The postsecondary researcher data files contain commonly requested longitudinal student-level data from the postsecondary educational environment. The data is organized into 5 datasets: base, enrollment, program, coursework, and awards. These datasets reflect information about postsecondary student demographics, enrollments, programs, courses, cumulative progress, and degrees/certifications (referred to as awards). Data from the 2010-present school years are available.

The primary data sources for the postsecondary researcher data are the Student Transcript and Academic Record Repository (STARR) and the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). STARR is a collection of student data from all Michigan public institutions and some independent institutions. NSC is a national database of postsecondary student information from most colleges nationwide. The information collected from STARR is more detailed than that obtained from NSC, but we use the NSC data to track the progress of Michigan's students who attend college out of state, and as a backup to ensure we obtain the most complete data possible for Michigan's postsecondary students. The STARR and NSC data are merged together and standardized, and these merged datasets serve as the source for the researcher files. More specifically, CEPI submits a student list to NSC for the past 8 cohorts of Michigan high school graduates and for all Michigan postsecondary students. NSC matches the student list to their Student Tracker database and CEPI uses the returned results.

When merging these data sources, student x year x institution enrollment and awards records are first identified from the STARR and NSC. Where only a STARR record or both STARR and NSC have a matching record, data from STARR are incorporated into the panel. After having done this, any remaining unique NSC records are then added to the panel. Most commonly, these NSC records will come from out-of-state and independent/private institutions although community colleges and, to a lesser degree, four-year institutions will also show records.

Flowchart of STARR record categorization

While this approach greatly reduces duplicate records, there are potential shortcomings. Academic Year is based on Start and End dates that are received from STARR & NSC and there are known data quality concerns around the End date where data is received differently between STARR & NSC. When those dates fall into a different Academic Year, overreporting of the outcomes from those data may occur. A second artifact is the mixing of STARR and NSC data for the same student at the same college in the same school year if, for example, a STARR enrollment record and an NSC award record are received. NSC enrollment records at that college/school year are dropped, but the NSC award record is kept, even if it was not reported in STARR.

This strategy of combining the two data sources, plus the method of data collection used, results in something of a convenience sample for the overall postsecondary dataset. Included are the universe of students enrolled at a Michigan public institution regardless of whether or not they attended Michigan public high school. Additionally, K12 Michigan public high school attendees who attended an out-of-state postsecondary institution or an in-state independent/private postsecondary institution are included, meaning a comprehensive of post-secondary outcomes for Michigan public K12 students is achieved. Beyond this, K12 students who dual-enroll will also show records.

Overall Data Table Notes

Table Hierarchy

This is the general hierarchy of the tables:

Student Base 
EnrollmentsA student may have multiple associated enrollments.
CourseworkAn enrollment session may have multiple associated courses.
ProgramsAn enrollment session may have multiple associated academic programs.
AwardsA student may have multiple associated awards, but awards do not link directly to enrollment session records.
Independent IHE Reporting OptionsIHEs and their reporting option designation. This table is mostly informational, and exists outside of the normal 5 table structure.

Standard Table Joins

The below grids show how the tables link together, but other joins may be appropriate depending on the requirements of the research.

Student BaseJoins toEnrollments, Coursework, Programs, Awards
EnrollmentsJoins toCoursework, Programs
ProgramsJoins toCoursework

Though awards do not have a direct one-to-one link to enrollment records, most student awards can be linked to a corresponding set of enrollments as shown below. 

AwardsMay join toEnrollments
Independent IHE Reporting OptionsMay join toAny dataset with an IPEDS Code

Post-Secondary Student Base


Record Level: Student-level 
Record Count: ~2.6 million observations 
Years Covered: 2010-Present* 
Population Coverage: Students enrolled in or receiving an award from a Michigan public institution

The base dataset contains information on student demographics: race, gender, and date of birth. The base population includes students who have enrolled in or received an award from a Michigan public institution (and some independent institutions) during the 2010 academic year or later. The data will include the entire academic history of any such student, which may include enrollments or awards prior to the 2010 academic year.

