The K-12 Student Coursework dataset is course-level data that provides information on each course taken by students. Taken from the Michigan Department of Educations Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) system and beginning in 2011-12, Michigan public schools were required to submit course taking information to the state; failure to submit information may reduce a school or district’s performance scorecard. Within the coursework data, we can observe the courses students take, the grade received, credits earned, and the assigned teacher and course section.

Approximately 95% of students in the main K12 student enrollment data are accounted for in the coursework data during the years for which we have comprehensive data (2012-2015). The student’s unique ID (RIC) can be linked to the student and assessment databases. The teacher’s unique id (RPIC) can be linked to the Employment database, which includes more detailed data on the teacher’s background) and certifications.

Beginning in 2015-16, Michigan public schools were only required to report students that fit into the following categories: 

  • Migrant education participants (grades 9-12)
  • Dual enrollment participants (grades 9-12)
  • Early middle College participants (grades 9-12)
  • Advanced and accelerated learning (AP/IB) participants (All Grades)
  • Virtual/online learning participants (All grades).

There are numerous challenges to using the coursework data. First, there are more than 15 million course-level observations for each academic year. Second, a “course” does not have the same clear meaning for students in grades K-8 (especially K-5) as it does for students in high school. Indeed, over 95% of courses in grades K-5 yield zero credits earned compared to 15-20% of courses yielding zero credits in high school (mostly for receiving a failing grade). Nearly two-thirds of course observations in grades K-5 have a missing grade, compared to 10% missing in grades 6-8 and less than 1% missing in grades 9-12. There are other challenges in assigning course grades, credits, and a “main” teacher described later in this memo.

For many potential projects, researchers may wish to use a student-by-year level file, where the observations includes the student’s GPA, total credits earned, courses attempted and passed, class sizes, teacher assignments in core academic subjects, and levels of courses taken (AP, honors, etc.).


Showing 1 - 22 of 22 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE Description: state-assigned 5-digit number which identifies student's public school district
Category: All Variable: RIC Description: The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.
Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: 5-digit building code assigned to the building in EEM
Category: All Variable: START_YEAR Description: The calendar year in which the school year began.
Category: All Variable: COLLECTION_SCHOOL_YEAR Description: The academic school year in which the course was completed by the student.
Category: Course Taking Variable: VIRTUAL_METHOD_NAME Description: The type of virtual instruction the student is receiving
Category: Course Taking Variable: SUBJECT_COURSE_CODE Description: SCED code is comprised of 2-digit subject area and 3-digit course identifier
Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_3 Description: Research Personal Identification Code assigned to each teacher. 3rd possible
Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_2 Description: Research Personal Identification code assigned for each teacher. 2nd possible
Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_1 Description: Research Personnel Identification Code assigned for each teacher for the course
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_CREDITS_GRANTED Description: Carnegie unit of credits measured in seat time granted to a student
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_TITLE Description: The title assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_SECTION_ID Description: Used by education entities when the local course ID cannot identify a course
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_ID Description: The code assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.
Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_GRADE Description: Grade assigned by education entities for student achievement in a course
Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_VIRTUAL_DELIVERY Description: Flag indicates whether student is receiving instruction virtually.
Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_TYPE_CODE Description: Code for the course type representing rigor of instruction provided
Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_FUNDING_CODE Description: The code for any programs that provide funding to the student course.
Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_CLASSIFICATION Description: The NCES designation as either primary/secondary level course
Category: Course Taking Variable: COMPLETION_STATUS_CODE Description: Code representing student's final status for the course being reported
Category: Course Taking Variable: COLLEGE_CREDIT Description: Number of college credit hours earned in dual/concurrent enrollment
Category: Course Taking Variable: ACADEMIC_SCHOOL_YEAR Description: The school year in which the data was reported by the district.