have multiple observations in the base file. The variables included are RPIC, the old ID number, race/ethnicity, gender, and date of birth.

Researchers should be aware that in 2022, changes were made to how a staff member's race/ethnicity is aggregated when differing values reported in separate systems. Educators self-report their own race/ethnicity in MOECS, and districts report their employees’ race/ethnicity in the REP. MOECS and REP are two separate database systems. The race/ethnicity variable in the staff base file is created by first taking the self-reported race from MOECS and then, for educators who did not have race data in MOECS, they use the most recent race reported for that person in the REP. This has always been the case. What changed is how CEPI handles individuals whose race is reported as “unknown” in MOECS. Previously, CEPI would only extract race data from the REP if there was a missing value for their race in MOECS. This means that if the race was listed “unknown” (which is a non-missing value), they would not extract race data from the REP. They changed this in calendar year 2022. Now they extract race data from the REP for anyone with either a missing value or “unknown” race/ethnicity in MOECS. These changes apply to all staff members listed in the staff demographic file.



Record Level: Employee by collection by school district 
Record Count: approx. 330,000 observations per collection 
Years Covered: 2004-Present 
Population Coverage: Part-time and full-time employees of educational entities in Michigan

The employment dataset contains information on the tenure of each staff member’s employment with a given district. Note that a staff member may work across multiple districts, and there may be conflicts in information reported across districts for the same staff member (e.g. highest education level). Researchers should be cautious in using the annual salary variable as not all districts are required to report this. The Employment data are theoretically unique at the RPIC x Collection X District level, but there are 97 RPICs with at least on duplicate record which may be due to having multiple hiring or termination dates in a given semester or multiple highest education levels.

Variables included are hire date, termination date, whether the position is funded, whether the position is filled by a permanent employee, employment status with the district, the highest educational degree earned, and annual salary (only required for Title 1).



Record Level: Employee by year by school district by assignment 
Record Count: 6,622,529 observations 
Years Covered: 2004-Present 
Population Coverage: Part-time and full-time employees of educational entities in Michigan

The assignment dataset contains detailed information about the job function(s) a staff member performs each semester in a given location. Data are reported per semester, but employees may have multiple rows per semester for reasons including performing multiple jobs in the same school, the same job for multiple grade levels, or the same job and grade for multiple schools and/or districts. Researchers should note that some assignment codes have changed over time, but we retain a variable with a description of the position which should be used to check for this issue. Researchers should also exercise caution when trying to use FTE or generate a total FTE as some staff members may perform the same position across multiple grades or settings.

The variables in the Assignment dataset can be categorized into variables about the staff member and about the assigned school. Note that staff members employed at the district level, and thus not associated with a particular school (e.g. district superintendent), will have missing values for the school variables. The school variables included are entity type, school code and name, district code and name, ISD code and name, and school open and close dates. The inclusion of the school, district, and ISD identifiers allow researchers to merge on additional information from their respective datasets. The staff variables include information on the staff member’s highly qualified status, effectiveness rating, FTE, assignment code and description, whether funded by a federal grant, flags to identify as a teacher or principal, type of position, funding code and description, grade(s) working with, and special settings.


Showing 701 - 800 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_ONE Description: 

The zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_STATE Description: 

The state of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_CITY Description: 

The city of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO Description: 

The second line of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE Description: 

The first line of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_NAME Description: 

The official name assigned to a School or Facility (Building) type of entity in the Educational Entity Master (EEM)..

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_BASED_HEALTH_CENTER Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has a school-based health center. School-Based Health Centers are comprehensive primary health care clinics operating on school property for children and youth.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SAT_TEST_CENTER Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity is authorized to offer the SAT test.

Category: K12 Building Variable: RCCI_OR_YOUTH_HOME Description: 

Flag denoting if the entity is a residential child care institution or youth home. A child-care facility which provides 24-hour care. These are residences for neglected or delinquent children

Category: K12 Building Variable: PROSPERITY_REGION_NAME Description: 

The name of the region to which the county belongs.