Students are identified with a research identification code (RIC), which is unique in nearly all cases in the dataset. However, due to linking and unlinking over time as data was moved from the source datasets to the final datasets, some students may have duplicated or conflicting data. In these cases, both records are retained within the final dataset, allowing researchers to decide how to eliminate duplicate RICs. In addition, in some cases there are discrepancies between STARR and NSC data.

In addition, the data file includes a stable date of birth (latest reported date of birth) for each student, and indicators for where conflicts in demographic data exist (i.e., if conflicting dates of birth, race, or gender have been reported for any given student over time).

* Note that, because the academic histories of students might extend before the 2010 academic year, the years covered for other postsecondary files may differ. For example, there are student enrollments dating back as early to 1900 in the enrollment datafile.

Post-Secondary Student Enrollment


Record Level: Student by school year session by institution 
Record Count: 1,792,406 observations/year beginning in 2010 
Years Covered: 2010-Present* 
Population Coverage: Students with an enrollment record at a Michigan public institution

The enrollment dataset includes one record per student, for each institution attended and school year session (for example, fall 2010-2011). For each record, session beginning and end dates are provided. Additionally, the dataset includes variables that reflect academic progress, such as session GPA and credits attempted/earned, in addition to variables reflecting academic progress. The dataset also includes flags for full-time enrollment and whether any courses were taken for remedial purposes. As with the base file, students are identified using a RIC, which is unique within a student-year-IHE-session for nearly all cases.

In this dataset, Spring and Winter sessions are treated the same by CEPI. Researchers should note that in the 2016-17 collection, CEPI began renaming all Winter sessions to Spring to reflect that. Therefore, you will see no Winter sessions from the 2016-17 enrollments on. The figure below illustrates how different sessions were categorized. For example, sessions categorized as “Late Summer” have a start date between 4/15 and 7/31 and an end date between 7/16 and 8/31. Some sessions span more than one session range; a session falling entirely within an overlap range is put into the later second session of the range (i.e., the end date determines the session for these cases). Any sessions with a start date between 4/15-EndYear and 8/1-EndYear and ending on or after 7/16-EndYear are moved to the subsequent school year.

Timeline of session coverage in data

In addition, researchers should note the following definitions of student transfers, which apply to those with ENROLLMENT_TYPE = “TransferIn”. CEPI has two principal definitions of a transfer:

  1. If an institution tells us that a student is a transfer, that student is a transfer, full stop. This stems from an Enrollment Type of “TransferIn”. CEPI tries to find the student’s previous college or university, but if they cannot find one then their previous enrollment is labeled as ‘Unknown’.
  2. CEPI looks at all enrollments within the academic year of the report and finds the most recent enrollments for the students before that point. They look for the following to be true. If these are true, then the enrollment pattern is considered a transfer by CEPI’s definition: - The previous enrollment is at a different institution - The previous enrollment is at the same Enrollment Level (Undergraduate vs Graduate) - The student has stopped enrollment at that previous institution - The student has not previously been enrolled at their current institution (that is, readmissions are not eligible to be transfers)

CEPI then takes all transfers discovered by methods 1 and/or 2, and compiles them into the data file.

View the enrollment data: record counts by institution for 2010-2019

* Years covered includes any year for which there is data available in this file. However, researchers should note that these data encompass the academic histories of any student receiving an award beginning with the 2010 school year. As such, the base file “years covered” encompasses 2010, but all other files may include earlier records as well.

Post-Secondary Student Programs


Record Level: Student by program by school year session by institution 
Record Count: 1,994,786 observations/year beginning in 2010 
Years Covered: 2010-Present* 
Population Coverage: Students enrolled in or receiving an award from a Michigan public institution, as well as some out of state students from NSC.

