Showing 301 - 400 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SEPERATE_SETTING Description: SEPARATE SETTING
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SETTING_FORMAT Description: SETTING FORMAT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SPANISH_GLOSSARY Description: NULL
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SPANISH_TRANSLATION Description: SPANISH TRANSLATION (STACKED)
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: SPEECH_TO_TEXT Description: SPEECH-TO-TEXT
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: STANDARD Description: STANDARD
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: STD_ASST_TECH_RSPND_TST_ITEM Description: STUDENT USES ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY TO RESPOND TO TEST ITEMS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: STD_RSPND_BRAILLE Description: STUDENT RESPONDS USING BRAILLE WRITER OR BRAILLE NOTETAKER
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: STD_RSPND_ORALLY Description: Student responds orally using external communication device or software
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: STD_RSPND_RECORD_DEVICE Description: Student responds using recording device, which is transcribed by student
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEST_CONTENT_PROVIDED Description: TEST CONTENT PROVIDED IN ASL OR SEE (HUMAN SIGNER)
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEST_IN_NONSCHL_SETTG Description: TEST MAY BE ADMINISTERED BY SCHOOL PERSONNEL IN A NON-SCHOOL SETTING
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEST_READ Description: TEST READ
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEST_READ_PART_A Description: TEST READ PART A
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEST_READ_PART_B Description: TEST READ PART B
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEXT_TO_SPEECH Description: TEXT-TO-SPEECH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PASSAGES Description: TEXT-TO-SPEECH PASSAGES
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: THESAURUS Description: THESAURUS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: VIDEO Description: VIDEO
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: VIDEO_ARABIC Description: VIDEO ARABIC
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: VIDEO_ENGLISH Description: VIDEO ENGLISH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: VIDEO_SPANISH Description: VIDEO SPANISH
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: VISUAL_AIDS Description: VISUAL AIDS
Topic: Assessment Category: Testing Accommodations Variable: WORD_PROCESSOR Description: WORD PROCESSOR
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: BUILDING_CODE Description: 5-digit building code assigned to the building in EEM
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: BUILDING_NAME Description: The name as assigned to the building in the official Educational Entity Master
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: COLLECTION Description: The collection generated with the Student record in EC GSR.
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: DISTRICT_CODE Description: state-assigned 5-digit number which identifies student's public school district
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: DISTRICT_NAME Description: The district responsible for providing education to the reported student
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE Description: state-assigned 5-digit number which identifies student's public school district
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: OPERATIONAL_DISTRICT_NAME Description: The district responsible for providing education to the reported student
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: RIC Description: The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_CODE Description: The five-digit code assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_NAME Description: Name assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: The full school year that this record reflects.
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SUBMITTING_DISTRICT_CODE Description: Code for entity responsible for providing education to the student
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SUBMITTING_DISTRICT_NAME Description: Name recored in EEM for the district submitting the record
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SUBMITTING_SCHOOL_CODE Description: Code from EEM of entity providing education services to the student
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: SUBMITTING_SCHOOL_NAME Description: The five-digit code assigned to the building in the Educational Entity Master
Topic: Early Learning Category: All Variable: TABLE_ID Description: Key generated to relate records from Main to Programs. Cannot be used with K12
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: FEDERAL_POVERTY_LEVEL_QUINTILE Description: Federal Poverty Level quintile to which a child belongs by given record
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER Description: The most recent reported gender of the student.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: HOMELESS_CODE Description: Primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: HOMELESS_STATUS Description: Primary nighttime residence of a student identified as homeless
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: IS_FOSTER_CHILD Description: Flag indicating if student has active record from DHHS
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: IS_POVERTY Description: Indicates if student is economically disadvantaged
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: IS_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH Description: Indicates unaccompanied youth without parent/guardian and is homeless
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: Student's Date of birth as appears on legal documentation
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: MULTIPLE_BIRTH_ORDER Description: Indicates student is part of multiple birth of same gender and similar name
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: NATIVE_LANGUAGE_CODE Description: The code of the child's native or first language
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME Description: The name of the child's native or first language
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RACE Description: Code representing reported racial/ethnicity group of the student
