The K-12 staffing data, also known as the Registry for Educational Personnel, contain individual-level records on all education personnel for the academic years 2011-12 through 2018-19. While these data include information on employees from any educational entity in Michigan, the level of information recorded is not uniform for all employees. Private schools, for example, are able but not required to participate in the data collection. Additionally, for some positions (i.e. non-instructional) only a limited number of fields are required to be reported, regardless of the type of entity. These data are contained in nine datasets, which we categorize into the following three broad topical areas: Assignment, Employment, and Demographics; Education and Certifications; and Mobility. Note that some of these datasets could be used by researchers as a standalone product, but others should not due to differences in how and when districts record terminations and leaves of absence. We describe each of the datasets in more detail on its section page.

The education and certifications datasets contain information about staff members previous and ongoing education, certifications, and professional development activities. Information on specific institutions in which education and/or certification were received is limited to Michigan educational entities. Data from the 2003-2004 school year forward are available. Future year's school year data will be added on.



Record Level: Staff by collection by certification 
Record Count: 5.7 million observations 
Years Covered: 2012-Present 
Population Coverage: Staff of Michigan K-12 educational institutions

The endorsement dataset covers the certificates, permits and approvals held by staff within the public K-12 system. These endorsements are classified into one of eight groups using the LICENSE_CATEGORY variable. These groups primarily identify teachers, nurses, psychologists, counselors, administrators and CTE instructors. Certificates are used within the State of Michigan to license teachers. Permits are the only exception to having a fully certified teacher in a classroom and are used by districts primarily with respect to substitute teachers. Approvals are very similar to permits but for special education teachers. Interested researchers should review our more detailed explanation of education credentials in Michigan.

Professional Development


Record Level: Staff by year by certification 
Record Count: 6 million observations 
Years Covered: 2004-Present 
Population Coverage: Staff of Michigan K-12 educational institutitions

The Michigan Department of Education tracks staff professional development in two data systems (Michigan Online Educator Certification system (MOECS) and Registry of Educational Personnel (REP)). The professional development dataset combines information from these two systems. It contains information on the type of professional development, the duration of the training, and where the training took place. Unlike other datasets which are collected at the semester level, only the year in which the professional development (PD) took place is provided.

Districts are required to offer at least 5 days of PD per year (380.1527) whereas the teachers are required to participate in at least 150 hours of PD per year for certification purposes. Districts are required to offer additional hours to new teachers (in their first 3 years) (380.1526). All teachers, progressing from the Standard Certificate to the Professional Certificate, are required by law (380.1531) to take an approved course in the diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and differentiated instruction. The “year” is considered to begin on July 1 and end on June 30, coinciding with the school year.

Currently, there is no method to track all professional development that schools offer. They are only required to report parts of it, and in different places. Similarly, some teachers do more DPPD than is required, but do not enter it into the system because they have already met the requirements for certificate renewal/progression. Therefore, the professional development dataset does not provide the complete data. Educators enter their information directly into the MOECS system. Therefore, some misspellings are expected. When a college name is not spelled correctly or is abbreviated, the IPEDS code is also missing. Data for "DATE_COMPLETED" are reported only in MOECS and are not available in REP and so this field is not included in the PD data.

Professional development (provided to new teachers) that meets the following criteria may be used by teachers to renew or progress their teaching certificate:

  • aligns with the requirements of Section 380.1526; and
  • supports the educator’s development in the profession; and
  • is above and beyond the professional development provided to ALL teachers under Section 380.1527; and
  • earned university credit or SCECHs in accordance with the Education-related Professional Learning hours defined in Teacher Certification Code.

Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC)


Record Level: Staff by MTTC examination 
Record Count: 1 million observations 
Years Covered: 1992-Present 
Population Coverage: MTTC test takers who had previously been assigned RPICs

The MTTC dataset holds teacher assessment history for the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) from 1992-present. This is a test-level file with one observation for each time a teacher attempted an MTTC test. Specific data points include the date the test was taken, the scaled test score, whether a teacher passed the test, and the institutions to which the teacher had their scores sent. Tests began as a requirement with the passage of PA 282 of 1992 (MCL 380.1531). The basic skills examination was repealed with PA 233 of 2018 (MCL 380.1531).

