Showing 1 - 100 of 1174 results
Topic Category Variable Description
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ART3DGR Description: Studio Art: 3-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTHISGR Description: Art History: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTST2GR Description: Studio Art: 2-D Design Portfolio: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ARTSTDGR Description: Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: BIOLGR Description: Biology: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CALCABGR Description: Calculus AB: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CALCBCGR Description: Calculus BC: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CHEMGR Description: Chemistry: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CHINESGR Description: Chinese Language and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCAGR Description: Computer Science A: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCBGR Description: Computer Science B: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: COMSCPGR Description: Computer Science Principles: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CPSTNRGR Description: AP Capstone Research: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: CPSTNSGR Description: AP Capstone Seminar: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ECONMAGR Description: Macroeconomics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ECONMIGR Description: Microeconomics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENGLANGR Description: English Language and Composition: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENGLITGR Description: English Literature and Composition: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ENVSCIGR Description: Environmental Science: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: EURHISGR Description: European History: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: FRENLTGR Description: French Literature: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: FRNLANGR Description: French Language and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GERLAGR Description: German Language and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GOVCOMGR Description: Comparative Government and Politics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: GOVUSGR Description: United States Government and Politics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: HUMGEOGR Description: Human Geography: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: ITALGR Description: Italian Language and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: JAPANGR Description: Japanese Language and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: LATINCGR Description: Latin: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: LATINVGR Description: Latin Vergil: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: MUSICTGR Description: Music Theory: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYS1GR Description: Physics 1: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYS2GR Description: Physics 2: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSBGR Description: Physics B: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSEMGR Description: Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PHYSMGR Description: Physics C: Mechanics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: PSYCHGR Description: Psychology: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: SPANLAGR Description: Spanish Language: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: SPANLTGR Description: Spanish Literature and Culture: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: STATGR Description: Statistics: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: USHISTGR Description: United States History: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: Advanced Placement Exams Variable: WDHISTGR Description: World History: Exam Score
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: ASSESSMENT Description: The assessment the student participated in.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: BARCODE Description: The barcode of the test given.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: FEEDER_SCHOOL_CODE Description: Stated assigned 5 digit number for building where student learned test material
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: GRADE Description: The grade level of the student enrolled.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: IS_HOME_SCHOOLED Description: Flag denoting whether the student was homeschooled at the time of test.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: IS_PRIVATE_SCHOOL Description: Flag denoting whether student was attending private school at time of the test
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: RIC Description: Student ID denoting a single student throughout educational career in MI
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: SCHOOL_YEAR Description: School Year of the data collection.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: SUBJECT Description: The subject of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: SUBJECT_IS_VALID Description: Flag denoting if this portion of the assessment was valid.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: TEST_CYCLE_ID Description: Number identifier for test, season, and year combination of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: TEST_CYCLE_NAME Description: The name that represents the test - year combination of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: TESTED_DISTRICT_CODE Description: State assigned 5 digit public school district where student was tested
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: TESTED_GRADE Description: The grade level or the educational setting in which the student is enrolled.
Topic: Assessment Category: All Variable: TESTED_SCHOOL_CODE Description: 5-digit code for building where student was tested
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: ELA_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: IS_DISTRICT_TESTED_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: IS_SCHOOL_TESTED_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: IS_STATE_TESTED_FAY Description: Y/N indicator for if student is considered a full academic year participant
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: MTH_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: RDG_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: SCI_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: SOC_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Alternative Assessments Variable: WRI_MIACCESS_TEST_TYPE Description: MI-Access Functional Independence for high, medium, and low range of complexity
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_AGP_YRS_PROJ Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_OVERALL_AGP Description: Adequate Growth Percentile for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_OVERALL_SGP Description: Student Growth Percentile for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_PL Description: The performance level for the English language arts portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_PL_NAME Description: Performance level name for ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE Description: Score assigned to each student comparing students score to mean score
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_RSCH_Z_SCORE Description: Score assigned to each student comparing students score to mean score
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SGP Description: Student Growth Percentile for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: Student Growth Percentile description of the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SS Description: The scaled score for the English language arts portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_SS_SE Description: Scaled score standard error for ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_THETA_SE Description: Theta standard error for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: ELA_VALID Description: Denotes whether student's test was valid for ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_AGP_YRS_PROJ Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_OVERALL_AGP Description: The adequate growth percentile for the mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_OVERALL_SGP Description: The student growth percentile for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL Description: The performance level for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_CHANGE Description: Compares yearly student performance level change on math portion of assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_NAME Description: The performance level name for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_PL_RANGE Description: Denotes student was low, mid, or high performance on the math assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_RESEARCH_Z_SCORE Description: Score assigned to each student comparing students score to mean score
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_RSCH_Z_SCORE Description: Score assigned to each student comparing students score to mean score
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SGP Description: The student growth percentile for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SGP_LEVEL_DESC Description: Student growth percentile description for the math portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SS Description: The scaled score for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_SS_SE Description: The scaled score standard error for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_THETA_SE Description: The Theta standard error for the mathematics portion of the assessment.
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: MTH_VALID Description: Whether student's test was valid for mathematics portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: OVERALL_AGP Description: Adequate Growth Percentile for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: OVERALL_SGP Description: Student Growth Percentile for the ELA portion of the assessment
Topic: Assessment Category: Assessment Score Variable: RDG_AGP_YEARS_PROJECTED Description: The timeframe in which students are expected to reach proficiency.