The K-12 Student Coursework dataset is course-level data that provides information on each course taken by students. Taken from the Michigan Department of Educations Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) system and beginning in 2011-12, Michigan public schools were required to submit course taking information to the state; failure to submit information may reduce a school or district’s performance scorecard. Within the coursework data, we can observe the courses students take, the grade received, credits earned, and the assigned teacher and course section.

Approximately 95% of students in the main K12 student enrollment data are accounted for in the coursework data during the years for which we have comprehensive data (2012-2015). The student’s unique ID (RIC) can be linked to the student and assessment databases. The teacher’s unique id (RPIC) can be linked to the Employment database, which includes more detailed data on the teacher’s background) and certifications.

Beginning in 2015-16, Michigan public schools were only required to report students that fit into the following categories: 

  • Migrant education participants (grades 9-12)
  • Dual enrollment participants (grades 9-12)
  • Early middle College participants (grades 9-12)
  • Advanced and accelerated learning (AP/IB) participants (All Grades)
  • Virtual/online learning participants (All grades).

There are numerous challenges to using the coursework data. First, there are more than 15 million course-level observations for each academic year. Second, a “course” does not have the same clear meaning for students in grades K-8 (especially K-5) as it does for students in high school. Indeed, over 95% of courses in grades K-5 yield zero credits earned compared to 15-20% of courses yielding zero credits in high school (mostly for receiving a failing grade). Nearly two-thirds of course observations in grades K-5 have a missing grade, compared to 10% missing in grades 6-8 and less than 1% missing in grades 9-12. There are other challenges in assigning course grades, credits, and a “main” teacher described later in this memo.

For many potential projects, researchers may wish to use a student-by-year level file, where the observations includes the student’s GPA, total credits earned, courses attempted and passed, class sizes, teacher assignments in core academic subjects, and levels of courses taken (AP, honors, etc.).


Showing 1 - 100 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSEMGR Description: 

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCAGR Description: 

Computer Science A: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ART3DGR Description: 

Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: SPANLTGR Description: 

Spanish Literature and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PSYCHGR Description: 

Psychology: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENVSCIGR Description: 

Environmental Science: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CALCBCGR Description: 

Calculus BC: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTSTDGR Description: 

Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: USHISTGR Description: 

United States History: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: EURHISGR Description: 

European History: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GOVUSGR Description: 

United States Government and Politics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GOVCOMGR Description: 

Comparative Government and Politics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: LATINVGR Description: 

Latin Vergil: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: SPANLAGR Description: 

Spanish Language: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCPGR Description: 

Computer Science Principles: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ECONMAGR Description: 

Macroeconomics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CALCABGR Description: 

Calculus AB: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTST2GR Description: 

Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: FRNLANGR Description: 

French Language and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CHINESGR Description: 

Chinese Language and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: LATINCGR Description: 

Latin: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYS1GR Description: 

Physics 1: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCBGR Description: 

Computer Science B: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: JAPANGR Description: 

Japanese Language and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: FRENLTGR Description: 

French Literature: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSMGR Description: 

Physics C: Mechanics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: BIOLGR Description: 

Biology: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSBGR Description: 

Physics B: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CPSTNSGR Description: 

AP Capstone Seminar: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: MUSICTGR Description: 

Music Theory: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ITALGR Description: 

Italian Language and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYS2GR Description: 

Physics 2: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CPSTNRGR Description: 

AP Capstone Research: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: WDHISTGR Description: 

World History: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GERLAGR Description: 

German Language and Culture: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENGLITGR Description: 

English Literature and Composition: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTHISGR Description: 

Art History: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ECONMIGR Description: 

Microeconomics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENGLANGR Description: 

English Language and Composition: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CHEMGR Description: 

Chemistry: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: STATGR Description: 

Statistics: Exam Score

Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: HUMGEOGR Description: 

Human Geography: Exam Score

Category: All Variable: ISD_NAME Description: 

Intermediate school district name (EEM).

Category: All Variable: SUBMITTING_SCHOOL_CODE Description: 
Category: All Variable: START_YEAR Description: 

The calendar year in which the school year began.

Category: All Variable: MOECS_EDUCATOR_ID Description: 

A unique identification code assigned to educators when they enter their information in MOECS for the first time, to keep the anonymity of the staff.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_OPEN_DATE Description: 

The actual opening date of the school or when it begins to do business.

Category: All Variable: ENTITY_TYPE Description: 

Description of Entity Type which indicates whether the school/entity that the staff is assigned to, is private, charter, public, state-run, etc.

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district of the entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_NAME Description: 

The name as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: All Variable: EMPLOYED_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district that the educator is employed by.

