Showing 701 - 800 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_COURSE_TITLE Description: The title assigned by the educating entity to identify a particular course.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: LOCAL_CREDITS_GRANTED Description: Carnegie unit of credits measured in seat time granted to a student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_1 Description: Research Personnel Identification Code assigned for each teacher for the course
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_2 Description: Research Personal Identification code assigned for each teacher. 2nd possible
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: RPIC_3 Description: Research Personal Identification Code assigned to each teacher. 3rd possible
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: SUBJECT_COURSE_CODE Description: SCED code is comprised of 2-digit subject area and 3-digit course identifier
Topic: K12 Student Category: Course Taking Variable: VIRTUAL_METHOD_NAME Description: The type of virtual instruction the student is receiving
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_STATUS_CODE Description: Code assigned to a student based on grade and exit status
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_STATUS_NAME Description: Name assigned to a student based on grade and exit status
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_YEAR Description: The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: ECONOMICALLY_DISADVANTAGED Description: Indicates if the student is economically disadvantaged.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: ETHNICITY_CODE_RAW Description: A 6-digit field indicating race/ethnicity
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: ETHNICITY_RACE Description: The ethnicity or race of the student.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER Description: The gender of the student.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER_RAW Description: Indicates if the student is male or female
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE Description: The grade of the student.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE_RAW Description: The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GRADE_SY Description: Student's primary grade selected for reporting by CEPI
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: GRADUATION_COHORT_YEAR Description: The cohort year the student is grouped into for tracking graduation outcomes
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: HOMELESS_CODE Description: Primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_COHORT_YEAR_CONFLICT Description: indicates whether students graduation cohort year has changed
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_ECONOMICALLY_DISADVANTAGED Description: Student eligible for free/reduced meal, SNAP/TANF, homeless, migrant or foster
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_GRADUATED_SY Description: Indicates student graduated in this school year (SCHOOL_YEAR)
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_MILITARY_CONNECTED Description: Indicates parent is a member of Armed Force on active duty
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_DATE_BIRTH_CONFLICT Description: indicates if conflicting DOB values have ever been repoted for the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT Description: indicates if conflicting gender values have been reported for the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC_CONFLICT Description: Indicates conflicting racial/ethnic category values reported for student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: IS_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH Description: an individual who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: LEP Description: Indicates if the student has limited English proficiency.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: Date that student was born as on legal documents
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_STABLE Description: The latest MSDS-recorded date of birth for the student for all time
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_DISABILITY_CODE_RAW Description: Primary disability code identified on student's IEP defined by MARSE
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_DISABILITY_CODE_SY Description: Student's primary disability selected for federal reporting by CEPI
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_CODE_RAW Description: Name of facility where student participates in special education programs
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_ED_SETTING_SY Description: Student's primary special education setting selected for reporting by CEPI
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: PRIMARY_LEP_LANGUAGE_SY Description: Student's native language selected for federal reporting by CEPI
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE_RAW Description: The ethnicity or race of the student.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: READING_DEFICIENCY_CONTINUATION Description: Indicates whether student had reading deficiency at the end of the year
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: READING_DEFICIENCY_IDENTIFIED Description: Indicates whether student had a reading deficiency at the start of the year
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_CODE Description: Code for the student's residency related to the district's geographic boundary
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_NAME Description: The student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENCY_STATUS_CODE Description: Indicates students residency related to district boundaries
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE Description: 5-digit code for geographic district in which student's guardian resides
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GENDER Description: The latest MSDS-recorded gender for the student for all time
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GRAD_YEAR Description: The latest recorded graduation year for the student for all time
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC Description: The latest MSDS-recorded racial/ethnic category for the student for all time
Topic: K12 Student Category: Demographics Variable: ZIP_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_1 Description: Reported code for disciplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_2 Description: Second reported code for disciplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_CODE_3 Description: Third reported code for teh disciplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_1 Description: First reported name of the disciplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_2 Description: Second reported name for disciplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: DISCIPLINARY_ACTION_NAME_3 Description: Third reported name of the discplinary action taken for the incident
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_CODE_1 Description: Code for type of follow-up services provided after first disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_CODE_2 Description: Code for follow-up services provided to student after second discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_CODE_3 Description: Code for follow-up services provided to student after third discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_CODE_4 Description: Code for follow-up services provided to student after 4th disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_NAME_1 Description: Name of follow-up service provided to student post first discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_NAME_2 Description: Name for follow-up services provided to student after second discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_NAME_3 Description: Name for follow-up services provided to student after third discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: FOLLOW_UP_NAME_4 Description: Name for follow-up services provided to student after 4th discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_DATE Description: The day the incident that led to the disciplinary action occurred.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_1 Description: The code of the first incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_2 Description: Code of the second incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_3 Description: Code of the third incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_CODE_4 Description: Code of the fourth incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_1 Description: The name of the first incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_2 Description: Name of the second incident with the reason that led to discplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_3 Description: Name of the third incident with reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: INCIDENT_TYPE_NAME_4 Description: Name of the fourth incident with the reason that led to disciplinary action
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: IS_SERIOUS_BODILY_INJURY Description: Flag indicating when incident type involves physical violence with injury
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: IS_SEXUAL_ASSAULT Description: Flag indicates incident of physical violence involving nonconsentual pentration
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: LENGTH_OF_ACTION_1 Description: Numbers of days assigned for first reported consequence in half-day increments
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: LENGTH_OF_ACTION_2 Description: Number of days assigned for second reported consequence in half-day increments
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: LENGTH_OF_ACTION_3 Description: Number of days assigned for third reported consequence in half-day increments
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: START_OF_ACTION_1 Description: The date on which the student began the first reported consequence.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: START_OF_ACTION_2 Description: The date on which the student began the second reported consequence.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Discipline Records Variable: START_OF_ACTION_3 Description: The date on which the student began the third reported consequence.
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_1 Description: Code for English language program in which the student is enrolled
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_2 Description: Code for English language program in which the student is enrolled
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_3 Description: Code for English language program in which the student is enrolled
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_4 Description: Code for English language program in which the student is enrolled
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_INSTR_PROG_CODE_5 Description: Code for English language program in which the student is enrolled
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_1 Description: Code for student's primary or home language if not English
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_2 Description: Code for student's primary or home language if not English
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_3 Description: Code for student's primary or home language if not English
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_4 Description: Code for student's primary or home language if not English
Topic: K12 Student Category: English Learner and Immigrant Variable: LEP_LANGUAGE_CODE_5 Description: Code for student's primary or home language if not English
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: COUNT_DAYS_IN_BUILDING Description: Number of collections the student was submitted in the building as continuing
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: COUNT_DAYS_IN_DISTRICT Description: Number of collections the student was submitted by the district as continuing
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DAYS_ATTENDED Description: Total number of days student attended education services
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DAYS_POSSIBLE Description: The total number of days that education services were available to the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLMENT_DATE Description: The date of student's first attendance in education programs
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENTITY_TYPE Description: Labels the entity by type
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_DATE Description: The date of the first day after a student left school
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS Description: Student's current enrollment status or reason for non-enrollment
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS_CODE Description: Code for student's enrollment status or reason for non-enrollment
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EXIT_STATUS_NAME Description: Descriptive name which correlates to student's exit status.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FALL_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE Description: Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FALL_TOTAL_FTE Description: GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Fall collection