Category: K12 Building Variable: PROSPERITY_REGION_CODE Description: 

The code corresponding to the region the county belongs within for the purposes of the Regional Prosperity Initiative.

Category: K12 Building Variable: PRE_KINDERGARTEN Description: 

Flag denoting if the entity provides Pre-K. Pre-kindergarten is a national technical term for a state, local or privately funded preschool program for children one or two years before kindergarten entry.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag denoting schools and unique education providers that provide alternative education programs for suspended and/or expelled students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OUT_OF_SCHOOL_TIME_PGM_SVS Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs offered/paid for by school or district during the time regular school is not in session for K-12 students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OTHER_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times when school is not in session and funded through sources other than the school/district and not fee-based.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_TWO Description: 

The +4 zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOLS_OF_CHOICE_OFFERED Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity participates in schools of choice. The schools of choice provisions in Section 105 and 105c of the State School Aid Act are designed to allow local school districts to enroll nonresident students and count them in membership without having to obtain approval from the district of residence.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SPECIAL_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education programs. Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique educational needs of the student with a disability and to develop the student’s maximum potential.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SPECIAL_EDUCATION_CENTER_PGM Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education center programs. “Center program” refers to a program operated by a district or intermediate district for special education pupils from several districts in programs for pupils.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUPPLEMENTAL_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL Description: 

Supplemental virtual; the school offers virtual courses but virtual instruction is not the primary means of instruction.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TUITION_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times school is not in session for which a fee is charged.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TWENTY_FIRST_CENTURY_COMM_CNT Description: 

Flag denoting this entity is used as a 21st century community learning center. The purpose is to create community learning centers for those times when school is not in session that provide K-12 students with activities designed to complement their regular academic program, as well as additional enrichment opportunities.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ACTIVELY_EDUCATING Description: 

A District-level flag identifies entities that are actively engaged in educating students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ADULT_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag denoting entities that provide instruction to adult students working towards a GED or education advancement.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ALT_ED_SERVICE_TYPE Description: 

The type of alternative education provided, if applicable.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LOCALE Description: 

A measure of a school’s location relative to populous areas as determined by NCES.

Category: K12 Building Variable: AMOUNT Description: 

The revenue amount for the related breakdown.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUFFIX_DESC Description: 

In the revenue data, the suffix description further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Category: K12 Building Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_TYPE Description: 

Labels the entity by type. (PSA District, LEA District, and ISD)

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAJOR_CLASS_CODE_DESC Description: 

The major class description is the basic account description in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, this denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class description denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FISCAL_YEAR Description: 

This is the school fiscal year that begins on July 1 and goes thru June 30th (e.g. 2012 refers to the school fiscal year from July 1, 2011 thu June 30 , 2012).

Category: K12 Building Variable: HIGHER_ED_NAME Description: 

Entity Name of the Higher ED.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NON_SCH_CHILD_NUTRITION_SPN Description: 

Flag denoting an entity that participates in the USDA-sponsored Child Nutrition Programs (CACFP, SCSM, SFSP, TEFAP and CSFP) where formal instruction is not mandated.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NEGLECTED_INSTITUTION Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Neglected Institution setting. A neglected institution is a public or private residential facility, other than a foster home, that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to the institution, or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable State law, due to abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NCES_CODE Description: 

This NCES code is assigned by the U.S. Department of Education to identify the Entity at the federal level.

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAGNET_TYPE Description: 

This characteristic denotes whether or not a school is a magnet school and which type of magnet association applies.

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAGNET_ID Description: 

The Magnet ID code associated with the magnet type.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LOCKED_DOWN_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a locked down school setting. This entity restricts student movement.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TRANSACTION_TYPE Description: 

Revenue entry type.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LICENSED_BOARDING_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is a licensed boarding school. “Boarding school” means a place accepting for board, care, and instruction 5 or more children under 16 years of age.