The programs dataset includes one record per student, for each program the student is working toward at all institutions and school year session (for example, fall 2010-2011). For each record, session beginning and end dates are provided. Additionally, the dataset includes variables that reflect program type and description (such as “Major in Computer Science”). Program CIP codes and descriptions are also provided but due to reporting issues, many records reflect a null value.

CEPI conducts some deduplication of program records, as follows:

  • Drop records with a null program name if there is a corresponding record where all other key fields match and the program name field contains a value.
  • Drop records with a null program CIP code if there is a corresponding record where all other key fields match and the program CIP code field contains a value.
  • If both a STARR and an NSC program record exist where all key fields are identical, keep only the STARR record.

* Years covered includes any year for which there is data available in this file. However, researchers should note that these data encompass the academic histories of any student enrolled in or receiving an award beginning with the 2010 school year. As such, the base file “years covered” encompasses 2010, but all other files may include earlier records as well.


Showing 701 - 800 of 1138 results
Category Sort descending Variable Description
Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_ONE Description: 

The zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_STATE Description: 

The state of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_CITY Description: 

The city of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_TWO Description: 

The second line of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ADD_LINE_ONE Description: 

The first line of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_NAME Description: 

The official name assigned to a School or Facility (Building) type of entity in the Educational Entity Master (EEM)..

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: 

The five-digit code assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_BASED_HEALTH_CENTER Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has a school-based health center. School-Based Health Centers are comprehensive primary health care clinics operating on school property for children and youth.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SAT_TEST_CENTER Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity is authorized to offer the SAT test.

Category: K12 Building Variable: RCCI_OR_YOUTH_HOME Description: 

Flag denoting if the entity is a residential child care institution or youth home. A child-care facility which provides 24-hour care. These are residences for neglected or delinquent children

Category: K12 Building Variable: PROSPERITY_REGION_NAME Description: 

The name of the region to which the county belongs.

Category: K12 Building Variable: PROSPERITY_REGION_CODE Description: 

The code corresponding to the region the county belongs within for the purposes of the Regional Prosperity Initiative.

Category: K12 Building Variable: PRE_KINDERGARTEN Description: 

Flag denoting if the entity provides Pre-K. Pre-kindergarten is a national technical term for a state, local or privately funded preschool program for children one or two years before kindergarten entry.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag denoting schools and unique education providers that provide alternative education programs for suspended and/or expelled students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OUT_OF_SCHOOL_TIME_PGM_SVS Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs offered/paid for by school or district during the time regular school is not in session for K-12 students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OTHER_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times when school is not in session and funded through sources other than the school/district and not fee-based.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOL_PHYS_ZIP_LINE_TWO Description: 

The +4 zip code of the physical address for the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SCHOOLS_OF_CHOICE_OFFERED Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity participates in schools of choice. The schools of choice provisions in Section 105 and 105c of the State School Aid Act are designed to allow local school districts to enroll nonresident students and count them in membership without having to obtain approval from the district of residence.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SPECIAL_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education programs. Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique educational needs of the student with a disability and to develop the student’s maximum potential.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SPECIAL_EDUCATION_CENTER_PGM Description: 

Flag to specify if the entity provides special education center programs. “Center program” refers to a program operated by a district or intermediate district for special education pupils from several districts in programs for pupils.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUPPLEMENTAL_VIRTUAL_SCHOOL Description: 

Supplemental virtual; the school offers virtual courses but virtual instruction is not the primary means of instruction.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TUITION_BEFORE_AFTER_SCH_PGM Description: 

Flag denoting that this entity has programs for K-12 students offered at times school is not in session for which a fee is charged.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TWENTY_FIRST_CENTURY_COMM_CNT Description: 

Flag denoting this entity is used as a 21st century community learning center. The purpose is to create community learning centers for those times when school is not in session that provide K-12 students with activities designed to complement their regular academic program, as well as additional enrichment opportunities.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ACTIVELY_EDUCATING Description: 

A District-level flag identifies entities that are actively engaged in educating students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ADULT_EDUCATION Description: 

Flag denoting entities that provide instruction to adult students working towards a GED or education advancement.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ALT_ED_SERVICE_TYPE Description: 

The type of alternative education provided, if applicable.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LOCALE Description: 

A measure of a school’s location relative to populous areas as determined by NCES.