Category: All Variable: EMPLOYED_ISD_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is employed by.

Category: All Variable: ASSIGNED_ISD_NAME Description: 

The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is assigned to.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_CLOSE_DATE Description: 

the actual closing date of the entity or the date the entity ceased to do business.

Category: All Variable: EMPLOYED_DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

The official district name denoting the district that the educator is employed by.

Category: All Variable: ASSIGNED_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The official state assigned five digit code denoting the district that the educator is assigned to.

Category: All Variable: BUILDING_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Note: This field has a value ONLY for data from General collection or SRM, but may be NULL for pre-K special ed.

Category: All Variable: DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student. Note: This field has a value ONLY for data from General collection or SRM.

Category: All Variable: LAST_COLLECTION_NAME Description: 

The collection in which the student was last reported by any district.

Category: All Variable: FIRST_COLLECTION_NAME Description: 

First MSDS Collection in which the student was assigned to a graduation cohort.

Category: All Variable: LAST_COLLECTION_ID Description: 

Code associated with the collection in which the student was last reported by any district.

Category: All Variable: FIRST_COLLECTION_ID Description: 

Code associated with the first MSDS Collection in which the student was assigned to a graduation cohort.

Category: All Variable: COLLECTION_SCHOOL_YEAR Description: 

The academic school year in which the course was completed by the student.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: 

The start and end years of the schoolyear that the student attended / received services during the collection used for this record.

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_ISD_NAME Description: 

The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: 

The entity code assigned to the School or Facility (Building) held accountable for the student's graduation status.

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

The official district name denoting the district of the entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_NAME Description: 

The official name assigned to the School or Facility (Building) type of entity held accountable for the student's graduation status.

Category: All Variable: REPORTING_PERIOD Description: 

Description of the reporting period (school year, fall, spring) that the data represents.

Category: All Variable: RIC Description: 

The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.

Category: All Variable: IHE_SUBMITTED_SESSION_END_DATE Description: 

The date identifying the end of the academic session as submitted by the college.

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: 

The school year that the data represents.

Category: All Variable: SESSION_END_DATE Description: 

The date identifying the end of the academic session as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Prior to the availability of the session begin and end dates in 2016-17, NSC records used the enrollment end date as reported to NSC.

Category: All Variable: SESSION_NAME Description: 

The academic term for which the data are being reported, as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Example: Fall

Category: All Variable: IPEDS_CODE Description: 

IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) IHE identification code.

Category: All Variable: SESSION_BEGIN_DATE Description: 

The date identifying the start of the academic session as determined by CEPI, based on the IHE's submitted Session Begin and End dates. Prior to the availability of session begin and end dates in 2016-17, this field was derived from the submitted Session Designator, which was the session start month and year.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR_ENROLLED Description: 

The school year during which the student is enrolled. Example: 2016-2017

Category: All Variable: IHE_NAME Description: 

Institution of Higher Education (IHE) Official Name.

Category: All Variable: IHE_SUBMITTED_SESSION_BEGIN_DATE Description: 

The date identifying the start of the academic session as submitted by the college.

Category: All Variable: YEAR_SESSION Description: 

A combination of the school year enrolled and the session name. Example: 2011-2012 Fall

Category: All Variable: RIC Description: 

The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_START_YEAR_ENROLLED Description: 

The numeric start year of the school year during which the student is enrolled. Example: 2016

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_ISD_NAME Description: 

The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_ISD_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Category: All Variable: EMPLOYED_ISD_NAME Description: 

The name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the intermediate school district (ISD) or educational service agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located. This is the ISD that the educator is employed by.

Category: All Variable: OPEN_DATE Description: 

The actual opening date of the entity or when it begins to do business.

Category: All Variable: LONGITUDE Description: 

The longitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.

Category: All Variable: LATITUDE Description: 

The latitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.

Category: All Variable: COLLECTION Description: 

Collection Period of the observation. Example: EOY 2017

Category: All Variable: CLOSE_DATE Description: 

The actual closing date of the entity. Blank if Entity is open or data is unavailable.

Category: All Variable: START_YEAR Description: 

The numeric start year of the school year during which the data was collected. Example: 2016

Category: All Variable: DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

Operational District Name

Category: All Variable: DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

Operational District Code (i.e., the Employing District)

Category: All Variable: START_YEAR Description: 

The calendar year in which the school year began.

Category: All Variable: ISD_CODE Description: 

Operational Intermediate School District Code

Category: All Variable: ISD_NAME Description: 

Operational Intermediate School District Name

Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM). Otherwise known as Building Code. Building codes 00000 identify the administrative units.

Category: All Variable: ASSIGNED_DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

The official district name denoting the district that the educator is assigned to.