Showing 201 - 300 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_COLLEGE_READY Description: Indicates whether college/career ready benchmark was met on the MATH test
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SCORE Description: The official SAT score for the mathematics portion.
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP Description: The student growth percentile for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP_LEVEL Description: Student Growth Percentile abbreviation for the MATH portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: Student growth percentile description for the math portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_MATH_VALID Description: Flag denotes whether student's test was valid for the MATH portion
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: SAT_TOTAL_SCORE Description: The official overall SAT score.
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_LEVEL_SCORE Description: The level score for the locating information portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_SCALED_SCORE Description: The scaled score for the locating information portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_LOC_INFO_VALID Description: Denotes whether student's test was valid for locating info. in assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_LEVEL_SCORE Description: The level score for the mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_SCALED_SCORE Description: The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_MTH_VALID Description: Whether student's test was valid for mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_NCRC_DESC Description: ACT WorkKeys NCRC certificate issues at Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_LEVEL_SCORE Description: The level score for the reading portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_SCALED_SCORE Description: The scaled score for the reading portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: SAT and ACT Variable: WKEY_RDG_VALID Description: Denotes whether students test was valid for reading portion of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: DISTRICT_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: ELA_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: MTH_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: RDG_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on reading portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: SCHOOL_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: SCI_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on science portion of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: SOC_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on socials studies portion of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: STATE_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Standard Assessment Variable: WRI_IS_PROFICIENT Description: Denotes whether student was proficient on writing portion of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: ABACUS Description: ABACUS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: ALTERNATE_RESPONSE Description: ALTERNATE RESPONSE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: AMPLIFICATION_SYSTEM Description: AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: ARABIC_GLOSSARY Description: NULL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: AUDIO Description: AUDIO
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: AUDIO_AMP_DEVICE Description: AUDIO AMP DEVICE OR NOISE BUFFER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: AUDIO_PART_A Description: AUDIO PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: AUDIO_PART_B Description: AUDIO PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: BILINGUAL_DICTIONARY Description: BILINGUAL WORD TO WORD DICTIONARY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: BRAILLE Description: BRAILLE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: BRAILLE_PART_A Description: BRAILLE PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: BRAILLE_PART_B Description: BRAILLE PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: BRAILLE_TEST_OR_WRITER Description: BRAILLE TEST OR WRITER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CALCULATOR Description: CALCULATOR
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CD Description: CD
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CD_PART_A Description: CD PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CD_PART_B Description: CD PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CLOSED_CAPTIONING Description: CLOSED CAPTIONING
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: COLOR_CHOOSER Description: COLOR CHOOSER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: COMPUTER_ASSISTED Description: COMPUTER ASSISTED
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CONTINUOUS_MAGNIFICATION_200 Description: NULL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: CONTRASTING_TEXT Description: CONTRASTING TEXT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: DIRECTION_PROVIDED Description: Directions provided in American Sign Language or Signed Exact English
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: ENGLISH_DICTIONARY Description: ENGLISH DICTIONARY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: ENGLISH_GLOSSARY Description: ENGLISH GLOSSARY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: EXTEND_SPKG_TST_RSPNSE_TIME Description: EXTENDED SPEAKING TEST RESPONSE TIME
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: EXTEND_TESTING_TIME Description: EXTENDED TESTING TIME WITHIN THE SCHOOL DAY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: IN_PERSON_HUMAN_READER Description: NULL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: INTERPRETER_SIGN_TST_DIR Description: INTERPRETER SIGNS TEST DIRECTIONS IN ASL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: L1_GLOSSARY Description: L1 GLOSSARY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LARGE_PRINT Description: LARGE PRINT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LARGE_PRINT_BOOKLET Description: LARGE PRINT BOOKLET
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LARGE_PRINT_PART_A Description: LARGE PRINT PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LARGE_PRINT_PART_B Description: LARGE PRINT PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_DIR_AUDIO Description: LEP DIR AUDIO
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_DIR_CD Description: LEP DIR CD
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_OTHER_ACCOM Description: LEP OTHER ACCOM
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_OTHER_ACCOM_PART_A Description: LEP OTHER ACCOM PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_OTHER_ACCOM_PART_B Description: LEP OTHER ACCOM PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_DIRECTIONS_ENGLISH Description: LEP TEST DIRECTIONS ENGLISH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_DIRECTIONS_NATIVE Description: LEP TEST DIRECTIONS NATIVE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_ENGLISH Description: LEP TEST ENGLISH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_NATIVE Description: LEP TEST NATIVE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_READER_ENG_PART_A Description: LEP TEST READER ENGLISH PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_READER_ENG_PART_B Description: LEP TEST READER ENGLISH PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_READER_ENGLISH Description: LEP TEST READER ENGLISH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: LEP_TEST_READER_NATIVE Description: LEP TEST READER NATIVE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MAGNIFCATN_OR_LOW_VISION_AID Description: MAGNIFICATION OR LOW VISION AIDS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MANUAL_CNTL_START_AUDIO_PLAY Description: MANUAL CONTROL TO START AUDIO PLAY OF ITEM
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MASKING Description: MASKING
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MODIFIED_PRESENTATION_FORMAT Description: MODIFIED PRESENTATION FORMAT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MODIFIED_RESPONSE_FORMAT Description: MODIFIED RESPONSE FORMAT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MODIFIED_TEST_DIRECTIONS Description: MODIFIED TEST DIRECTIONS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MODIFIED_TIMING_SCHEDULING Description: MODIFIED TIMING/SCHEDULING
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: MULTIDAY Description: MULTIDAY
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: NOISE_BUFFERS Description: NOISE BUFFERS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: NON_SPANISH_TRANSLATION Description: NON-SPANISH TRANSLATION
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: OSA_MULTIPLICATION_TABLE Description: Online Supports and Accommodations (OSA) MULTIPLICATION TABLE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: OTHER_ACCOM Description: OTHER ACCOM
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: OTHER_ACCOM_PART_A Description: OTHER ACCOM PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: OTHER_ACCOM_PART_B Description: OTHER ACCOM PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: OTHER_APPROVED_ACCOMMODATION Description: OTHER APPROVED ACCOMMODATION
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: READ_ALOUD_ELA_PASSGES Description: READ ALOUD - English Language Arts (ELA) PASSAGES
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: READ_ALOUD_LSTNG_RSPNSE_OPN Description: READ ALOUD LISTENING TEST RESPONSE OPTIONS BY HUMAN READER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: READ_ALOUD_TEST_ITEM Description: READ ALOUD TEST ITEMS BY HUMAN READER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: READER Description: READER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: REPEAT_IN_PERSON_HUMAN_READER Description: NULL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: REPEAT_ITEM_AUDIO Description: REPEAT ITEM AUDIO
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: REPEAT_LSTNG_TEST_RSPNSE_OTN Description: REPEAT LISTENING TEST RESPONSE OPTIONS BY HUMAN READER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: REPEAT_TEST_ITEM Description: REPEAT TEST ITEMS BY HUMAN READER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: REVERSE_CONTRAST Description: REVERSE CONTRAST
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SCRIBE Description: SCRIBE
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SCRIBE_ELA_WRITING Description: SCRIBE - ELA WRITING ITEMS