Results from employed instructional staff, substitutes and some non-instructional staff and administrators are included. The State of Michigan receives data from the MTTC test contractor, Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson and maintains a comprehensive database of all MTTC test takers from February 1992 to present. However, the data herein do not cover that full population.


Showing 301 - 400 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_GRADE Description: 

The grade assigned by the educating entities to identify the level of achievement for a particular student course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial writing course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: STARR_CREDITS_EARNED Description: 

The total value of credit hours successfully completed or earned for the course, as reported in STARR.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_STARR_RECORD Description: 

Designates if the session record came from the STARR collection.

Category: Course Taking Variable: STARR_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED Description: 

The total value of credit hours attempted for the course, as reported in STARR.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_SECTION_NUMBER Description: 

The number assigned to differentiate among distinct occurrences ofcourses that have the same Course Subject Abbreviation and Course Number butare considered to be different courses.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_CIP_CODE Description: 

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code used by the US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to describe the area of study for the course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_NUMBER Description: 

The official reference number/code portion of a course identifier, as defined by the IHE.

Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_MATH Description: 

Y/N indicator of whether the course is a remedial math course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: GRADE_STATUS Description: 

The student's disposition for the enrolled course. Examples: PassFailPass, Incomplete, HonorsGrade, Withdrew.

Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_1 Description: 

The Research Personnel Identification Code (RPIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) Application, for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction of the course being reported. First of up to 3 possible.

Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_CREDITS_GRANTED Description: 

The Carnegie unit of credits granted to a student for completing the course or section of the course being reported. A course meeting every day for one period of the school day over the span of a school year offers one Carnegie unit. Thus, a Carnegie unit is a measure of seat time rather than a measure of attainment of the course objectives. Credit for a given course can vary from school district to school district.

Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_ID Description: 

The code assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: VIRTUAL_METHOD_NAME Description: 

The type of virtual instruction the student is receiving. This could be virtual learning, online learning or computer courses; distance learning; or self-scheduled virtual learning.

Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_SECTION_ID Description: 

This characteristic is used by educating entities when the Local Course ID alone cannot uniquely identify a given course.

Category: Course Taking Variable: MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED Description: 

Total of STARR Credits Attempted for the course, or NSC FTE Days converted to Credits Earned for the session.

Category: Course Taking Variable: CONTACT_HOURS Description: 

The seat time in front of the instructor.

Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_YEAR Description: 

The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes. Assigned to a student upon being reported in 9th grade for the first time. Usually four years after student is seen in 9th grade unless the student is enrolled at an Early/Middle College.

Category: Demographics Variable: RACE_ETHNICITY Description: 

Reported ethnicity at the time the MTTC test(s) were taken. The options vary some relative to other data sets.

Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER_RAW Description: 

The student's gender as submitted by the IHE for the academic session.

Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: 

The student's date of birth as submitted by the IHE (month and year only for research data) for the academic session.

Category: Demographics Variable: RACE_ETHNICITY_RAW Description: 

The student's race/ethnicity as submitted by the IHE for the academic session.

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GENDER Description: 

The latest reported gender for a student across all IHEs. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data. CEPI does not receive gender data from NSC, so all values reflected here are sourced from STARR.

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH Description: 

The latest reported date of birth (month and year only for research data) for the student for all time. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data, then a present value over a missing value.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_COUNTY_CODE Description: 

The two-digit code assigned to the Michigan county in which the student’s primary address is located.

Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE Description: 

The grade of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: ECONOMICALLY_DISADVANTAGED Description: 

Indicates if the student is economically disadvantaged.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_LEP Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or understanding English. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_DISPLACED_HOMEMAKER Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student who has worked primarily in the home or for family, without compensation and has diminished marketable skills. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: LEP Description: 

Indicates if the student has limited English proficiency.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_NON_TRADITIONAL Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student's gender comprises fewer than 25 percent of individuals employed in the occupation or field of work the student is studying. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_OUT_OF_WORKFORCE Description: 

A. An individual who is a displaced homemaker, as defined in section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102)B. An individual who; (i)(I) has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; or (II) is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under such title; and (ii) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_SPECIAL_POP_UNKNOWN Description: 

Indicator of whether or not the Perkins IV specific Special Population is unknown for the current session.

