Showing 901 - 1000 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: RIC Description: The unique student identifier--Research Identification Code.
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: RPT_OPT_END_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_START_YEAR_ENROLLED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR_ENROLLED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SESSION_BEGIN_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SESSION_END_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: SESSION_NAME Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: All Variable: YEAR_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CATEGORY Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_CIP_DESCRIPTION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_DESCRIPTION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: AWARD_LEVEL_CATEGORY Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: IS_STARR_AWARD Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_START_YEAR_AWARDED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Awards Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR_AWARDED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: CONTACT_HOURS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_CIP_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_NUMBER Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_SECTION_NUMBER Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_SUBJECT Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: COURSE_TITLE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: GRADE_SCALE_CODE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: GRADE_STATUS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_OCCUPATIONAL_COURSE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_ESL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_MATH Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_READING Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: IS_STARR_RECORD Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: LETTER_GRADE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: NUMERIC_GRADE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: STARR_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Course Taking Variable: STARR_CREDITS_EARNED Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: COHORT_EXCLUSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: GENDER_RAW Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IHE_AGE_AS_OF_SEP_30 Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_DISPLACED_HOMEMAKER Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_ECO_DIS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_FOSTER Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_HOMELESS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_INDIV_W_DISABILITY Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_LEP Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_NON_TRADITIONAL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_OUT_OF_WORKFORCE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_SINGLE_PARENT Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_SPECIAL_POP_UNKNOWN Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_DATE_BIRTH_CONFLICT Description: indicates if conflicting DOB values have ever been repoted for the student
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_GENDER_CONFLICT Description: indicates if conflicting gender values have been reported for the student
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: IS_STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC_CONFLICT Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH_RAW Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: RACE_ETHNICITY_RAW Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_GENDER Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_MONTH_YEAR_BIRTH Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Demographics Variable: STABLE_RACE_ETHNIC Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: DEGREE_SEEKING Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLED_IN_AWARD_LEVEL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLMENT_LEVEL Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: ENROLLMENT_TYPE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_CONTROL Description: Designates whether an IHE is publicly or privately controlled.
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_CTE_STATUS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_ENTRY_DATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_GPA_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_GPA_TERM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_HIGH_SCHOOL_STUDENT Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_INSTATE_OUTSTATE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_LEVEL Description: Designates whether an IHE is a 2-year or 4-year institution.
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_MILITARY_STATUS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_PELL_STATUS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_RESIDENCY_STATUS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_TOTAL_CREDITS Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IHE_UNDER_OVER_AGE_25 Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_CC_SEEKING_TRNSFR_TO_4YR Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FOR_PROFIT_IHE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FULL_TIME_24 Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_FULL_TIME_30 Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_LEAVE_OF_ABSENCE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_ESL_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_MATH_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_READING_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SCIENCE_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_REMEDIAL_WRITING_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_STARR_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: IS_TRANSFER_NOGRADE Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_ATTEMPTED_SESSION Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_2YR_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_4YR_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_INSTATE_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_OUTSTATE_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_PRIVATE_CUM Description: NULL
Topic: Postsecondary Category: Enrollment and Attendance Variable: MOD_CREDITS_EARNED_PUBLIC_CUM Description: NULL