Showing 401 - 500 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE2 Description: Identifies 2nd entity receiving funding for blended programs
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME Description: Name identifying entity receiving funding to provide services to reported child
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_NAME2 Description: Name for 2nd fiscal entity receiving funding to provide for reported student
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_CODE Description: The category code to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME Description: The category name to which the fiscal entity belongs within EEM.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_END_DATE Description: Date child last participated in early childhood program/service
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_CODE Description: Primary reason child is leaving early childhood program/service
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_EXIT_REASON_NAME Description: Name for primary reason child is leaving early childhood program/service
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROGRAM_START_DATE Description: Date child first participated in program or received early childhood services
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: PROVIDER_LICENSE_NUMBER Description: License number for location where child recives early childhood services
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: QUALIFYING_FACTORS Description: Added in 2017-18: factors listed at time of child eligibility for Great Start
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_ELIGIBLE_FREE_LUNCH Description: Indicate student eligible for free lunch based on migrant, homeless, SNE
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_HOMELESS_PROGRAM Description: Flag indicating if the homeless code field has a value greater than 0.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_IMMIGRANT_PROGRAM Description: Flag indicating if the student participated in an Immigrant program.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_MIGRANT_ELIGIBLE Description: Flag indicating if the student was eligible for Migrant services.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_REDUCED_LUNCH_ELIGIBLE Description: Indicates student is eligible for free lunch based on DHHS or SNE
Topic: Early Learning Category: Program Participation Variable: IS_SUPPLEMENTAL_DIRECT_CERT Description: Flag indicating if the student has an active record in DHHS database
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: CURRENT_IFSP_DATE Description: Date of child's most recent Individualized Family Service Plan
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_1 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_10 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_11 Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_12 Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_2 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_3 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_4 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_5 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_6 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_7 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_8 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_CODE_9 Description: Code identifiying developmental delay or condition determining eligiblity
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_1 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_10 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_11 Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_12 Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_2 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_3 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_4 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_5 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_6 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_7 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_8 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: ELIGIBILITY_REASON_NAME_9 Description: Name identifying developmental delay or condition determining eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_AS_OF_DATE Description: The date a new record was entered for a student.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_1 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_2 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_3 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_4 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_5 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_6 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_7 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_CODE_8 Description: Code for program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_1 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_2 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_3 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_4 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_5 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_6 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_7 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: EO_SERVICE_NAME_8 Description: Name of program in which student is participating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: IFSP_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: Indicates if the IFSP was completed on time
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: IFSP_TIMELINESS_NAME Description: Name indicating if the IFSP was completed on time
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: INITIAL_IFSP_DATE Description: The date of the child's initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: LEA_NOTIFICATION Description: Part Indicator 8B LEA must be notified of childs residence 90 days pre 3rd bday
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: PART_C_EXIT_DATE Description: Date on which child ceased receiving Part C services
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: PART_C_EXIT_REASON_CODE Description: The reason (Code)given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: PART_C_EXIT_REASON_NAME Description: The reason given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: PRIM_SERVICE_SETTING_CODE Description: Code for environment in which services are provided to child
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: PRIM_SERVICE_SETTING_NAME Description: Name of environment in which services are provided to child
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: REFERRAL_AGENCY Description: The agency type providing notifications the child may be eligible for Part C
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: REFERRAL_AGENCY_NAME Description: The agency type providing notifications the child may be eligible for Part C
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: REFERRAL_DATE Description: The date the lead agency receives the referral
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP Description: IFSP eligibility determination code
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_CODE Description: IFSP eligibility determination code
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: RESULT_OF_INITIAL_IFSP_NAME Description: IFSP eligibility determination name
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: SEA_NOTIFICATION Description: Part C Indicator 8B: SEA must be notified 90 days prior to child's 3rd birthday
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: SERVICE_COORDINATING_AGENCY Description: Type of agency providing service coordination for child through part C
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: Code for Part C indicator 1: indicate start status for services on IFSP
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: START_OF_SERVICE_TIMELINESS_NAME Description: Name of Part C Indicator 1: Indicates start status for services on IFSP
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_CONF_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: Part C Indicator 8C: indicates if transition conference held in timeframe
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_CONF_TIMELINESS_NAME Description: Part C Indicator 8C: indicates if transition conference helf in timeframe
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_IFSP_TIMELINESS_CODE Description: Part C Indiciator 8A: indicates if transition plan was completed in time
Topic: Early Learning Category: Special Education Variable: TRANSITION_IFSP_TIMELINESS_NAME Description: Part C Indicator 8A: Indicates if transition plan was completed in time
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: CLOSE_DATE Description: The actual closing date of the entity or when it ended business.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: COLLECTION Description: Collection Period of the observation.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: LATITUDE Description: The latitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: LONGITUDE Description: The longitude coordinate of the physical location of the entity.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: OPEN_DATE Description: The actual opening date of the entity or when it begins to do business.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_NAME Description: NULL
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_ISD_CODE Description: Number recorded by EEM to identify school district in which program is located
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_ISD_NAME Description: District (ISD, ESA) name recorded by EEM in which program is located
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: The academic school year of the collection.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: All Variable: START_YEAR Description: Start Year of School Year of Row Record
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: ACTIVELY_EDUCATING Description: District-level flag for entities actively engaged in education.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: ADULT_EDUCATION Description: Denotes entities that instruct adult students towards GED.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: ALT_ED_SERVICE_TYPE Description: The type of alternative education provided, if applicable.
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: ALTERNATIVE_EDUCATION Description: Denotes schools that provide education for suspended/expelled students
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: AMOUNT Description: NULL
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Infrastructure Category: K12 Building Variable: BUILDING_NAME Description: NULL