
Record Level: Student by Year by Assessment 
Record Count: 65,000-100,000 records per year 
Years Covered: 2007-Present 
Population Coverage: Data covers all students from private, home schooled and public schools who have participated in these assessments. While private and home schooled students are included in this dataset, they are not advised for reporting unless specifically researching questions around those groups of students.

This English Language Learner Assessment Researcher file contains commonly requested student-level assessment data from the K-12 environment pertaining to English language learner assessments. These assessments are composed of the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) and the WIDA. The ELPA was administered to K-12 students identified as English Learners until the 2012-13 school year, and the WIDA has been administered since the 2013-14 school year. We have data from the 2007-2008 school year forward. We anticipate having future years' data as it becomes available.

We have English Language Learner Assessment records for over 320,000 students in total. With regards to each specific assessment, we have records for 150,000 students that were assessed using the ELPA and 245 thousand students that were assessed using the WIDA. Note that 2 thousand of the WIDA students were assessed with the Alternative WIDA because they are students who receive special education services. We have scores for around 100,000 individuals that were tested in Kindergarten. A similar number were tested in 1st and 2nd grade. From 3rd to 12th grade there is a steady decline in the number of individuals assessed; across that grade range the number of students assessed goes from 90,000 to 30,000.

The WIDA consists of four main components: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Our data contains a scaled score for each of the four main components, and it contains a scaled scores for four combinations of the main components: Oral Language (Listening and Speaking), Literacy (Reading and Writing), Comprehension (Listening and Reading), and Overall (a combination of all four language domains). The ELPA consists of the same four core components as the WIDA: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Our ELPA data contains a scaled score for each of the four main components, and it contains a scaled score for two combinations of the main components: Comprehension (Listening and Reading) and Overall (a combination of all four language domains). In addition to the scaled score for each component of the assessment, we have the corresponding performance levels. For the WIDA, we have performance levels corresponding to each scaled score. Students who receive special education services and were assessed with the Alternative WIDA receive distinct performance levels. For the ELPA, we simply have a performance level corresponding to the "Overall" scaled score.

2017 WIDA Update

Students who take the WIDA summative assessment are scored on four language domains and receive a scale score and performance level for each domain. Each of the domain scale scores contributes to an EL’s overall English language proficiency score, with reading and writing being weighted most heavily (35% reading, 35% writing, 15% listening, 15% speaking). In 2017, the WIDA assessment was recalibrated (going from WIDA ACCESS 1.0 to 2.0), and the exam was 1) made substantially more difficult and 2) the modality changed from paper and pencil to online.

Dr. Gary Cook from WIDA has explained that it is not possible to create a 1:1 crosswalk between scale scores from before and after the recalibration. In addition to the change in difficulty and the mode of assessment, the standard setting changed substantially for the writing and speaking components of the exam. Moreover, the WIDA ACCESS 1.0 was a static assessment, and after the switch to WIDA ACCESS 2.0, the reading and listening components are staged adaptive tests, while the speaking and writing are static forms selected based on the performance of students in reading and listening. The domain scores were also rescaled.

Although there is no crosswalk between scale scores on the WIDA ACCESS 1.0 and 2.0, there is a crosswalk between performance levels (PLs). The ordinal performance levels range from 1.0 to 6.0 and the cut scores for PLs are based on scale scores, so these also changed when the standards changed in 2017. Gary Cook shared the 4 attached files, which outline the relationship between PLs across the two versions of the assessment.

Additional Resources

For more information on interpreting the scores, please refer to the official WIDA Interpretive Guide and the Alternative Interpretive Guide for the assessment administered to students who receive special education services.


Showing 901 - 1000 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SPECIAL_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag indicating the student is eligible for Special Ed services.

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_21ST_CENT_COMM_LC_PROG Description: 

Indicates this student participated in at least 30 sessions of an after-school or summer program funded through a 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grant.Program Code retired in 2017/2018

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_REDUCED_LUNCH_ELIGIBLE Description: 

Flag indicating if the student is eligible for reduced lunch based on Direct Certification through DHHS or Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility (SNE). If the student qualifies for Free Lunch, then the Reduced Lunch Eligible flag will be 'N' regardless of reduced lunch-specific eligibility factors.

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_IMMIGRANT_PROGRAM Description: 

Flag indicating if the student participated in an Immigrant program.

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_MIGRANT_ELIGIBLE Description: 

Flag indicating if the student was eligible for Migrant services.

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECT_CERT Description: 

Flag indicating if the student has an active record in the Direct Certification database provided by DHHS.

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_ELIGIBLE_FREE_LUNCH Description: 

Flag indicating if the student is eligible for free lunch based on being Migrant, Homeless, Direct Cert or Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility (SNE).

Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_HOMELESS_PROGRAM Description: 

Flag indicating if the homeless code field has a value greater than 0.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_SCIENCE_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the science portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the mathematics portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_ENGLISH_WRITING_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the English_writing portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: IS_COLLEGE_REPORTABLE Description: 

A flag denoting whether the ACT scores for a student are considered viable to report to colleges.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_SGP_LEVEL Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) abbreviation for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_SGP Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_COLLEGE_READY Description: 

Indicates whether college/career ready benchmark was met on the Mathematics test.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_LEVEL_SCORE Description: 

The level score for the locating information portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SCORE Description: 

The official SAT score for the mathematics portion.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_SCORE Description: 

The official SAT score for the English language arts portion.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_TOTAL_SCORE Description: 

The official overall SAT score.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_MATH_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the math portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) description for the English language arts portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the reading portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_SCALED_SCORE Description: 

The scaled score for the reading portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_SCALED_SCORE Description: 

The scaled score for the locating information portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_LEVEL_SCORE Description: 

The level score for the reading portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_READING_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the reading portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP_LEVEL Description: 

The student growth percentile (SGP) abbreviation for the mathematics portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_COMBINED_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the English language arts and mathematics portions of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_SCALED_SCORE Description: 

The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment. Scale Scores are used by educators to track growth in skills over time.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_ELA_COLLEGE_READY Description: 

Indicates whether college/career ready benchmark was met on ELA test

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_VALID Description: 

Flag denoting whether the student's test was valid for the locating information portion of the assessment. (Y= Yes; N=No)

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_COMPOSITE_SCORE Description: 

The composite score ranges from 1 (low) to 36 (high). The Composite score is the average of your four test scores, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_ENGLISH_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the English portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_NCRC_DESC Description: 

The ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC®) is an assessment-based credential issued at four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Other levels show information about the test, not necessarily credential levels. The NCRC measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: ACT_WRITING_SCORE Description: 

The ACT score for the writing portion of the assessment.

Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_LEVEL_SCORE Description: 

The level score for the mathematics portion of the assessment. Level Scores are often used in hiring and advancements decisions. They are based on ACT WorkKeys job profiles which are a snapshot of the skills needed for a particular job.

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_8 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_7 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_2 Description: 

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_3 Description: 

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_10 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_1 Description: 

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_7 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_4 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_9 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_3 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: PARENTAL_CONSENT_DATE Description: 

The date on which the entity received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form. It is the beginning of the timeline for completion of the initial Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_6 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_2 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_5 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_RESULT Description: 

The outcome code of the initial Individual Education Plan (IEP) determining if the student is eligible or ineligible for special education programs and services.

Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_COMPLETION_DATE Description: 

The completion of an Individual Education Program (IEP) is the date on the notice of the offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_1 Description: 

The code(s) representing any special education support service that provide developmental, corrective and other support as required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education (support services include related services)

Category: Special Education Variable: IEP_DATE Description: 

The date of the notice/offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) associated with the student's most recent Individual Education Program (IEP).

Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_TIMELIENESS Description: 

The timeliness status code for the evaluation of Individual Education Plan (IEP) eligibility.

Category: Special Education Variable: SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_1 Description: 

Code used to describe additional disability characteristics as identified on the vision or audiological report.

Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_4 Description: 

The code representing the IEP-designated program(s), or IFSP program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_1 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_10 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_4 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_6 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_4 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_NAME Description: 

The name of the Part C Indicator 1: Indicate the service start status for the services identified on the child's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Category: Special Education Variable: SEA_NOTIFICATION Description: 

Part C Indicator 8 B: Notification to the SEA must occur at least 90 days prior to the toddler's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Category: Special Education Variable: START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: 

The code for the Part C Indicator 1: Indicate the service start status for the services identified on the child's Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_9 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_1 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_7 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_10 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_8 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_NAME Description: 

The name that indicates the results of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) eligibility determination.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_7 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: LEA_NOTIFICATION Description: 

Part C Indicator 8 B: Notification to the LEA where the toddler resides must occur at least 90 days prior to the toddler's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_4 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_CONF_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: 

Part C Indicator 8 C code: Indicate if the transition IFSP conference was held within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Category: Special Education Variable: PART_C_EXIT_REASON_NAME Description: 

The reason given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.

Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_IFSP_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: 

Part C Indicator 8 A code: Indicate if the transition plan in the IFSP was completed within the required timeframe (at least 90 days but not more than nine months prior to the toddler's third birthday).

Category: Special Education Variable: SERVICE_COORDINATING_AGENCY Description: 

The name of the type of agency that is providing service coordination for this child through Part C.

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_3 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_2 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_5 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_CODE Description: 

The code that indicates the results of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) eligibility determination.

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_8 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_6 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_8 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_6 Description: 

The name of the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_7 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_3 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_2 Description: 

Code used to describe additional disability characteristics as identified on the vision or audiological report.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_8 Description: 

The name/descriptor of the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_5 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_3 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.

Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IFSP_DATE Description: 

The date of the child's initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_3 Description: 

The code for the Individual Education Plan (IEP)-designated program(s), or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) program(s), in which the student is participating. This is not to be confused with the student's type of disability. The student's program assignment is not required to match his/her impairment. (E.g., a student does not have to be diagnosed as early childhood developmentally delayed to participate in an early childhood special education program.)

Category: Special Education Variable: PRIM_SERVICE_SETTING_NAME Description: 

The name of the environment in which the majority of the services are being provided to the child.

Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_4 Description: 

The code used to identify the area of developmental delay or the established condition identified on the child's IFSP by which the child’s eligibility was determined.