
Record Level: Student by award by institution 
Record Count: 186,208 observations/year beginning in 2010 
Years Covered: 2010-present* 
Population Coverage: Students enrolled in or receiving an award from a Michigan public institution (see base file for details)

The awards dataset includes one record per student, for each award granted at all institutions. The dataset includes the reporting category of the award, such as Bachelor’s degree. Additionally, it includes award date, description, and CIP-code.

* Years covered includes any year for which there is data available in this file. However, researchers should note that these data encompass the academic histories of any student receiving an award beginning with the 2010 school year. As such, the base file “years covered” encompasses 2010, but all other files may include earlier records as well.

At the broadest level, student award levels are broken down into the following categories:

Award Level CategoryTotal observations/year
Associate Degree35,692
Bachelor's Degree80,380
Doctoral Degree6,936
Graduate Certificate556
Intermediate Graduate Degree91
Master's Degree25,845
Post-Master's Certificate228
Postbaccalaureate Certificate1,136
Postsecondary award, certificate5,352
Professional Degree1,002
Professional or Technical Credential110

Researchers should note the following about the datafile: During one or two of the earliest reporting years, the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) reported an inordinate quantity of awards with the award date 01/01/2000. For many cases, there is an identical award in the file with a more legitimate date in a later academic year, but for some students the erroneous 01/01/2000 date remains. For this reason, the number of awards in 2000 can be inaccurate.

CEPI conducts some deduplication of award records, as follows:

  • Award Levels of Bachelor's Degree and Baccalaureate Degree are treated the same, kept as Bachelor's Degree, and deduplicated if all other key fields are identical. From 2017-18 on, all Baccalaureate Award Levels are recoded to Bachelor's Degree in the source data for these files.
  • For awards with an award level that is not equal to 'Other': Drop records with a null award CIP code if there is a corresponding record with matching IPEDS code, award date and award level, and an award CIP code value is present.
  • For awards with an award level that is equal to 'Other': Drop records with a null award CIP code if there is a corresponding record with matching IPEDS code, award date, award level and award description, and an award CIP code value is present.


Showing 1 - 16 of 16 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: All Variable: IHE_NAME Description: NULL
Category: All Variable: IPEDS_CODE Description: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) IHE identification code
Category: All Variable: RIC Description: The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CATEGORY Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CODE Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_DESCRIPTION Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DATE Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DESCRIPTION Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL_CATEGORY Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: IS_STARR_AWARD Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_START_YEAR_AWARDED Description: NULL
Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR_AWARDED Description: NULL
Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER_RAW Description: NULL
Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: NULL
Category: Demographics Variable: RACE_ETHNICITY_RAW Description: NULL