Category: K12 Building Variable: AMOUNT Description: 

The revenue amount for the related breakdown.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUFFIX_DESC Description: 

In the revenue data, the suffix description further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Category: K12 Building Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_TYPE Description: 

Labels the entity by type. (PSA District, LEA District, and ISD)

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAJOR_CLASS_CODE_DESC Description: 

The major class description is the basic account description in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, this denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class description denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FISCAL_YEAR Description: 

This is the school fiscal year that begins on July 1 and goes thru June 30th (e.g. 2012 refers to the school fiscal year from July 1, 2011 thu June 30 , 2012).

Category: K12 Building Variable: HIGHER_ED_NAME Description: 

Entity Name of the Higher ED.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NON_SCH_CHILD_NUTRITION_SPN Description: 

Flag denoting an entity that participates in the USDA-sponsored Child Nutrition Programs (CACFP, SCSM, SFSP, TEFAP and CSFP) where formal instruction is not mandated.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NEGLECTED_INSTITUTION Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Neglected Institution setting. A neglected institution is a public or private residential facility, other than a foster home, that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to the institution, or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable State law, due to abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians.

Category: K12 Building Variable: NCES_CODE Description: 

This NCES code is assigned by the U.S. Department of Education to identify the Entity at the federal level.

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAGNET_TYPE Description: 

This characteristic denotes whether or not a school is a magnet school and which type of magnet association applies.

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAGNET_ID Description: 

The Magnet ID code associated with the magnet type.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LOCKED_DOWN_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a locked down school setting. This entity restricts student movement.

Category: K12 Building Variable: TRANSACTION_TYPE Description: 

Revenue entry type.

Category: K12 Building Variable: LICENSED_BOARDING_SCHOOL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is a licensed boarding school. “Boarding school” means a place accepting for board, care, and instruction 5 or more children under 16 years of age.

Category: K12 Building Variable: JUVENILE_DETENTION_FACILITY Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction in a Juvenile Detention Facility setting. A detention facility for juvenile delinquents who have been placed there by court order.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ISD_NAME Description: 

Denotes the official or legal name of the ISD entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ISD_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned two-digit number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), that identifies the Intermediate School District (ISD) or Educational Service Agency (ESA) in which the district or program is located.

Category: K12 Building Variable: IS_PUBLIC Description: 

Indicates whether the entity is a public or private institution

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_KG_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Kindergarten students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_KG_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Kindergarten students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_12_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Twelfth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_11_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_11_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Eleventh grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_10_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Tenth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_10_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Tenth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_CAT Description: 

Expenditure category descritpions related to header codes.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_SUBHEADER_DESC Description: 

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail description

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUNCTION_DESC Description: 

The basic account description for expenditures. This code represents the activity for which a service or material is acquired.

Category: K12 Building Variable: STATE_GRANT_DESC Description: 

The description for each state level grant.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_CODE_TYPE Description: 

Overall object code categories.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_SUBHEADER_CODE Description: 

3 digit expenditure category, with 2nd digit detail code

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_HEADER_DESC Description: 

3 digit expenditure category code description.

Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_NAME Description: 

The building name, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUBHEADER_OBJECT_CODE Description: 

The first two digits of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_DESC Description: 

This description is used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay.

