Showing 801 - 900 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_EOY_PRIMARY Description: primary school record for the student for the end-of-year time period
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FALL_PRIMARY Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FIRST_PRIMARY Description: record from the first primary school seen for the student for the school year .
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_IEP_PLACED_ANOTHER_DISTRICT Description: Denotes enrollment in center, co-op, district special education program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_MOST_PRIMARY Description: Denotes the records from a students primary school for most collection periods
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_NON_RESIDENT Description: Indicates non-resident student attendance for at least one collection period
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_SCHOOL_OF_CHOICE Description: Indicates non-resident student attendance using Section 105
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_SPRING_PRIMARY Description: Indicates the primary school record for the student for the spring time period
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: LEP_EXIT_DATE Description: The date that the student was no longer engaged in LEP or ESL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: LEP_REENTRY_DATE Description: The date the student re-engaged in LEP or ESL programs
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SCHOOL_LOCALE Description: Measure of school's geographic status on a range from 'large city' to 'rural'
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_DATE Description: The date student last participated in special ed program w/ procided reason
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPECIAL_ED_EXIT_REASON Description: Reason student is no longer in special education program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPRING_SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FTE Description: Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection
Topic: K12 Student Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: SPRING_TOTAL_FTE Description: GeneralEdFTE + Section52FTE + Section53FTE from Spring collection
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: COURT_ORDERED_FACILITY Description: Facilities that solely serve neglected and/or delinquent youth
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: DROPOUT Description: Indicates if the student was a Dropout for graduation cohort purposes.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: EXEMPT Description: Indicates if the student is Exempt for graduation rate purposes.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: FIVE_YEAR Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: FOUR_YEAR Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: IS_EMC_PROGRAM Description: Indicates that the student is enrolled in a Early Middle College program.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: IS_SCHOOL_NONPUBLIC Description: Indicates if the graduating school is non-public.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: OFFTRACK Description: Indicates if the (expected) graduation date is later than cohort year
Topic: K12 Student Category: Graduation Records Variable: SIX_YEAR Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_1 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_2 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_3 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_4 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_5 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: ERD_ACTIVITY_CODE_6 Description: Code for type of additional instruction acitivites delivered to studen
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_1 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_2 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_3 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_4 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_5 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_6 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_MOD_7 Description: Code for academic area the student has Personal Curriculum Credit Modification
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_1 Description: Code for reason modification was made to student's curriculum
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_2 Description: Code for reason modification was made to student's curriculum
Topic: K12 Student Category: Personal Curriculum Modification Variable: PERSONAL_CURRICULUM_TYPE_3 Description: Code for reason modification was made to student's curriculum
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION Description: student is currently participating in an alternative education program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: HOMELESS Description: Indicates if the student is homeless.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_21ST_CENT_COMM_LC_PROG Description: Denotes student participated in 30+ sessions of after-school or summer program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION Description: student is currently participating in an alternative education program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_AT_RISK_PROGRAM Description: Flag indicating a student is eligible for at-risk (section 31a) funding.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_DEVELOPMENTAL_KINDERGARTEN Description: Indicates this student participated in a Developmental Kindergarten program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_EARLY_MID_COLLEGE_PART_PROG Description: Indicates the student is enrolled in an early/middle college program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_ENGLISH_LEARNER Description: Indicates student was eligible to receive Limited English Proficient services
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_HOMELESS_PROG Description: Indicates homeless code value > 0 for student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_IMMIGRANT_PROGRAM Description: Immigrant student aged 3-21 who hasn't attended 3+ academic years in US
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT_PROG Description: Indicates student is international student in foreign exchange program
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_MIGRANT_ELIGIBLE Description: Flag indicating if the student was eligible for Migrant services.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_OUT_OF_STATE_RES_PROGRAM Description: student attends the district from a state or a province other than Michigan
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SEAT_TIME_WAIVER Description: Denotes student receiving virtual instruction for 3+ courses
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SECTION_504_PROGRAM Description: Indicates student is considered disabled under Section 504
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SPECIAL_EDUCATION Description: Flag indicating the student is eligible for Special Ed services.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_TITLE_I_TAS_PROGRAM Description: Student participated in a targeted assistance school (TAS) program.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: MIGRANT Description: Indicates if the student is a migrant student.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Program Participation Variable: SPECIAL_ED Description: Indicates that the student is in a special education program.
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: IEP_DATE Description: Date of offer of Free Appropriate Public Education for student's IEP
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_COMPLETION_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_RESULT Description: Outcome code of the intial IEP
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IEP_TIMELIENESS Description: Timeliness status code for evaluation of the IEP eligibility
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: PARENTAL_CONSENT_DATE Description: Date the school received a signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_1 Description: Code to describe disability characteristics on vision/audiological report
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SECONDARY_DISABILITY_CODE_2 Description: Code to describe disability characteristics on vision/audiological report
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_1 Description: Code representing the IEP or IFSP program in which the student is participating
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_2 Description: Code representing the IEP or IFSP program in which the student is participating
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_3 Description: Code representing the IEP or IFSP program in which the student is participating
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_PROGRAM_CODE_4 Description: Code representing the IEP or IFSP program in which the student is participating
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_1 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_10 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_2 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_3 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_4 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_5 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_6 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_7 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_8 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Special Education Variable: SPECIAL_ED_SERVICE_CODE_9 Description: Code representing special education services required to assist a child
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_1 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_2 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_3 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_4 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_5 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_6 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_INSTRUCT_SERVICE_7 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_1 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_2 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_3 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_4 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_5 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_6 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_7 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: K12 Student Category: Title I and Target Assistance Programs Variable: TAS_SUPPORT_SERVICE_8 Description: Code for Title I services received by the student
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: IHE_NAME Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: IHE_SUBMITTED_SESSION_BEGIN_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: IHE_SUBMITTED_SESSION_END_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: IPEDS_CODE Description: IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) IHE identification code
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: REPORTING_OPTION Description: NULL