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RAW_GENDER Description: Indicates if the student is male or female
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RAW_RACIAL_ETHNIC_CODE Description: The ethnicity or race of the student.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_COUNTY_CODE Description: code assigned to the Michigan county of the student's primary address
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_COUNTY_NAME Description: Name of the michigan county of the student's primary address
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_CODE Description: Code for the district in which the student's parent or guardian resides
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: RESIDENT_DISTRICT_NAME Description: Name for the district in which the student's parent or guardian resides
Topic: Early Learning Category: Demographics Variable: ZIP_CODE Description: 5 or 9-digit ZIP code where the student lives
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ACTION_CODE Description: Code for childs assessment rating on ability to take action to meet needs
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ACTION_NAME Description: Name of childs assessment rating on ability to take action to meet needs
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_DATE Description: The date on which the assessment occurred.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_TOOL Description: Code for method determining child's level of functioning
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_TOOL_CODE Description: Code for method determining child's level of functioning
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_TOOL_NAME Description: Name for method determining child's level of functioning
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_TYPE_CODE Description: Code for Part C child outcomes assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ASSESSMENT_TYPE_NAME Description: Name of Part C child outcomes assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: DATA_SOURCE_CODE Description: Comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: DATA_SOURCE_NAME Description: Comprehensive assessment tool used when completing the assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: ENTRY_ASSESSMENT_DATE Description: Month, day, & year of childs first entry assessment for special education
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: EXIT_ASSESSMENT_DATE Description: Month, day, & year of childs first post special education exit assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: IS_OUTCOME_1B Description: Flag indicating childs acquisition of social & emotional skills
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: IS_OUTCOME_2B Description: Flag inicating childs acquisition of new skils since last assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: IS_OUTCOME_3B Description: Flag indiciating childs acquisiton of skills & behavior since last assessment
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_CODE Description: Code for childs assessment rating for acquisition & use of knowledge & skills
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: KNOWLEDGE_SKILLS_NAME Description: Name of childs assessment rating for Acquisition & use of knowledge & skills
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: NEW_ACTION Description: Indicates if child has shown changes in taking action to meet needs
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: NEW_KNOWLEDGE_SKILL Description: Indicates if child has shown any new skill or behavior
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: NEW_SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIP Description: Indicates if child has shown any new skill or behavior
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: OTHER_SOURCE_COMMENTS Description: Description of the type of assessment tool
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: OTHER_TOOL_COMMENTS Description: Description of type of assessment tool used
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: OUTCOME_1A_CODE Description: Code for positive social-emotional skills reported
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: OUTCOME_2A_CODE Description: Code for acquiring and using knowledge and skills
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: OUTCOME_3A_CODE Description: Code for Taking Appropriate Action to Meet Needs
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: PARENT_INPUT_CODE Description: The code that indicates the parent input about the child outcomes rating.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: PARENT_INPUT_DATE Description: Collection date for guardian input regarding the child outcomes rating
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: PARENT_INPUT_NAME Description: The name of the parent input about the child outcomes rating.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIP_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIP_NAME Description: NULL
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIPS_CODE Description: The code for the child's assessment rating for positive social relationships
Topic: Early Learning Category: Developmental Assessment Variable: SOCIAL_RELATIONSHIPS_NAME Description: The name of the child's assessment rating for positive social relationships
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ADDITIONAL_ELIGIBILITY_FACTORS Description: Added in 2017-18 Data: additional factors to determine Great Start eligibility
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_METHOD_CODE Description: Code for type of location child attends services (school, home, community)
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_METHOD_NAME Description: Name of type of location child attends services
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_CODE Description: Coe for primary schedule followed by child for program or service
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DELIVERY_SCHEDULE_NAME Description: Name of primary schedule followed by child for program/service
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_CODE Description: The code for the early childhood program or service provided to the child.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: EARLY_CHILDHOOD_PROGRAM_NAME Description: The name of the early childhood program or service provided to the child.
Topic: Early Learning Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: FISCAL_ENTITY_CODE Description: Code identifying entity receiving funding to provide services to reported child