Category: K12 Building Variable: STATE_GRANT_CODE Description: 

The unique identifier code for each state level grant.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUBHEADER_OBECT_DESC Description: 

The description of the first two digits of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit building number, as recorded in the Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Category: K12 Building Variable: DISTRICT_CODE Description: 

The state-assigned five-digit number assigned in the Educational Entity Master (EEM), which identifies the public school district responsible for providing education to the reported student.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CODE Description: 

Expenditures General Fund Summary Function Code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPND_HEADER_CODE Description: 

3 digit expenditure category code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: HEADER_OBJECT_CODE Description: 

4-digit broad expenditure categories for object codes

Category: K12 Building Variable: HEADER_OBJECT_DESC Description: 

The description of the first digit of the object code.

Category: K12 Building Variable: OBJECT_CODE Description: 

The code used to describe the service or commodity obtained as the result of a specific expenditure. The broad categories include salaries, benefits, purchased services, supplies/materials, and capital outlay. This code is to the 3rd digit detail level.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EXPENDITURE_FUNCTION_CAT Description: 

Expenditures by function category

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUNCTION_CODE Description: 

The basic account identifier for expenditures. This code represents the actiivty for which a service or material is acquired.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUND_DESC Description: 

The description for a fund that represents a sum of money or other resources that is set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: FUND_CODE Description: 

The alphanumeric code representing a sum of money or other resource set aside for specific activities of a school district. This constitues a complete accounting entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: INDICATOR_CODE Description: 

Indicates whether the amount in balance as an Asset (A), Balance (B), or Liabiliy (L).

Category: K12 Building Variable: MAJOR_CLASS_CODE Description: 

The major class code is the basic account identifier in the balance sheet and revenue data. In the balance sheet, the major class code denotes transactions involving assets, liabilities and fund balance. In the revenue, the major class code denotes the source of incoming dollars between local, state, federal or other.

Category: K12 Building Variable: SUFFIX_CODE Description: 

In the revenue data, the suffix code further distinguishes restrictive revenue sources by program or grant source.​

Category: K12 Building Variable: EDUCATIONAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER Description: 

An Educational Service Provider or management organization are entities that can be contracted by a PSA district. Educational Service Providers are 'for-profit' or 'non-profit' firms that provide whole-school operation services to public school agencies. A management organization is any group or organization that provides human resources, administrative or managerial support.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_TYPE_CATEGORY Description: 

Identifies whether the entity is considered State, ISD, LEA, PSA, or Nonpublic.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_TYPE Description: 

Entity types is a combination of entity type category name and group name.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_STATUS Description: 

This description denotes the open/closed status of the entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_NAME Description: 

Entity Name of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Category: K12 Building Variable: ENTITY_CODE Description: 

Entity Code of the Early middle college entity having a higher Ed affiliation.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_PROGRAM Description: 

Flag to specify an early-middle college program provided within an entity which offers non-college options.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION_DATE Description: 

The date the early/middle college program or school received certification from the Michigan Early Middle College Association.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_MEMCA_CERTIFICATION Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity has been certified by the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) to provide students who successfully complete the early/middle college program with a MEMCA technical certificate.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_WELDING Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Welding focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_VOCATIONAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Vocational focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: DISTRICT_NAME Description: 

Denotes the official or legal name of the district entity.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EARLY_MIDDLE_COLLEGE Description: 

Flag to specify an EMC (Early Middle College). Also called “Early college high school” or “middle college”, this refers to a public high school designed to allow pupils to earn a high school diploma and an associate degree or up to two years of transferable college credits.

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_09_ACTUAL Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is offering instruction of Ninth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EEM_SNAPSHOT_DAY Description: 

The date in which EEM snapshot was created. These static 'Snapshots' of data are what is loaded to the MSLDS.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_ENTITY Description: 

Flag to specify an EMC entity that exclusively contains early-middle college courses and students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_ARTS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has an ART focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_AUTO Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has an AUTO focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_BUSINESS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a Business focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_CIS Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a CIS focus

Category: K12 Building Variable: GR_09_AUTH Description: 

Flag to specify if this entity is authorized to offer instruction of Ninth grade students.

Category: K12 Building Variable: EMC_FOCUS_STEM Description: 

Flag to specify if this EMC has a STEM focus