Category: K12 Building Variable: JUVENILE_DETENTION_FACILITY Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Juvenile Detention Facility setting. A detention facility for juvenile delinquents who have been placed there by court order.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ISD_NAME Description: 

Denotes the official or legal name of the ISD entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ISD_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Category: K12 Building Variable: IS_PUBLIC Description: 

Indicates whether the entity is a public or private institution

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_KG_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Kindergarten students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_KG_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Kindergarten students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_12_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Twelfth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_11_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_11_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_10_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Tenth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_10_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Tenth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_CAT Description: 

Expenditure category descritpions related to header codes.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_SUBHEADER_DESC Description: 

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail description

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUNCTION_DESC Description: 

The basic account description for expenditures. This code represents the activity for which a service or material is acquired.

Category: K12 Building Variable: STATE_GRANT_DESC Description: 

The description for each state level grant.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_CODE_TYPE Description: 

Overall object code categories.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_SUBHEADER_CODE Description: 

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail code

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_HEADER_DESC Description: 

3 digit expenditure category code description.

Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_NAME Description: 

The building name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUBHEADER_OBJECT_CODE Description: 

The first two digits of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_DESC Description: 

This description is used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay.

Category: K12 Building Variable: STATE_GRANT_CODE Description: 

The unique identifier code for each state level grant.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUBHEADER_OBECT_DESC Description: 

The description of the first two digits of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit building number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number assigned in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CODE Description: 

Expenditures General Fund Summary Function Code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_HEADER_CODE Description: 

3 digit expenditure category code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: HEADER_OBJECT_CODE Description: 

4-digit broad expenditure categories for object codes

Category: K12 Building Variable: HEADER_OBJECT_DESC Description: 

The description of the first digit of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_CODE Description: 

The code used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay. This code is to the 3rd digit detail level.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CAT Description: 

Expenditures by function category

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUNCTION_CODE Description: 

The basic account identifier for expenditures. This code represents the actiivty for which a service or material is acquired.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUND_DESC Description: 

The description for a fund that represents a sum of money or other resources that is set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUND_CODE Description: 

The alphanumeric code representing a sum of money or other resource set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: INDICATOR_CODE Description: 

Indicates whether the amount in balance as an Asset (A), Balance (B), or Liabiliy (L).

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAJOR_CLASS_CODE Description: 

The major class code is the basic account identifier in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, the major class code denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class code denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUFFIX_CODE Description: 

In the revenue data, the suffix code further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Category: K12 Building Variable: EDUCATIONAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER Description: 

An Educational Service Provider or management organization are entities that can be contracted by a PSA district. Educational Service Providers are 'for-profit' or 'non-profit' firms that provide whole-school operation services to public school agencies. A management organization is any group or organization that provides human resources, administrative or managerial support.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_TYPE_CATEGORY Description: 

Identifies whether the entity is considered State, ISD, LEA, PSA, or Nonpublic.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_TYPE Description: 

Entity types is a combination of entity type category name and group name.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_STATUS Description: 

This description denotes the open/closed status of the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_NAME Description: 

Entity Name of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_CODE Description: 

Entity Code of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_PROGRAM Description: 

Flag to specify an early-middle college program provided within an entity which offers non-college options.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION_DATE Description: 

The date the early/middle college program or school received certification from the Michigan Early Middle College Association.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity has been certified by the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) to provide students who successfully complete the early/middle college program with a MEMCA technical certificate.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_WELDING Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Welding focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_VOCATIONAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Vocational focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

Denotes the official or legal name of the district entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EARLY_MIDDLE_COLLEGE Description: 

Flag to specify an EMC (Early Middle College). Also called “Early college high school” or “middle college”, this refers to a public high school designed to allow pupils to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree or up to two years of transferable college credits.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_09_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Ninth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EEM_SNAPSHOT_DAY Description: 

The date in which EEM snapshot was created. These static 'Snapshots' of data are what is loaded to the MSLDS.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_ENTITY Description: 

Flag to specify an EMC entity that exclusively contains early-middle college courses and students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_ARTS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has an ART focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_AUTO Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has an AUTO focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_BUSINESS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Business focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_CIS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a CIS focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_09_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Ninth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_STEM Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a STEM focus