PEERS Data Hub webinar
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems: What constitutes the Michigan Education Data Center and how can it be used to further STEM education research?
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18 Results
Early Childhood Demographics and Program Enrollment
Highlights Record Level: Student by year by collection by program Record Count: approx. 50,000 students per collection per year Years Covered: 2012-Present Population Coverage: Student participants in state-funded early...
Early On Program Eligibility and Enrollment
Highlights Record Level: Student by year by collection by program Record Count: approx. 13,500 students per collection per year Years Covered: School Year 2013 - Present Population Coverage: Student participants in state...
K-12 Staff Demographic, Employment and Assignment Data
The K-12 staffing data, also known as the Registry for Educational Personnel, contain individual-level records on all education personnel for the academic years 2004-05 through 2019-20. While these data include information on...
K-12 Student Assessments - Career and College Readiness
The Career and College Readiness researcher file contains commonly requested student-level assessment data from the K-12 environment pertaining to college and career readiness for students.This dataset reflects information...
K-12 Student Assessments - English Language Learner
Highlights Record Level: Student by Year by Assessment Record Count: 65,000-100,000 records per year Years Covered: 2007-Present Population Coverage: Data covers all students from private, home schooled and public schools who...
K-12 District Finance
The financial data files contain data commonly reported for MI school districts including expenditure, revenue, and balance data. Data are sourced from the State of Michigan’s Financial Information Database (FID). Data from...
K-12 Educational Institutions
Highlights Record Level: Entity by year by collection Record Count: approx. 9,000 institutions Years Covered: 2006-Present Population Coverage: K-12 education buildings in the state of Michigan The K-12 building dataset holds...
K-12 Staff Education and Certification
The K-12 staffing data, also known as the Registry for Educational Personnel, contain individual-level records on all education personnel for the academic years 2011-12 through 2018-19. While these data include information on...
K-12 Student Assessments
Standard Assessments Highlights Record Level: Student by Year by Assessment Population: Students in the Michigan K12 educational system Information Contained: MSTEP, MEAP, and MME Assessment scores Years Covered: 2007-Present...
K-12 Student Assessments - Accommodations
Highlights Record Level: Student by Year by Assessment Record Count: 139,000-282,000 records per year Years Covered: 2008-Present Population Coverage: Data covers all students from private, home schooled and public schools...
K-12 Student Coursework
The K-12 Student Coursework dataset is course-level data that provides information on each course taken by students. Taken from the Michigan Department of Educations Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL) system and beginning in...
K-12 Student Demographic and Enrollment Data
Highlights Record Level: Student by school by year Record Count: approx. 1.7 million students per year Years Covered: 2004-Present Population Coverage: Public school students in Michigan The K-12 student data contain commonly...
K-12 Student Infractions and Discipline
Highlights Record Level: student x incident x year Record Count: 111,000 records/year Years Covered: 2011-present Population Coverage: public school students in Michigan The State of Michigan provides discipline data in a...
K12 Graduation
Highlights Record Level: Student by cohort year by school year Record Count: 120,000-150,000 student per cohort Years Covered: 2007-2020 Population Coverage: Students who enrolled in the 9th grade under an educational entity...
Postsecondary Educational Institutions
Highlights Record Level: Entity by year Record Count: 9,500 institutions Years Covered: 2008-Present Population Coverage: Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) in the United States The Postsecondary Entity researcher file...
Postsecondary Student
The postsecondary researcher data files contain commonly requested longitudinal student-level data from the postsecondary educational environment. The data is organized into 5 datasets: base, enrollment, program, coursework...
Postsecondary Student Awards
Highlights Record Level: Student by award by institution Record Count: 186,208 observations/year beginning in 2010 Years Covered: 2010-present* Population Coverage: Students enrolled in or receiving an award from a Michigan...
Postsecondary Student Coursework
Highlights Record Level: Student by course by school year session by institution Record Count: 4,942,397 observations/year beginning in 2010 Years Covered: 2010-Present* Population Coverage: Students enrolled in or receiving...