Category: Demographics Variable: IHE_AGE_AS_OF_SEP_30 Description: 

The student's age as of September 30th of the enrollment year.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_INDIV_W_DISABILITY Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student is an individual with a disability according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_HOMELESS Description: 

Individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence (within the meaning of section 103(a)(1))

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_FOSTER Description: 

“Age Out” - the time frame after which a foster care child is eligible for state services. Eligibility for state services varies depending on the state in which the child resides. Transitioning out of the child welfare system may occur as early as 18 or as late as age 23.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_ECO_DIS Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student has economic or academic disadvantages requiring special services or assistance. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: 

The date (month and year only) on which the student was born as it appears on a birth certificate or other legal document presented at the time of enrollment.

Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER Description: 

Reported gender

Category: Demographics Variable: RAW_RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE Description: 

The ethnicity or race of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: NATIVE_LANGUAGE_CODE Description: 

The code of the child's native or first language. The student's primary or native language indicated on the home language survey

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_COUNTY_NAME Description: 

The name of the Michigan county in which the student’s primary address is located.

Category: Demographics Variable: HOMELESS_STATUS Description: 

The status name for the primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless.

Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_EXCLUSION Description: 

Indicator for those persons who may be removed (deleted) from a cohort (or subcohort). Allowed enumerations are:DeathTotal and Permanent DisabilityService in the Armed ForcesService with a foreign aid service of the federal governmentService on official church missions

Category: Demographics Variable: HOMELESS_CODE Description: 

The code for the primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless.

Category: Demographics Variable: NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME Description: 

The name of the child's native or first language. The student's primary or native language indicated on the home language survey

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_POVERTY Description: 

Flag indicating if the student is economically disadvantaged, based on Migrant, Homeless, Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility and Direct Certification status.

Category: Demographics Variable: FEDERAL_POVERTY_LEVEL_QUINTILE Description: 

The Federal Poverty Level (FPL) quintile to which a child belongs based on the records maintained by the program represented by a given record.

Category: Demographics Variable: BIRTH_YEAR Description: 

Reported year of birth

Category: Demographics Variable: RACE Description: 

The code representing the most recent reported racial and ethnicity group of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: MULTIPLE_BIRTH_ORDER Description: 

Indicates that the student is part of a multiple birth where siblings share allunique identifying characteristics. Multiple Birth Order is not intended toidentify every case of twins, triplets, etc., in the state. It is only intended toprovide some distinguishing data element for cases where twins (triplets,etc.) of the same gender have the same or a similar first name. Each studentfrom such a multiple birth is to have a unique number.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_FOSTER_CHILD Description: 

Flag indicating if the child has an active record in the recipient table from DHHS, then this field is set to Y. For Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, a flag set to “Y” may indicate either in-home or out-of-home placement of the child.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH Description: 

Flag indicating if the student is an unaccompanied youth who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and who fits the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless.

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC Description: 

The latest reported race/ethnicity for a student across all IHEs. Values are stabilized to one per student, favoring the most recently submitted data; then a known value over an unknown. In the event there is still a conflict, then the most likely of the reported values is chosen. CEPI does not receive race/ethnicity data from NSC, so all values reflected here are sourced from STARR.

Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER Description: 

The most recent reported gender of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: RAW_GENDER Description: 

Indicates if the student is male or female. Code 'M' indicates the student is male. Code 'F' indicates the student is female.

Category: Demographics Variable: ZIP_CODE Description: 

The five- or nine-digit ZIP code of the location where the student lives at the time of reporting or the last known code of residence.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_ECONOMICALLY_DISADVANTAGED Description: 

Flag to identify students who have been determined to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals via locally gathered and approved family applications under the National School Lunch program, are in households receiving food (SNAP) or cash (TANF) assistance, are homeless, are migrant, or are in foster care. When any of these conditions are present, a student is considered Economically Disadvantaged.

Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER_RAW Description: 

Indicates if the student is male or female. Code 'M' indicates the student is male. Code 'F' indicates the student is female.

Category: Demographics Variable: GRADUATION_COHORT_YEAR Description: 

The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes. Assigned to a student upon being reported in 9th grade for the first time. Usually four years after student is seen in 9th grade unless the student is enrolled at an Early/Middle College. Missing values are common and indicate a student is not advanced enough to be assigned a cohort year yet.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

The name for the Local Education Agency (LEA) district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GENDER Description: 

The latest MSDS-recorded gender for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code for the Local Education Agency (LEA) geographic district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.

Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE_SY Description: 

The student's primary grade/setting as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.)

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GRAD_YEAR Description: 

The latest recorded graduation year for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset. Missing values are common and indicate student is not due to graduate yet or did not graduate.

Category: Demographics Variable: READING_DEFICIENCY_CONTINUATION Description: 

Flag indicating the student had a reading deficiency continuing at end-of-year assessment.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_COHORT_YEAR_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether the student's graduation cohort year assignment has ever changed. Early Middle College participation or re-evaluation of a student's status may have resulted in the changes. Missing values are common and indicate the student is not advanced enough to be assigned a cohort year yet.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting racial/ethnic values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_MILITARY_CONNECTED Description: 

Flag indicating a student has a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty or serves on fulltime National Guard duty.

Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_STABLE Description: 

The latest MSDS-recorded date of birth (month and year only for research data) for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.

Category: Demographics Variable: RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE_RAW Description: 

A unique six-position field using any combination of "0" through "6" in the proper position. Because this is a multipleoccurrence field, the indicator of the code is located by position in the format. The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented with a "1" and the second choice is a "2", etc.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_GRADUATED_SY Description: 

Indicates student graduated in this school year (SCHOOL_YEAR). This value defaults to No and is set to Yes when there is a graduation record for a given school year.

Category: Demographics Variable: ETHNICITY_CODE_RAW Description: 

A unique six-position field using any combination of "0" through "6" in the proper position. Because this is a multipleoccurrence field, the indicator of the code is located by position in the format. The primary racial/ethnic choice is represented with a "1" and the second choice is a "2", etc.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting racial/ethnic category values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_STATUS_CODE Description: 

The code that indicates the student’s residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.

Category: Demographics Variable: ZIP_CODE Description: 

Zip code associated with the street address of the individual submitted.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting gender values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: READING_DEFICIENCY_IDENTIFIED Description: 

Flag indicating the student had a reading deficiency identified at the beginning of year (or after enrollment).

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_SINGLE_PARENT Description: 

Indicator of whether or not a student is either an unmarried pregnant female, or a student of any gender who is unmarried or separated and has one or more minor children. A Perkins IV Special Population.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting gender values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_DATE_BIRTH_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting date of birth values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code for the Local Education Agency (LEA) district in which the student's custodial parent(s) or legal guardian resides.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_NAME Description: 

The student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.

Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_STATUS_NAME Description: 

The name of the category assigned to a high school student based on grade and exit status. Used for grad/drop calculations.

Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_STATUS_CODE Description: 

The code of the category assigned to a high school student based on grade and exit status. Used for grad/drop calculations.

Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_CODE Description: 

The code for the student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district and/or residency requirements outlined in the Pupil Residency section of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual.

Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER Description: 

The reported gender of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: ETHNICITY_RACE Description: 

The ethnicity or race of the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_SY Description: 

The student's primary educational setting for special education as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (The location or facility type where the student participates in special education programs or services.)

Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: 

The date (month and year only for research data) on which the student was born as it appears on a birth certificate or other legal document presented at the time of enrollment.

Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_DISABILITY_CODE_RAW Description: 

The primary disability code identified on the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) as defined by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE).

Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_DATE_BIRTH_CONFLICT Description: 

Indicates whether conflicting date of birth values have ever been reported for the student.

Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC Description: 

The latest MSDS-recorded racial/ethnic category for the student for all time. Values are stabilized so there is only one value per student for all observations in this dataset.

Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_CODE_RAW Description: 

The name of the location or facility type where the student participates in special education programs or services. Codes are categorized by student age.

Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_DISABILITY_CODE_SY Description: 

The student's primary disability as selected by CEPI reporting rules when multiple districts/schools report the student. (Primary disability identified on the student's IEP as defined by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE).

Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_LEP_LANGUAGE_SY Description: 

The student's native language selected by CEPI for federal reporting when multiple districts/schools report the student. See LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_1, etc. for other languages.

Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE_RAW Description: 

The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.

Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: DATA_SOURCE_CODE Description: 

The code for the comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the child's assessment.

Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: PARENT_INPUT_NAME Description: 

The name of the parent input about the child outcomes rating.